Tag Archives: Technology Unleashed

Examples of Positive Work Words To Inspire Your Team

Motivation influences the quality of work, effectiveness, speed, etc. When a company team possesses a good mood, it shows excellent results. So, how can we make the team be inspired and work productively?

“Words are, of course, the most powerful drug used by mankind.” – Rudyard Kipling

Sure, the main factor is a good salary and comfortable working conditions. But also, an experienced manager should know how he/she should communicate with the team to inspire the people whom they manage.

So, in order to encourage the team, any manager has to tell some particular words that will make them feel comfortable and stimulated for good and productive work.

Using the proper manner of correspondence with the team is showcased even in an article published by Forbes. Based on the study, the most powerful phrases are the oldest and the shortest, like those mentioned in any advertisement – best, convenient, easy, power, results, save, fast, free, enjoy, and similar.

Of course, do not only proper words have a positive influence on motivation, but also a decent salary for the completed work. Still, speech is a powerful auxiliary instrument manager can use to inspire the team and make the employees work more efficiently. This is valuable when managing and coordinating a dedicated software team that performs innovative services.

A positive attitude to your team is of great importance for a manager. It would be best if you respect your employees. The first and primary step in any team, including top IT organizations in the global arena mentioned here: https://mlsdev.com/blog/top-custom-software-development-companies is to learn the names of all coworkers. It’s no good whether you address a person not by name but by using some exclamation like: “hey,” “you,” ‘salesman,” etc. It would be best if you respected the human personality.

If the person feels that you do not care about who he or she is but just what: “a writer,” “an IT guy,” “an artist,” – he or she may lose not only motivation but the uniqueness of the skills and qualities he/she possesses, and as a result, you will get a poor outcome or nothing at all.

According to MindTools, you can learn how to build positive relationships with your team for productive work. You should be patient but punctual, friendly but professional. You should mix different qualities of attitude not to turn the working process into a kind of party.

Thus, words are the instrument to interact with each other. They have the power to motivate or discourage, to inspire or feel misery, to make the team love or hate their manager. 

Now let’s see the examples of the keywords that can make your team feel inspired:

  1. Describe a positive work environment: fun, supportive, rewarding, etc.
  2. Give good feedback for a resume: focused, confident, experienced, etc
  3. Main words for motivation: enthusiastic, progressive, innovative, eager, high-quality, skilled, committed, etc
  4. Words to promote a positive workplace culture: sincere, aspirational, efficient, etc.

Overall, whether you’d like to build a friendly team giving good work results, you should use such instruments as positive words to inspire your employees.

Author’s bio: Anastasiia Lastovetska is a technology writer at MLSDev, a software development company that builds web & mobile app solutions from scratch. She researches the area of technology to create great content about app development, UX/UI design, tech & business consulting.

Positive Technologies

How Will Promote YouTube Video Be in The Future

Every person gets to visit YouTube from time to time. After Google, YouTube is the most popular website globally, and thus, the need to Promote YouTube videos. Therefore, there is a great need for you to market your services. However, shouting even from the rooftop will never guide you in any way as you sell your different products. This implies a need to develop a strategy that will ensure you succeed in what you are looking for.

Creation of Business YouTube Channel

The first step in YouTube promotion is coming up with a YouTube channel at all times. YouTube is part of Google, and thus there is a great need to ensure you get to create one as it will help you in business management. The best way for you to arise and ensure you are running is through:

1. Creation of a Google account

2. Use the google account in the creation of a YouTube account

3. log in to your YouTube and come up with a brand channel and account

Get to Know your Audience More

Before you post any content, ask yourself what the audience wants. Also, before you post any content, get to learn all the basics about using YouTube demographics. YouTube has more than two billion users. In America, 72% of them use the internet regularly. You will find that 77% of these people have an average of 15-35 years. In the case of older users, there is a significant drop-off.

Competition Research

Research what other people are posting in your niche and thus strive to come up with something better as you engage in YouTube video promotion. You will succeed when you check on the channels from the competitors you have already been following. Besides, come up with a competitor analysis (Buzzoid), especially in:

• Main topics

• Comments

• Video quality

• Posting frequency

• Vies in every video

• Subscriber count

From the competitor analysis, the questions that you ought to ask yourself include:

• Which are the most popular videos?

• How is the presentation done?

• Which is the brand voice?

• How best to differentiate my company from what they have?

• What ideas have I acquired?

All these notes ought to be analyzed using SWOT. You will find that SWOT stands for:

• Strengths

• Weaknesses

• Opportunities

• Threats

Your goals should always be to have a lot of audience and subscribers as fast as possible through YouTube paid promotion. Thus, come up with the subscribers and competitors counts and the overall views. Then, again, track how progress takes every monthly basis.

