We all have our own inner demons, such as doubt, insecurity, low-self esteem, or a drive to reach perfection – just to name a few. Inherently, it feels impossible to shake them – but there is hope! The number one course of action to eliminate them forever is to channel the power of positivity. Our mindset affects the choices we make and how we perceive life in general. Therefore, the best line of defense is to utilize positivity in our minds.
This is why positivity can be the best defense against your demons:
1. You stop seeing tunnel vision
Negativity is very limiting. When trapped by it, you only focus on unfavorable circumstances in the present moment as opposed to the possibilities of a better future, the bigger picture, or the bright side of a situation. When you start to think positively, your mind stops limiting itself to perceiving a negative and most-likely, distorted reality. Here, we’re able to see things for what they actually are, not just what we believe them to be. We also learn to stop associating ourselves with strictly negative traits and actually take a step back to view ourselves in our entirety, which is comprised of both good and flawed qualities, not just one or the other.
2. It improves your overall health
Positivity affects both emotional and physical well-being and health. Emotionally, positivity prevents the symptoms of depression and anxiety and is a natural stress-reducer. In regards to the physical improvements, your immune system becomes less susceptible to sickness and disease since positive thinking triggers a stronger immune response. Furthermore, this also promotes better cardiovascular health. As a result, when both our mind and body are sound, we feel our best and are more inclined to make decisions that make us happy and healthy, not harmful like excessively criticizing or hurting ourselves.
3. Positivity leads to emotional resilience
Obstacles stop feeling paralyzing with a positive mindset because believing in the best of things, despite the circumstances, helps you to overcome adversity. Negativity cages you in a self-victimizing mindset, which will make you less likely to take action or responsibility for yourself. When one faces difficult situations in their life with positivity rather than negativity, they develop emotional resilience, learn to use healthier coping mechanisms, and take lessons away from the situation rather than simply complain or feel helpless about it.
4. It encourages productivity
Negativity inherently drains your energy, but positivity increases it. Consequently, this propels you to take more action and put more effort into your obligations in the work or school place. Positivity stimulates brain activity which leads to stronger cognitive function and attention span, which propels you to finish tasks and get things done more efficiently. In other words, you feel eager to accomplish goals one after the other which can translate into your personal life!
5. Naturally attracts you to positive people
We attract what we are, and that is especially significant in the types of relationships we have in life. When you’re positive, others with a similar thought-process will gravitate towards you. Respectively, this leads to you creating a genuine social circle as well as a reliable support system. Positive people bounce off each other’s energy and uplift one another, not berate or put each other down. Sometimes, the fact that you have a solid group of loved ones with positive attitudes can completely put your demons at rest since they will always remind you that there’s more to you than your flaws.
At the end of the day, positivity will always be the best defense against your demons. It reminds you to think of a better future and improves your overall emotional and physical well-being. Positivity can even disprove therapy myths that would otherwise make you skeptical of changing one’s mindset. At first, it may seem that positivity may seem like a pseudo-inspirational concept, but it annihilates that belief by singlehandedly being the most significant element in a person can welcome into their life, mind, and heart because it changes the way they experience life overall.
Author’s Bio
Trevor is a freelance writer and recovering addict & alcoholic who’s been clean and sober for over 5 years. Since his recovery began, he has enjoyed using his talent for words to help spread treatment resources and addiction awareness. In his free time, you can find him working with recovering addicts or outside enjoying almost any type of fitness activity imaginable.
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Positive Words Research – Why Positivity Can Be The Best Defense Against Your Demons