This week’s positive word is
Kindness is a characteristic that should be integrated into your life without a second thought.
Kindness leads directly to gratitude, appreciation, happiness, and love. Being kind to someone can benefit you just as much as it benefits them.
There is actually scientific research that shows the benefits of being kind.
You can see the range of research here at Think Kindness
It’s true … it doesn’t actually cost anything to be kind! From a smile in the street to letting someone in front of you in a queue or giving up your seat on the bus. Simple but effective acts of kindness that will be integrated into your life and make you a happier person.
So here are five simple ways you can be kind today:
- Ask yourself which friend could do with your help? Even a simple text to ask how they are doing, tell them you are thinking about them, can truly lift their day.
- Do you have lots of clothes hanging in your wardrobe that need to be cleared out? Do it now! Donate to charity! In fact, go that one step further and give away an item that you love!
- When you’re out and about today, compliment someone … never underestimate how much they will need it.
- Hide notes of encouragement to your spouse, partner, family members, children, friends … whoever in your life needs it. Maybe they don’t need it, but it will show them how much you care and will boost their day.
- Visit someone who needs company; care homes and hospitals are the perfect places to spread kindness. You’ll be amazed at how many people don’t have visitors, so make a difference in their lives.
These five ideas are just the tip of the kindness boat … there are plenty of ways to show kindness and reap the benefits in the process. Remember, you can’t fail by being kind, as any kindness given is never wasted.
If you read my blog posts regularly on Positive Words Research, you’ll know that we have certain house rules in our home, and one of them is as follows:
Positive Words Research – This Week’s Positive Word is KINDNESS