Learning from Favorite Channels

Alongside learning from the competitors, ensure you learn from the YouTube channels that are favorable to you. These channels must not always be the ones that relate to your industry. As they consume your YouTube content, you will determine what works best in given situations. Again, some YouTube channel promotion channels are incredibly devoted to the YouTube growth and video editing process. Ensure you get to track, have keywords that improve YouTube growth, and have a Hootsuite dashboard.

Video Optimization for Views

YouTube is a widely used channel viewed by more than one billion people daily, thus promoting YouTube promotion services. While familiar with Google’s algorithm and SEO, you will find that YouTube works similarly with a difference of one key, which helps in the overall personalization process. When a phrase is searched in Google, you acquire similar or closely related results.

Conduct Keyword Search

Before you engage in video optimization, it is best to determine the reason while engaging in the overall optimization process. Besides, you will realize that keyword search offers people the phrases necessary for them to look for content. Again, you may consider using a Google Keyword planner, which is helpful in the keyword research process. When you type a topic in the YouTube search bar, you will see the results that pop up. What comes up represents what many people have been searching for. This way, you will acquire ideas on what your new keywords ought to be.


When all these tips are put into action, you will promote a YouTube channel that ranks much higher. You will find that promoting YouTube videos is the only way to attract more audiences to your channel.


Multilingual Apps – Why You Need Them and How to Build One in 2022

If you want your app to have an international audience, you definitely need to think about a multilingual app. Not just for the non-English speaking people who you want to reach out to but also those who can understand English but are more likely to engage with you when you speak their language.

The world is becoming smaller every day. More than 3 billion people across every major country in the world are connected to the internet today. A whopping 49% of all internet users in the world are in Asia. Another 37% are in Europe, Latin America/Caribbean, and Africa, and only 8.2% in the United States of America. Clearly, the world of the internet is now multilingual.

Businesses are no longer defined by their geographical boundaries. The Internet makes it possible for you to sell to countries on the other side of the globe. However, as a cardinal rule, people buy from people. There is no walking away from that. No business can ever be successful without the human touch. And to that end, language is one of the most fundamental elements in a business. So to increase your business’ exposure, reach out to a far larger audience across international boundaries, rake in larger revenues and make your business truly global, make your app multilingual. Make sure to check this website ​​https://jatapp.com/services/dedicated-development-team/ to find the best solution for making your business app relevant for your and your client’s needs.

Doing so however requires a good deal of thought and consideration. Multiple factors will impact the performance, penetration, and adoption of your app and will all need to be carefully analyzed. So here are 4 key factors to consider:

  1. Research Your Audience

Before you jump into developing a multilingual app, you will need to carefully analyze your audience and find out which languages you want to build into your app. A simple English app is enough work on its own and to add in another language would mean creating two sets of all pages. More languages mean more pages and soon you have a massive development and maintenance problem on your hands. That is why you need to carefully research your audience and determine what main languages your app is likely to be used in.

  • Machine Translation or Human Translation

There are two ways you can go about translating your copy. You could either have expert professionals write each line in proper language and dialect, or get an online translation tool to do the job for you. There are pros and cons to each and which way you choose would entirely depend on the scope and specifics of your business.

Online translators can help you translate hundreds of languages in no time while having an expert for each language will take significantly more time and money. At the same time, however, you probably only need a few languages and not hundreds, and an expert will be able to convey your brand’s message in a better way, using words, phrases and tone that influence users much better. So carefully analyze your use cases to determine which is the better approach for you. For example, an event app that needs to reach a large number of multilingual audiences can use online translation to just convey the message. But a speech therapy or medical support app would do better with human translation.

  • Understand Your Challenges

Languages are one of the most varied things in the world. Some have twice as many letters in their alphabet, others have really complicated grammar rules. Your app’s content delivery will need to be extremely adaptive in order to accommodate different languages. A few points to remember are –

  • Different languages take different amounts of space, so keep enough allowance at the design stage. Some languages require up to 30% more space to write, than the same sentence in English.
  • Also, remember to customize currencies and date and time conventions. Some countries follow the DD/MM/YY format while others follow MM/DD/YY. Even AM and PM connotations vary. So never hard code your date and time formats.
  • Use internationalization, and add as many languages as you think you might need right at the beginning. This will help you translate and customize easier later.
  • Choose the Right Tools

The developer community has lately taken note of the significance of multilingual apps and hence, there is now a bevy of tools you can use to make your app translate languages better. So depending on the platform you are building your app on, you can choose the tools designed to help you.

