How Motivation Affects Your Health: Key Things To Know

Motivation is something that provides us with the energy that we need to purse the results. We can gain this strength either from within us or from external sources. So, it can either be an extrinsic or an intrinsic motivation.

What is the extrinsic motivation?

It is a type, where we gain the inspiration from external sources. For instance, you get it from your friend or your family member. They might use their words to provoke you to perform something.

What is the intrinsic motivation?

As the name of this impetus very well defines, it is the one that arises from within you. For instance, if you are a self-motivated individual, you might feel from within that you should achieve something. It can be something related to your studies, your job or even your personal life.

Is motivation always good?

When we see the outline, the enthusiasm is good. It keeps us moving. In fact, without motivation, we cannot wake up every day to lead our life. We wake up just because we have the desire to live and this desire acts as a stimulus from within.
On the flip side, the provocation from within or from external sources can create a whole lot of stress. When it forms a tension to achieve, it is not good.

You know the effects of stress on the human body. Yes, the excessive pressure faced by people these days in their professional and personal life forces them to health issues. They get high blood pressure and diabetes at a very young age. Even, it takes to life-threatening conditions like heart failure, thereby risking the lives of individuals.

What are the ill-effects of motivation?

Ill-effects of intrinsic motivation

  • It can change the behavior
  • Needs a particular attention and lengthy preparation
  • A wide range of approaches might be required to feel self-motivated.

Ill-effects of extrinsic motivation

  • Provides distraction
  • Difficulty in identifying appropriate punishment and rewards
  • In-effective after a longer period
  • Once the external motivator removes the prize, the impulse goes away

Effect of motivation on Dopamine

Dopamine is a compound that is present in the body as a neurotransmitter. It is a forerunner of other substances inclusive of adrenaline. Neurotransmitters are responsible for carrying chemical messages that play in the brain and have an effect on the other parts of the body. Dopamine is a neurotransmitter that plays a crucial role in the science of motivation.

Effect of dopamine on the health

Low levels dopamine can lead to lack of motivation. So, naturally, the production of this neurotransmitter will increase if you are motivated. At high doses, it can correct low blood pressure because of low systemic vascular resistance. It is useful in treating hypotension, reduced perfusion of the body organ and low cardiac output.

If you are too much motivated, you will have a lot of stress in your mind to achieve the goal. When the dopamine instigates the release of stress hormones, the response can quickly turn into bad. When stressed, many changes will happen in your body. If you do not take adequate sleep at nights due to high-stress levels, it can, in turn, have an ill-effect on your overall health.

Stress can contribute to chronic inflammation, which, in turn, will affect your digestive system, endocrine system, cardiovascular system and also the skin. All these things can leave your body open to diseases like cancer and rheumatoid arthritis.
Even, it can lead to psychological issues like permanent memory loss, sleep disturbances, depression, and difficulties with learning, attention-deficits, anger, agitation, and anxiety.


As the famous adage goes “Too much of anything is good for nothing”. It holds true in the case of motivation too. So, you can stay motivated, but you should know how to relax yourself to prevent the stress building.

Author ~ Akshay Patni

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