Top 4 Ways To Have A Positive Impact on Others Now

Impact People and their lives. Seeing someone you have helped in the past being upbeat and doing well is always a positive thing.  Knowing that you could be the one to touch their lives and be that ray of light that they needed is a special feeling.

Then one day you run into them again, on a break or just in the hall at work.  You see them and you start smiling and so do they.  In this instance, I smiled and he smiled and said…

1. “You must be my angel”

Of course, I had no idea what he meant or how to respond, but he proceeds to tell me that he is suicidal again.  I had a feeling that something was wrong when I saw him but just asked how he was doing.

This is a very heartbreaking issue for anyone to experience, whether you are the one that is suicidal or the one they come to for help.  Was glad I was at the right place at the right time for him, but still, it was a sad moment.

Put on my smile and patted his shoulder to let him know that everything was going to be alright and walked with him to the clinic.  Helped him check-in and stayed with him to make sure he was comfortable while waiting.  I told him I would stay but he smiles and assures me he will be fine.

2. All of this to say, you never know how much you impact someone

You never know when that one special person will be a part of your life.  Just stop for a moment and think about how you react or will react in certain situations.  There will always be someone who needs that extra smile, that little extra bit of encouragement in life.

Often people ignore situations or one another.  Ignoring them by looking down and not smiling or listening to them.  You might be able to tell there is a problem going on but do not want to get involved.

3. Chose to care

For example, I could have just spoken to this man, smiled, and walked on.  I CHOSE to take the extra step and listen. That because I picked up on the fact that something might be wrong.

When you see a co-worker or even a stranger looking sad or know they are having a bad day and you smile at them or just speak to them, they feel you care.

Having an impact on someone means that you took the extra time to care.  No matter how small you think it is, I can promise you that it is noticed.

4. Take the time to get involved!

Just that one smile or conversation could be a life-changing moment for them, even though it seems simple to you.

For example, the next time you see a homeless person in McDonalds or a gas station, someone you see each day on your way to work, just smile at them or tell them good morning.

It is really the simple things in life that stick with someone. It really does not take much to be nice or have an impact, sometimes we just need to be reminded. I truly hope that these words make at least one person stop to think.

Melonie Shelton

Author’s Bio

My name is Melonie Shelton and I’m a 44-year-old single mom.  I have 1 daughter in college and we live in Arkansas. Work for the VA hospital and have a side business doing mostly abstract art, but some woodworking as well.  I never meet a stranger one of my goals has always been to help others.

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