Apple provides base internationalization as a part of its SDK, so instead of designing individual pages in each language, just one set of pages needs to be made. Apple also uses its expertise in culture-specific content to help tailor your app for different markets.

Android supports multilingual apps by supporting locale directories and resource files, direction, and language-specific resources, localization checklist and eve bidirectional text.

Microsoft’s Multilanguage app toolkit has a number of helpful resources to offer. You can make use of these and a number of third-party tools and services to develop your multilingual app.

Wrapping Up

Ignoring the non-English speaking people of the world in this day and age of globalization can be a big mistake. Instead, if you make the effort to offer your app in multiple languages, you are set to make your business a global brand. So have you developed a multilingual app yet, or are ready to embark on one now? Share with us.

Author Bio:

Aston Rhodes is an experienced content creator and marketing expert for the software development company JatApp. Aston has been helping authors improve their blogs for over 5 years and turn this hobby into a business. She does research and discussion on tech-related topics. She enjoys sharing her experiences with a like-minded audience and writes about software development, digital marketing, business, career, and more.

Multilingual Apps

5 Best Internet Hacks That Can Simplify Your Life Nowadays

This guide is designed to help you, the novice user of the Internet, with your first steps online. It’s important for you to understand that the Internet can cause issues and it is very normal to face issues with your internet speeds.

We cannot emphasize enough how important it is to remain vigilant at all times. While there are plenty of useful and interesting sites out there on which you can spend hours getting lost, there are also many things that will want to harm your computer or worse still – steal your identity!

You need to be very careful when you use the internet and how you use it. Whenever you are facing any issues with your internet service that you are not able to identify, you can contact the customer service department. For instance, if you are using Spectrum internet service and you face some trouble with their service, you will report or escalate the issue to Spectrum customer service department. Your issue will be identified and resolved by the customer service department.

You can use the internet in a way that can be beneficial for you, we are mentioning a few hacks that you can try to avoid any issues that can occur with your internet service. If you have an active approach instead of a subliminal approach, you can avoid the malpractice issues that usually occur online.

Internet Hacks

Internet hacks for slow internet speeds

The first and most irritating issue faced by most of the users is the slow internet speed issue. If you are not aware of the few simple hacks that can help you to counter this issue, you will most likely face it too. Here are a few tips that you can use when you face speed lags.

  • Refresh your modem once in a while: After the pandemic of COVID19 our internet usage has become quite extensive and we don’t turn off our modem or refresh it frequently. If your modem stays on power all day, there can be a few bugs that can cause it to work slow. You must reboot or refresh your modem every now and then. The performance of your internet will be maximum when your modem refresh.
  • Keep your device updated: Just like you need to stay active to perform well, your devices also need to stay updated to perform well. You can simply turn off the notifications, so you will stay updated about the required updates.
  • Change your password: Your password should not remain the same at all times. It is a good practice to change your password after every 3 months and it should be a complex password. If your password is too simple, your internet can get hacked.
  • Place your modem and router in the right direction: The placement of your equipment plays a very vital role in the quality of Wi-Fi signals. Your modem and router must have a clear path, make sure that there is no furniture close by. You can place it in a central area, this will help you to get strong internet signals.

Tips to use the internet carefully      

There can be many malicious websites online that can cause harm to your devices such as your laptop or mobile phone. You must use the internet in a way that does not create any issues of hacking or malware for you. Here are a few tips that you can follow to stay safe online,

  • USE VPN: You can download a secure VPN that can help you to stay protected online from any malicious activities online, you need to have a good VPN. Through VPN you get a safe tunnel that protects your IP address and makes it difficult for hackers to have access to your network.
  • Download an Anti-Virus Software: Sometimes when you simply browse websites online, it can be corrupt and your device can catch a virus or bug from it, you can download anti-virus software on your devices to avoid any risks of viruses. It also protects your devices from drives that you connect externally, such as USB.

Wrapping Up

An informed user who is well aware of the tips that we have mentioned in this article will be able to stay safe from any fraudulent activities online. You can also avoid major and common occurring issues of internet speed lags by following the tips that we have mentioned in this article.

Positive Words Research – 5 Best Internet Hacks That Can Simplify Your Life Nowadays

7 Reasons Why You Should Consider Creating an Online Store

It’s the 21st century, and technology is rapidly changing our lifestyle. Almost everyone has a handheld smart device, and over the pandemic period, you have ordered goods online. Businesses faced a rough time when the COVID-19 pandemic ravaged the world. Many businesses closed down, and people are overwhelmed financially. We need to develop answers on how we could review our business and overcome the COVID-19 blow. Online stores are an option. You could create an online store to boost the sales from your physical shop or entirely focus on eCommerce. First, let’s have a look at the benefits of creating an online store.

