Top 25 Artificial Intelligence (AI) Blogs in the World Today

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is the future and will shape the future. AI is shaping every industry in the world right now. AI is rapidly growing as scientists and engineers are doing massive research. See below what are the top 25 artificial intelligence blogs in the world.

What Is Artificial Intelligence (AI)?

Artificial intelligence (AI) means the simulation of human intelligence by machines or virtual assistants that are programmed to think and behave like humans and mimic their actions. AI can also be applied to any machine that shows traits that resemble a human mind such as learning and problem-solving. Artificial Intelligence (AI) is intelligence proved by machines.

Best Artificial Intelligence (AI) Blogs on the Planet

1. Machine Learning Mastery

Machine learning is taught by academics, for academics. That’s why most material is so dry and math-heavy. Developers need to know what works and how to use it.
We need less math and more tutorials with working code. Machine Learning Mastery will help developers skip years ahead. Discover how to get better results, faster.

AI Trends has all you need to know about AI such as AI in Government, AI in Defense, AI in Healthcare Delivery, Intelligent Assistants & Bots, Building Conversational Applications, AI Startups and Investment Community, AI Self-Driving Cars, Robotics, Intelligent Automation & RPA, AI Business, Innovative AI Business Deployments, AI and Systems Integrators, Big Data to AI, Emerging AI Technologies, AI Services/AI in the Cloud, AI Education, Workforce Development, State of Machine Learning, AI in Utilities, Energy, AI in Biotech.

3. Open AI

OpenAI is an AI research and deployment company and its mission is to ensure that artificial general intelligence benefits all of humanity. OpenAI’s mission is to ensure that artificial general intelligence (AGI) – highly autonomous systems that outperform humans at most economically valuable work – benefits all of humanity.

4. Chatbots Life

Chatbot Life is the best place to learn about bots. The site shares the latest Bot News, Info, AI & NLP, Tools, Tutorials & More.

5. Artificial Intelligence Blog

Artificial Intelligence Blog is an amazing website with a lot of information about AI. Check it out!

6. MIT News Artificial Intelligence

The MIT community is driven by a shared purpose: to make a better world through education, research, and innovation. Founded to accelerate the nation’s industrial revolution, MIT is profoundly American. With ingenuity and drive, their graduates have invented fundamental technologies, launched new industries, and created millions of American jobs. The mission of MIT is to advance knowledge and educate students in science, technology, and other areas of scholarship that will best serve the nation and the world in the 21st century.

7. Chatbots Magazine

At Chatbot Magazine you will find all you need to learn about chatbots. Chatbots Magazine (or just CBM) is the most widely read and respected source for information about chatbots: How they work, what you can do with them, HOW to do it, and what the big issues are. CBM also dives into artificial intelligence, machine learning, natural language processing, and more.

8. TopBots

Find at TopBots a lot of useful information about bots and artificial intelligence.

9. Science Daily

Science Daily is a source for the latest research news. ScienceDaily features breaking news about the latest discoveries in science, health, the environment, technology, and more, from leading universities, scientific journals, and research organizations. Visitors can browse more than 500 individual topics, grouped into 12 main sections covering: the medical sciences and health; physical sciences and technology; biological sciences and the environment; and social sciences, business, and education.

10. Google Research Blog

Google Research is about advancing the state of the art. Google Research tackles challenges that define the technology of today and tomorrow. Their teams aspire to make discoveries that impact everyone, and the core to our approach is sharing our research and tools to fuel progress in the field. Their researchers publish regularly in academic journals, release projects as open-source, and apply research to Google products.

11. DeepMind: News and Blogs

DeepMind is a team of scientists, engineers, machine learning experts, and more, working together to advance the state of the art in AI.

12. Becoming Human

Becoming Human is about the latest news, info, and tutorials on artificial intelligence, machine learning, deep learning, big data, and what it means for humanity.

13. Algorithmia Blog

Algorithmia is machine learning, managed. Deploy, serve, and manage your ML portfolio. Algorithmia has been recognized as a leader in GigaOm’s Radar for Evaluating Machine Learning Operations (MLOps).

14. Baidu Research

Co-located in Silicon Valley, Seattle, and Beijing, Baidu Research brings together top talents from around the world to focus on future-looking fundamental research in artificial intelligence.

15. Berkeley Artificial Intelligence Research Blog

The BAIR Blog or Berkeley Artificial Intelligence Research Blog provides an accessible, general-audience medium for BAIR researchers to communicate research findings, perspectives on the field, and various updates. Posts are written by students, post-docs, and faculty in BAIR, and are intended to provide a relevant and timely discussion of research findings and results, both to experts and the general audience. Posts on a variety of topics studied at BAIR will appear approximately once every two weeks.

