Magic Sparkles of Happiness: Exactly in This Moment

Chapter 1 ~ Exactly in this moment

“I felt my lungs inflate with the onrush of the scenery – air, mountains, trees, people. I thought, “This is what it is to be happy.” – Sylvia Plath

Exactly in this moment the other part of the Earth is sleeping. Millions of people are just sleeping, in this moment, in millions of beds. All of them are breathing, slowly, dreaming millions of dreams.

Exactly in this moment something fabulous is happening somewhere and I don’t know about it and cannot even picture it in my mind. I want, at least, to visualize this picture. Because I know that I will never see it for real.

Exactly in this moment tones of hair are being caressed by someone’s hand all around the world.

Exactly in this moment thousands of kids are given births by their mothers, and I will never see all these small, full of life babies.

Exactly in this moment billions of leaves stay up on trees. Billions of leaves are moving in the wind all around the world. Take a moment and picture this.

Exactly in this moment millions of hearts are just beating.

Now! Just Now! Now again! And now! And now! And now! Now! Now! Millions of them!
There are so much more than 10 hearts, so much more than 100 hearts, so much more than 1,000 hearts, and so much more than 10,000 hearts!
In this exact moment! It is so amazing! I will never see with my own eyes, in reality, all these constant beatings, all the hearts in the world beating in a certain moment in time. At least I can use my imagination to picture in my mind this process and is so majestic.
I just want to be so quiet as I can right now. Who knows, maybe when I am quiet, enough, I can hear the hearts beating.

Exactly in this moment so many kids are smiling.

They are just smiling right now. No matter what events are happening now in the world, there are these kids smiling, everywhere, who I will never see with my own eyes, but they are there, playing most probably.

I can visualize them in my mind that they are smiling and playing. And some of them are actually laughing. So many children laughing, exactly while I’m writing these words! Exactly now! They are just laughing right now! Such a nerve for them to do this in every moment when there is so much sadness and grief in the world.

Therefore in the same moment pure happiness and deep grief always exist on Earth.

My present happiness depends on what part of the world I am directing my thoughts. My focus adds energy to the pure energy, the laughs of children or the grief of adults. I choose the awareness I am focusing on. Therefore should I focus only on the laughs or only on the grief?

It would be smart to choose to focus on the awareness that in every moment both actually exist. If I am insisting on focusing too much on grief, I neglect (being ignorant) of the happiness that exist in the same moment with the grief.

Should I focus only on the happiness, ignoring grief? No, because I would never understand and own compassion. But I understand and own gracefully compassion because I see with my right eye the grief and with my left eye the happiness. I am not ignorant of either one. And I will have more chances of bringing happiness where there is grief.

Exactly in this moment so many people are breathing.

All living humans are breathing now. Exactly now, people are taking air in their lungs and getting the air outside from their lungs back into the outside world! We are breathing the same air. All of us! On Earth!
I am so grateful trying to picture all these people breathing. Maybe I imagine kids playing with their breaths because they might think it’s funny.
A kid could ask his mother: “What is this, Mom?” And he shows to the mother how he is breathing. The mother smiles and says: “It’s called breathing, and we all do this. Our lungs help us do it. You will do this all your life, remember to do it with joy, and deeply.”
Well, maybe she doesn’t say the last part or maybe it crossed her mind but didn’t say it. Like it happens to me sometime and to you certainly now, because you read this words.

Exactly in this moment thousands of apples are being eaten.

Other thousands of apples are washed exactly now so that they can be eaten in few seconds from now. Hundreds of people are baking an apple pie exactly in this moment. Can you sense the smell of all these apple pies?
Can you picture the joy of each person waiting for the apple pie to be baked? Exactly in this moment other thousands of people of different ages are eating an apple pie that has baked before. They are enjoying every bite, they are biting from it now, and again, just now, they are doing it.
You cannot stop them from eating the apple pie. You cannot stop them from being happy doing it. And again they are biting from the apple pie just now, far away in the world, in which place you and I never know.

