Gratitude and Appreciation Letter to Myself: Thank You Self

Today I will write a gratitude and appreciation letter to myself. Gratitude is a very high vibrational energy. Get inspired from this letter if you are searching for guidance about self appreciation message, self-appreciation message, self appreciation letter, self-appreciation letter, appreciation message to myself, appreciation for myself, appreciation message for myself, appreciation post for myself, thank you message for myself, self appreciation post, thank you letter to self, thank you self message, self appreciation, thanks to myself, thanks to myself quotes, things i appreciate about myself.

As I write my grateful and appreciative thoughts I will summon and attract the energy of gratitude and appreciation. I remember Rumi said: what you seek, is seeking you. Therefore, I now seek gratitude and know that gratitude is seeking me.

I am sincerely grateful for every detail of my life. I am sincerely grateful for every detail, small or big, of my present life.

I am sincerely grateful and I appreciate fully my past. I love my future and the future loves me.

I feel grateful for my body, job, mother, father, brother, lover, house, good friends, money, clothes, food, my age. There are so many things connected with me. I feel grateful for how the Earth looks while I am alive. I am grateful for Earth. I am grateful for myself. I am grateful for my body, spirit, soul, mind. I am grateful and I appreciate my thoughts. I accept all of my thoughts. I accept and approve of myself. Life loves me. All my diseases hold a true blessing inside them. Every disease that I have is a true blessing for me. Every suffering that I feel is a blessing in disguise.

I feel blessed to live the life that I am living in. I feel blessed to breathe air. I am a miracle. Breathing air is enough and I am grateful for this.

I am happy with my body and I feel grateful that my soul has this home. My body lives for me and cares so much about me. My heart beats for me. My stomach digests the food for me. The brain is the only instrument in the world that can receive and transmit thoughts and I also have one. My brain is an extraordinary organ and I am grateful for having it. Thank you for my hands that help me so much all the time. Thank you for my legs that carry me everywhere. Thank you for my entire body, it is an instrument through which the light is flowing. I allow light to flow freely through every organ of my body. I love my body and my body loves me.

Thank you from all my heart for all the people that I have in my life now. I am grateful and I appreciate every person in my life. There is a lot of love between me and these people and together we are creating the world worth living in. Together we are contributing to the kindness of the word. Kindness is a child of Loving Kindness and Loving Kindness is a child of Love. I am grateful for my kindness. I am grateful for my ability to be generous and patient.

Thank you from all my heart for all the air that I took into my lungs until now. There is an abundance of air on planet Earth and I am freely enjoying it. Thank you. I love breathing. Thank you for all the food that my body has taken so far. The Earth is good and kind and has nourished me greatly.

Pink rose with dots

Thank you for every beauty that my eyes enjoyed. Thank you for my ability to see beauty. Thank you for my touch. Thank you for my ability and strength to consciously choose gratefulness and appreciation. Thank you, Myself, for always being willing to release hate, anger, agitated and inflamed thoughts, negative thinking and ways of thinking that generate sadness. Thank you for knowing the truth, the kind path, the nonresistant path and thank you for always being willing to take this path. I am truly a marvelous being, a marvelous creation. God is perfect and kind and I am His creation and always will be. God is kind to me. Life is kind to me. I am kind to me. I appreciate the kindness that I have with me. There was and always will be great Love for me while I am alive.  I am deserving of love. I am enough to receive the purest love and kindness that there is. My soul is part of God’s super soul and it is beautiful and blissful.

Thank you for knowing the truth, the kind path, the nonresistant path and thank you for always being willing to take this path. I am truly a marvelous being, a marvelous creation. God is perfect and kind and I am His creation and always will be. God is kind to me. Life is kind to me. I am kind to me. I appreciate the kindness that I have with me. There was and always will be great Love for me while I am alive.  I am deserving of love. I am enough to receive the purest love and kindness that there is. My soul is part of God’s super soul and it is beautiful and blissful.

I am grateful for joyfulness. I appreciate gladness. I appreciate happiness. I appreciate my smile. I love my smile. I am sincerely grateful for my laugh. I am happy with my creations. I am grateful and I fully appreciate in every detail my life experiences. I am truly blessed that I have the ability to look for things to appreciate. I love how I feel when I look for things to be grateful for and things to appreciate. May I always find a way to the energy of gratitude and appreciation.

This Gratitude and Appreciation Letter to Myself is part of my project called #ThinkGoodAboutMyself. Through this project, I will create #100GoodThoughtsAboutMe. The second good thing #affirmation2 that I think about myself is:

“I am sincerely grateful and I fully appreciate every detail of myself. If everything that exists in the Universe is connected with me than I am grateful and happy for everything. If life is for me, then I am considering this life a blessing. Gratitude and Appreciation love me and are always with me. I am the Light. I know how to shine. I always shine beautifully. I am the Love.”

Elena D. Calin
Positive Words Research
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