Maintain Positive Mindset: Understand And Make It Work

Why attitude matters?  In order to attract the fortunate situations to our life, deep understanding of the positive attitude towards every aspect of life is everything needed. Numerous famous people such as Einstein, Edison, Beethoven and many others, acknowledge the fact that our mind is shaping the things surrounding us. Read more…

Positive Affirmations To Appreciate Men On Valentine’s Day

Today it’s the celebration called “Dragobete” in my country. To celebrate this day I decided to write an article with positive affirmations to appreciate men. Dragobete is a traditional Romanian holiday celebrated on February 24. Dragobete was the son of Baba Dochia, which stands for the main character in the Read more…

List of Feminine Words: 46 Feminine Energy Phrases To Use

Find below a list of feminine words for activating the feminine energy. Activate your feminine energy by emboding these powerful words. Feminine Words – Feminine Energy EASE PERMISSION KINDNESS APPRECIATION 1 CARING UNDERSTANDING RESPECT DEVOTION VALIDATION REASSURANCE RESPECTFUL LOVE  1 COMMUNICATION BEAUTY RELATIONSHIPS HELPING SHARING RELATING HARMONY COMMUNITY TALKING OPEN Read more…