Most people refer to college years as the most exciting time of their lives. However, these years also come with own measure of stress. The stress may emanate from academic responsibilities like an approaching term paper, social life, personal issues, family, relationships, finances and many other factors you will be interacting with at the time. For freshmen, the shock of a new environment will always result in stress.
Even the wealthiest and most successful persons in the world experience stress. The secret is to learn how to manage it and avoid being overwhelmed. Experts have given the following suggestions on reducing stress as a freshman.
1. Acclimatize Fast
Freshmen are startled by the new environment, requirements, regulations, and routines. You will be away from parents, brothers and sisters, friends, familiar sites, common routines, and many other engagements that you were used to.
Your freedom is also limited and you have new responsibilities to fulfill. It is time to recognize that your life has suddenly changed. It will no longer be the same. Adapt to the new life and demands as fast as possible. Make new friends and be open to new routines. Where you are uncertain, seek guidance. Within no time, this place will feel like home.
2. Engage In Social Events
Being a freshman can be boring since you are all alone and are required to fulfill certain obligations that you might not be familiar with. It is time to engage and make new friends.
Watch the notice board for events, especially those targeting freshmen. They could be concerts, meetings, alumni gatherings, inductions, and such activities. Though you engage in these events, they must not overshadow the main responsibility that took you to college. You should only engage in these events after essay writing and other core activities.
Be cautious of the events you attend. Some will leave you more stressed than you were. For instance, if an event is going late into the night yet you need to attend morning classes or work on an assignment, it will lead to conflict in life. This will only escalate your already bad situation.
3. Be Unique
One of the main causes of stress is students who want to be like others. Some will come with the latest gadgets, attend the hottest parties, show pictures of dream vacation destinations and other great things that you can only dream of.
Remember that you are building your future and it does not depend on your current status. Focus on your studies, work on your paper diligently. It might be your ticket to the desired fortunes and life of splendor.
Do not desire to go to every paper that people are attending. Know your limits and stick to them. Understand your background and what you can accomplish. The more you desire to be like other people, the more you will be stressed. You might end up doing unthinkable things in an attempt to keep up with the lives of other people.
4. Keep Good Company
The people you meet in college will become your partners in future. You will establish businesses together and build brands. They will form a network that you will use to grow your career. However, the same friends can be the source and cause of your downfall.
The conversations you engage and activities will determine whether you add value to life or not. If they support you in your academic work like essay then later engage in social activities, you have every right to keep their company. Though, if they only lead you to trouble, it is time to drop them.
5. Confront Your Challenges
Students in college have enough challenges. Unfortunately, these challenges cannot be wished away. The best approach is to confront them. If you are having a problem with your academics, talk to your tutor.
When the issue is related to relationships, there is a counselor waiting for you. If it’s about finances, open up to opportunities that come your way. Wishing away problems will only lead to more stress.
6. Find A Legal Escape
It is common to stress over imaginary things. Maybe you lack money for the latest trends or gadgets and feel disappointed. There are ways of escaping the mental battle fields. Such ways include engaging in sports, picnics, hiking, drama, and art, among others.
They occupy your time and leave you tired enough that all you will be thinking about is how to complete your research paper and other academic engagements. Whenever you experience victory during such events, your morale is boosted and you are out of stress.
7. Workout
Exercises are an excellent way to enhance your concentration. You begin to focus on the most important elements in life. Run around the school, lift improvised weights, exercise at the yard and engage in such activities that will draw your mind from stress factors. This will transform your life.
In case stress becomes overwhelming, it is always advisable that you talk to a professional counselor. Keep good company and always remain positive. Focus on your core business in college and take advantage of every opportunity that comes your way.
Author’s bio:
Amber Wilson is a college teacher, an experienced editor at custom dissertation writing service. She is fond of sports and modern arts. She is also a mother, a coffee addict, and a bookworm.
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