Best 7 Wise Spiritual Lessons From Children To Inspire You

Children have a very particular way to see the world. As they haven’t been through much yet, they can see it in a way that we miss when we become adults. And you probably have found yourself wondering about where the person that you were has gone.

It is true that feeling nostalgic about it isn’t productive. You won’t be a child again, no matter how hard you try it, avoiding responsibilities, for example. But there is nothing stopping you from going back to that time in your mind and waking up your inner child.

And the best thing about it is that you will be happily surprised with how it can help you to be happier and more successful in your life, as you will discover in this post. And to achieve it, all you have to do is to keep an open mind and start listening to all those wise spiritual lessons that you might get from a child without even asking for them.

1. Live the moment

Children have no concern about the future. Their minds are always here and now. They don’t worry about what they are going to be when they grow up until an adult asks them about it. And they get heartbroken when you say that they have to wait to do something another day or time, as tomorrow has no meaning for them.

2. Embrace friendship

Children love their friends. All their friends are invited to play and regarded with the same level of respect and attention. Of course, when they get a bit older, they start to favorites. But they don’t have acquaintances. They deal with friendship intensely, considering their friends as part of their family.

3. Enjoy nature

If you want to see a child happy, just take them to enjoy nature. They understand how crucial the environment is for them, and you will see very sad faces looking out the window on rainy or cold days. Children are very keen on their pets, but they will also love ladybirds, ants, and butterflies. They spend as much time as possible playing outside and embracing all that nature has to offer.

4. Always have fun

If they have toys, great. If they don’t, great too. Children know how to have fun in any circumstances, with or without the resources, alone or in a group. They learn by playing, and the “no pain, no gain” concept is something that they can’t even begin to understand. They enjoy what they are doing, and they are always up for a good time.

5. Treasure your imagination

When we become adults, we lose our ability to dream freely. We get caught with bills, jobs, and relationships, and our imagination just fades away. Children, on the other hand, have the most imaginative mind. They will create new worlds and friends just for the fun of it. They can see the world with bright ideas, and they will always have hope.

6. Speak your mind

Children will say whatever they want. They don’t have any boundaries and don’t believe that hiding what you feel is the solution for anything. They will laugh out loud if they are happy, and they will cry their lungs out if they are sad. They will never fake or pretend that they like you if they don’t. They will ask when they are in doubt, and they won’t go to bed with an unsolved situation disturbing them.

7. Make art

Every child makes art. It can be drawing, coloring, painting, dancing, sculpturing, handcrafting, playing an instrument. But, at least, one form of art will be among their favorite things to do – and usually more than one.

For some innate reason, they know that making art is good for them, that it helps them to improve themselves as a person and as a learner. And they won’t care if their work is good or not, only that they can enjoy it.

The bottom line

So here are seven wise spiritual lessons that you can learn from a child. If you bring them to your adult life, you will see that you should:

  • Appreciate the things that you have now, material and spiritual ones;
  • Give to the present the same importance that you give to the future and the past;
  • Spend as much time with nature as you can;
  • Believe that you can have fun while doing serious things;
  • Let your imagination free, even if it makes you sound naive;
  • Tell people that you love them, and not lie to them when you don’t;
  • Make some form of art despite a lack of talent.

If you only followed these rules, you will make your life much happier, and your happiness will be spread around people nearby you.

So instead of thinking about all the things that you should be teaching your children, maybe it is time for you to learn from them as well. You won’t regret it.

Spiritual lessons

About the Author


Leona Henryson is a psychologist with a deep passion for blogging on all topics related to spiritual growth and self-improvement. Also, she works at FreeEssayWriters. To find more – check her Twitter

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