Exactly in this moment thousands of people are sneezing.

You can take your time when you want and say “Bless you” or “Good luck” to them whenever you have a free day.
But the time of a day will not be enough. I am kidding, don’t do that. Picture it! Whenever you say you are bored and don’t know what to do, you can just take some moments to say “Bless you” to all the people that are sneezing in every moment. You will never know which ones sneezed. All you know is that they do it, somewhere in the world.

Exactly in this moment…

… millions of animals of every kind, all around the world, are stretching their bodies and yawning. Little new born animals are yawning now. Pets like dogs and cats, from different houses are stretching happy and satisfied. Do birds stretch? I don’t know, maybe we should do a research on this.

Millions of people’s faces just smile exactly in this moment for whatever reason.

They smile with different cheeks, eyes and mouth. And when you think of it, in every moment of our life there will always be at least one million people smiling in the world. And you can never stop them from doing that, and you can never know which one smiled in which moment.
When someone else in another part of the world is reading this book exactly now, and wonders who is smiling now, and you are smiling now, then you could tell to that person that you are one of the million people that are smiling now.  Just that you don’t know who is reading this book now. So you will never know who thought of you right now.

Exactly in this moment millions of people are changing their clothes; are dressing to go somewhere. Exactly in this moment a lot of people are washing their bodies all around the world.

Millions of ladies are painting their nails exactly in this moment.

And you can be confident that all the colours are being used exactly now for the nail polish. I am sure that there is no colour that is not being used by a lady, somewhere, just now, painting with it her nails.

Thousands of men are shaving their face right now, very carefully. Other thousands of men and women are spraying perfume on their bodies just now. It smells so good.

Exactly in this moment millions of people are reading.

Some are reading a newspaper, some are reading a book, some are reading an article on the Internet, and some are reading a sign pointing for direction.

Millions of people are listening to millions of sounds exactly now.

Millions of hands are robbing their eyes right now.

And also right now millions of people are watching millions of beautiful pictures. And they are smiling.

Millions of people are friendly with each other exactly in this moment. They are serving someone with something.

Exactly in this moment the warm wind is caressing millions of faces.

The world is in continuous movement.

The world changes and then re-changes again doing the same things like before. This rhythm of doing the same things all over again, in different moments of time, is changed from time to time, with new things that appear into the world. These new things, these innovations soon become old things. The life, the complexity, the joy and the abundance increases.

“The happiness of our life depends upon the quality of your thoughts.” – Marcus Aurelius (Meditations)

Homework 1:

The above chapter is an exercise which everyone can do. The exercise has the goal to increase your happy consciousness to a wider level of awareness.

Therefore, make your own personalized exercise by replacing the following magic sparkles with your own words:

EXACTLY IN THIS MOMENT *****************

Remember that these affirmations are presenting to you the reality and are meant to increase your joyful awareness, meaning to increase your ease, serenity, love, gratitude, contentment and your feeling of being positively amazed by the world in which you too are living. Therefore please choose beautiful and mesmerizing pictures for your mind.

BE confident that, someone is reading this book, just now, and that someone is definitely thinking of you. They are definitely thinking of one aspect related to you (either your smile, hair, hands…). When you smile and you think of all the people that are smiling all around the world, and when that someone smiles and thinks of all the people that are smiling all around the world, then that someone is thinking at you, just now, and you are connected in a beautiful spiritual circle, without knowing it.

“Think of all the beauty still left around you and be happy.” – Anne Frank

Author’s word

This book contains positive affirmations that make you feel happy. I recommend you to read throughout the chapters, taking each sentence, one by one. The sentences are arranged in a certain serene flow but can also be read separately.

The writing of this book has begun with my daily writings. I had some blissful, full of love, mesmerizing days when I just felt that I want to connect my own being with positive, high and strong words. Then connect myself with everything around me, connect my consciousness with the reality outside me. In this state I began to write this book.

Books by the same author:
Hortensio and the Magic Stories
Leader versus Manager


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