This week’s positive word is
You may be thinking this is quite an obvious word this week, but you’d be amazed at how many people miss the opportunity to show love.
Ask yourself, how many times in a day do you show love?
When I first heard about the Law of Attraction, it was the love element that struck me first. ‘The Secret‘ came into my life when I needed it, when life seemed to be throwing challenge after challenge at me. If you haven’t watched, The Secret, I highly recommend it, especially if you haven’t heard of the Law of Attraction, or are just starting to learn about it. The Secret is a great place to start.
At this particular time in my life there was so many challenges; financial, relationships, family … you name it, it was all very challenging … like a snowball effect! There was just one things after another. I didn’t understand why all these things were happening to me, I had negative view on life and would ask myself constantly, ‘Why me???’
However, when I changed my feelings around, turned anger into love and looked outside of myself and my own world, good things started to happen. It’s not only about the words that are spoken, it’s about the actions that are taken, the thoughts that move in and out of our minds constantly.

Now, don’t get me wrong, it took effort to turn my thoughts around, it was a real effort in what seemed like utter darkness with no light at the end of the tunnel. But sure enough that light came, not just a dribble of light, not just a small glow, it was a whole load of party lights, fireworks and more!
It becomes an addiction sending out love to people. A good addiction. I receive so much love back now I often find it overwhelming. Plus, the initial effort it took to turn my thoughts around, is just natural now. My thoughts and actions are always full of love. I know this, because of the love I get back. The world would be such an amazing, fulfilling place if everyone could be more loving.
It’s one of the reasons I qualified as a Law of Attraction Practitioner, because I wanted to teach others have marvellous it actually is. The more love you give out there, the more you receive back. So go on, this week your task is to show as much love as you possibly can and reap the rewards.
Positive Words Research – This Week’s Positive Word is LOVE