You are Enough: Remember You are so Enough Lovely Soul

Today, as a reminder, I have created for my future self the message “You are enough. You are so enough it is unbelievable how enough you are”. I am sharing this message with the world so that you too, remind yourself, that YOU ARE ENOUGH. YOU ARE SO ENOUGH IT IS UNBELIEVABLE HOW ENOUGH YOU ARE.

You were enough. You are enough. You will always be enough. Love yourself and tell yourself when you wake up in the morning that you love your heart. Life is happening for you, not to you. Everything that was created converged together to create you. You are on the leading verge of everything that humanity created.

Life is happening for you, not to you. Everything that was created converged together to create You. You are on the leading verge of everything that humanity created.

You are on the leading verge of everything that humanity created and you ride beautifully.

I saw this video of Marisa Peer today and did this reminder for my future self: YOU ARE ENOUGH. YOU ARE SO ENOUGH IT IS UNBELIEVABLE HOW ENOUGH YOU ARE. You need to listen to this video of Marisa Peer. It will change the way you look at you. You will feel enough, become more confident and increase your level of self-love.

See this post: The Biggest Disease Affecting Humanity: “I’m Not Enough” by Marisa Peer

you are enough

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