God Funny Word: New Planet Kid Mother Conversation – Episode 3

Join a delightful mother-kid conversation on a new planet in this humorous exploration of God’s whimsical side. Episode 3 brings laughter, imagination, and fresh perspectives on spirituality.

Me: God?

God: ….

Me: God? I have something important to tell you.

God: Yes… sure… I am here…. tell me.

Me: You seem a little agitated, what are you doing there?

God: Well…. I am building a Planet and it will crush soon into a star because I forgot something to put in the spinning formula.

Me: OMG… ok… so you don’t have time for me.

God: I always have time for you. Tell me.

Me: But you just said…

God: I always have time for humans, they can speak with me directly and at any time… this was the agreement with them because….

Me: OK, ok, ok, ok…. whatever…. so I have something important to tell you…. I need your advice.

God: Yes?

Me: Well I cannot help myself to take my sister’s toys.

God: How old is your sister?

Me: Two years old.

God: Well, you are four years old so you need toys also, so it’s ok.

Me: But is not ok, what do you mean? I should not do this.

God: OK, then don’t do it.

Me: But I want the toys.

God: Then take them.

Me: What? But this is…. this is…. just wrong.

God: Do you love your sister?

Me: Yes.

God: This is the most important thing and this is enough.

Me: You just cannot think properly because your new planet has just been crushed with the star.

God: What? OMG…. Noooooo.

Me: Just kidding… I don’t know, I am not God to see the Universe.

God: OMG… my new planet is still ok… I still have time…. I almost had a heart attack and I am not even human…. these 4 years old humans are so…. so… just don’t take your sister’s toys anymore.

Me: Too late. The most important thing is that I love her.

God: I think I just made the life of his mother… worst… no… I should not use negative words…. positive words…. let’s use…. challenging….. Kid? Hello, kid. Are you still here?…. he is not here anymore, he went to play… well, this is it.

After a few days!

Me: Hello God?

God: Yes.

Me: I am the mother of the 4-year-old child that talked to you the other day.

God: OMG…. I am so busy with this planet that crushed…. will be crushed…. there is a star…

Me: Listen, God. I know you are God and stuff… but you should check the advice you give to children.

God: Yes Madam.

Me: I love you, you know I do.

God: Yes Madam, I know.

Me: But you should behave more properly.

God: ….

Me: This is all I have to say.

God: I love you.

Me: Hmmmmmmmmmmm

Moral: Every kid knows God and talks with Him. God listens to everybody, anytime, very quick. He is always there and He respects mothers a lot 🙂

Positive Words Research – God: CHALLENGING

God Loves You