16. CTOvision

CTOvision tracks the most exciting technologies in enterprise IT. Technologies are made real and brought to the market by companies and we present our hot list of IT companies to track here in this category.

17. Amazon Web Services AI (Blog)

The AWS Machine Learning Blog has a lot of information about their own research and other artificial intelligence resources.

18. IBM Developer – Artificial Intelligence

At IBM code patterns offer up complete solutions to problems that developers face every day. Code patterns leverage multiple technologies, products, or services to solve issues that our developer advocates have recognized as common use cases across multiple industries.

19. Archie AI – Medium

At Archie AI – Medium you will find articles from the team behind Archie.AI.

20. Pete Warden’s Blog

Pete Warden is an engineer, CTO of Jetpac Inc, author of The Public Data Handbook and The Big Data Glossary for O’Reilly, builder of OpenHeatMap and the Data Science Toolkit, and other open-source projects.

21. DataRobot Blog

DataRobot enables organizations to leverage the transformational power of AI by delivering the world’s only trusted enterprise AI platform combined with an AI-native strategic success team to help customers rapidly turn data into value. DataRobot is the leader in enterprise AI, delivering trusted AI technology and ROI enablement services to global enterprises and individual users.

22. AIIOT Talk – Future of Tech

AiiotTalk provide the latest and best research information straight from the experts in the technology industry. AiiotTalk not only publishes the latest news on artificial intelligence and the internet of things but also features the latest other technology innovations from expert authors.

23. Marketing Artificial Intelligence Institute

With Marketing Artificial Intelligence Institute you get the latest exclusive content on AI, machine learning, cognitive computing, and related AI technologies—created by marketers for marketers.

24. Unbabel

Unbabel is building a language operations platform that helps every team across a company easily interact with customers in any language.

25. Machine Learnings

With Machine Learnings you will understand how AI will change your work and life. Every idea needs a Medium. What is Medium? The best ideas can change who we are. Medium is where those ideas take shape, take off, and spark powerful conversations. Machine Learnings is an open platform where 170 million readers come to find insightful and dynamic thinking. Here, expert and undiscovered voices alike dive into the heart of any topic and bring new ideas to the surface. The purpose is to spread these ideas and deepen understanding of the world..

26. Iris AI Your Science Assistant is training to become a fully-fledged researcher, doing literature-based discovery. She will make connections between millions of research-based hypotheses to build and validate new ones. the Scientist is an invaluable team member.

27. Zygmunt Zając and his FastML

Fast ML is Machine Learning made easy. Fast ML is meant to tackle interesting topics in machine learning while being entertaining and easy to read and understand. FastML probably grew out of frustration with papers you need a PhD in math to understand and with either no code or half-baked Matlab implementation of homework-assignment quality. We understand that some cutting-edge researchers might have no interest in providing the goodies for free or just no interest in such down-to-earth matters. But we don’t have the time nor desire to become experts in every machine learning topic. Fortunately, there is quite a lot of good software with acceptable documentation. The site is run by Zygmunt Zając (pronounced “Ziontz”). Hadoop, Spark, Docker and TensorFlow are just a few of the software Zygmunt hasn’t contributed to. An economist by education, Zygmunt lives in Poland, in a peaceful village east of Vistula river, near the Ukrainian border.

28. AITopics

AITopics is an official publication of the AAAI. AITopics is the Internet’s largest collection of information about the research, the people, and the applications of Artificial Intelligence. Our mission is to educate and inspire through a wide variety of curated and organized resources gathered from across the web. AITopics is brought to you by The Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence (AAAI). AITopics is intended primarily for instructors of AI courses and students from high school through first-year graduate school so you can:

  • Stay abreast of advances in AI
  • Read the news stories capturing media attention
  • Find background material and foundational classics that supplement textbook discussions
  • View videos
  • Listen to podcasts

29. The a16z AI Playbook

The website is called andreessen.horowitz with the tagline It’s time to build. This microsite was first written in April 2017 specifically as a starting place for business and technical people just beginning their journeys with artificial intelligence. But since the team first published this microsite in April 2017, there have been a number of breakthroughs and advances in the field of AI, therefore the site has grown exponentially.

30. Google AI Blog

The Google AI Blog has the latest news from Google AI.

Top 25 Artificial Intelligence (AI) Blogs in the World

Hope you have enjoyed this list and find it useful. If we may have overlooked any awesome Artificial Intelligence blogs, please comment below and list them out in the comments section. We would like to know more artificial intelligence blogs.

Positive Words Research – Top 25 Artificial Intelligence (AI) Blogs in the World

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