If you have your own office building or if you are in charge of leasing or managing the office space, then it is quite obvious that you will require meeting room signs. It is not a good sign of the condition of your business if clients or visitors coming to speak with you are not able to see in front of you any information regarding your business or its activities.
Even though there might be plenty of computers and other technological gadgets in your reception area, it does not mean that people sitting or standing right in front of you should not be able to find out more about what you are all about. There are certain things you must keep in mind when it comes to designing and choosing meeting room signs.
How to choose meeting room signs?
The first thing that you need to keep in mind is to choose a sign that has sufficient space for all the information that you want to display. When you have all the related information, people coming to your place of business will be able to read what it says in a very quick time. Therefore, you should always try to have the most spacious and large sign possible. Keep in mind that your sign should stand out in the middle of the lobby or reception area where you want it to be seen. Therefore, it should not be tucked in a corner where it is not easily seen.
Next, you should always consider how clear the sign is as well. A sign should be able to effectively convey its message without confusing or distracting people. You can take cues from the color of the sign and even the texture of the sign to determine how clear it should be. More often than not, the texture of a sign can be determined by its material. Signs made out of glass or acrylic are easier to maintain and prevent from being broken.
Furthermore, you should also make sure that your sign is bold enough to catch the attention of the visitors. This means that it should stand out in the lobby so that people walking in will be able to notice it. However, you do not want to overdo it. It is fine for your sign to be simple. It only has to catch the attention of the visitors.
Another tip when choosing your sign is the shape and size of the sign. You want the size of the sign to be one that is proportionate to the size of your meeting room. For instance, if you have a very long haul, then you do not want to use a sign that is too small because it will dwarf the entire length of your hall. The same goes if you have a very small meeting room.
If you want your sign to be able to blend in with the ambiance of the room, then you can choose one that has some type of black lettering on it. You may also want to consider choosing a sign that is printed on either a dark gray or a dark blue. These colors will easily blend into the ambiance so that no one will really be able to notice what the sign is. However, if you want the sign to stand out, then you can opt for a red sign.
Depending on where you are placing your sign, you may also want to consider a little something extra. You can get glass shelves that will allow your sign to be resting on top of it. This will ensure that the sign does not fall off if some people try to pass by. Also, you can get a little umbrella stand on the sign. This will allow you to place the sign near the table and keep it out of the way but still be able to rest it on a table.
The next thing that you will want to consider is the message that your sign is conveying. This is something that will vary from person to person. Some people prefer clear text that tells all of the information without giving away the entire message.
Other people may prefer a sign that has some graphics, so that people know exactly what they are reading. Others still may simply prefer a plain, solid-colored sign. Whatever your preference, just make sure that your sign is conveying the message that you want people to take away from your business.

Positive Words Research: Meeting Room Signs: Conference Room Signage
I prefer graphics as meeting room signs
meeting rooms signs are important