Best Foods to Boost Brain Power Focus and Memory Health

You study hard. Get enough sleep, at least for a busy college student. Also, you lay off the partying when your studies get intense. Still, you aren’t doing quite as well as you think you should. Maybe your grades are slipping just a bit. Or maybe you find yourself getting overly distracted, tired during lectures, or you just aren’t keeping pace with academic debates. It could be that writing a dissertation seems like too much to try. You may have even found yourself needing writing help.

You want to receive the best education possible. Maybe you want to maximize your learning power. The one thing you may be missing is a diet full of brain-boosting foods. Keep reading to learn more about foods you should be eating to increase your memory, focus, and recall.


Turmeric is Ginger’s cousin. It’s used often in Indian cuisine. It’s also the stuff that makes the mustard on your hotdog a bright yellow. There is evidence that it can prevent damage to your brain over time. There is also an indication that turmeric can improve brain function as well.

Try mixing a bit of curry powder (read the ingredient label) into tuna or egg salad. You can also use this information to justify going out for curry a little more often.


Blueberries are good for the brain too! In fact, a lead scientist at Tufts University says the blueberry could rightly be called the brain berry. It has been proven to help with memory and coordination.

So, what should you do with blueberries? Where should we start? Stir them into greek yogurt. Mix them into baked goods, and serve them on top as well. Freeze them and eat as cool snacks during hot weather. Make them a part of your morning smoothie. They are a great sweet/tart addition to spinach salad as well.


If tough tasks such as thesis writing are seeming even worse these days, your mood could be an issue. Fortunately, one of the many benefits of walnuts is that it acts as a mood booster. Since it’s always easier to study and learn when your spirits lift, try to incorporate this tasty, tree nut into your diet.

Walnuts make great snacks as they are. They also go well in baked goods and crumbled over salads. Expensive pine nuts can be replaced with walnuts in pesto. You will save money and increase your ability to write a perfect essay.


Salmon has long been considered a brain-boosting food. This is because it contains DHA. Your brain needs this fatty acid to work correctly. It’s also a heart-healthy food. So, you have plenty of reasons to indulge.

Use canned or pouched salmon over salads, or tossed with mayo for sandwiches. Enjoy it broiled or grilled with a side of vegetables for dinner. When you go out for sushi, order a salmon roll along with your other selections. Can’t you imagine professional writers from Smart Paper Help company enjoying a salmon dinner while working on their latest manuscript?


Spinach should already be a part of your diet. It’s inexpensive, versatile, and packed with nutrients. You can also eat a ton of it because it so low cal. It also contains folate that reduces inflammation and makes your brain function better.

Spinach has a place in soups, salads, omelets, and sandwiches. Add it to your favorite soups, and stir it into pasta sauce. It goes exceptionally well with grilled steak or salmon.


Eggs once got a bad rap. People thought they caused potentially dangerous increases in cholesterol. Now we know better. Eggs are an inexpensive and filling choice. They have antioxidants and vitamin E. Just one can keep you full and focused all morning.

Of course, you don’t have to eat them for breakfast. Enjoy quiche for dinner, or sprinkle some hard-boiled egg over your spinach salad. Learn more about eggs’ properties in this article from Proper Good.


If you are worried about the mercury contamination from eating too much salmon, take a look at sardines. These tiny little fish aren’t around long enough to absorb contamination. This means you can eat them without concern. They contain the same fatty acids that help your brain as larger fish but often come at a lower price.

Try sardines, on crackers or in sandwiches, if you choose the canned variety. It’s also good in salads. The fresh stuff is good grilled or sautéed. It could be a unique snack during your next thesis writing session.


These foods provide not only great brain benefits; they are also simply good for you. If you are struggling with college writing or keeping up in class, add these to your diet. You’ll be healthier and possibly a bit smarter as a result. Add in a handful of healthy workouts each week and you will be set. 

Author’s Bio

Angela Baker is an experienced specialist who is currently working as a freelance writer and trying to improve herself in her blogging career. She is always seeking to discover new ways for personal and professional growth and is convinced that it’s always important to broaden horizons. That`s why Angela develops and improves her skills throughout the writing process to help and inspire people.

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foods boost brain