What’s an online store?

An online store, also known as eCommerce, is a form of business where buying and selling services and goods is done virtually with the help of technology. Customers order products online, pay online, and receive their products at the doorstep based on the store’s shipment guidelines.

Pros of creating an online store

Opening an online store is a smart way to help you bounce back on your feet if COVID 19 affects your business.

1.     Little capital requirement

When you are settling up a new business, it’s challenging if you are not financially prepared. There are various upfront costs that you can’t avoid when creating your business from scratch. You need store rent, hire employees to keep the shop running when you aren’t around, and pay for state compliance licenses and business permits.

Starting an online store is cheap and needs little investment. An online store needs a good website, SEO, and intensive digital marketing whose costs are manageable compared to physical shops.

2.     It’s easy and quite fast to start.

The key to your online store is a good business website. Your website creates the first selling features which will attract customers to your store. How long does it take to create a website? Website creation guides are readily accessible on the internet to help you design your business page in hours.

There is an option of hiring IT gurus to speed up the process for you and deliver eye-catching websites.

Online Store

3.     Online store allows business diversification.

Ecommerce is flooded with many business options you can follow. One of the key advantages of these businesses is that you can run your shop with zero stock in-store; you venture into dropshipping.

Dropshipping is a form of online shopping where you act as the intermediary between the customers and sellers without owning an inventory.

You can sell products from your store, services (e.g., accounting, bookkeeping), and information. Just choose the niche you are comfortable with.

4.     You reach many customers

With an online store, you will reach a huge customer population. Unlike the physical stores, you sell your products to international customers where your shipments and delivery services are covered with a click of the add-to-cart button on your website.

You have defined your target audience, so you have to program your digital marketing campaigns to attract your customers. With the right content, you easily build a great following and increase your sales.

5.     You operate your business 24/7 hours

Interestingly, online stores give the owner unmatched convenience. Your business can be functional any time of the day without you being online. For instance, your customers will get customer care services anytime, thanks to chatbot features.

You will tap on every coin when operating 24/7 in online stores, which translates to more profits. Websites are open to access at any time, and you will receive customers’ orders without limitation.

6.     You can work from home.

The beauty of creating an online store is the business’s flexibility. It’s not a must you have an office space to have the business running.  Get a comfortable seat with good internet connectivity and perform your duties from the comfort of your homes.

 You will save on the commute time wastage, commuting costs and get more time to attend to other duties at home.

7.     Allows faster business growth

Ecommerce businesses are accommodating to those with limited capital. You can start small, and with the reduced upfront costs, this makes it easy to overcome the early-stage business financial struggles.

The best eCommerce business website increases the business’s visibility, attracts new customers, and creates brand awareness. You will make more sales from the large customer base, learn what your customers want, and use website analytics to know how you will improve your services.

Online stores require website updating to accommodate all the new changes in your store. No additional stores are needed to expand the business; thus, you will have gradual growth.

Take away

Following the increasing trends in online shopping, creating an online store would be a perfect decision. Choose your business niche, create a unique business website and start earning your online store profits with minimal investment.

How Can Quality Hosting Solution Help Your Online Business

It is said that nowadays if your business is not online it does not exist. Although there are still many businesses that do not have a presentation website and are not even present on social media. What this statement wants to emphasize is the trend that is observed everywhere. This trend refers to the fact that more and more businesses are starting to make their presence felt online and they do these activities in a great style.

To be present online, besides writing articles or posts, you need some essential, basic things like buying a domain name that you pay annually, choosing your hosting partner where you want your files to be stored, and installing a platform through which you can publish various posts.

In this article, we will talk about point two, namely the importance of choosing the right hosting provider and what to look for when choosing your hosting.

Generally, you need a hosting provider to offer you dedicated servers and infrastructure solutions for your business. You need to search for help with the implementation of both simple and advanced web hosting solutions. One important aspect to take into consideration is the redundant and GEO-diversified infrastructure. The hosting needs to have a prompt and comprehensive approach to tasks of any complexity. And maybe even do IT with passion.

Hosting Provider

Benefits to Look for When Looking for a Hosting Provider

  1. 99,9% uptime – check if the hosting provides 99,9% server uptime, therefore to provide constant access to your online projects;
  2. Quick configuration – when ordering a dedicated server with a quick configuration feature make sure it allows you to set up a high performance and reliable environment in aproximately half an hour;
  3. No contracts – check that you can cancel your service simply by not prolonging it. In this case, your server or web host need to automatically expire on its expiry date;
  4. Good prices – these days you can find awesome hosting services at a reasonable price based on modern, high-performance equipment;
  5. Easy upgrades – when configuration changes happen they need to be connected with server upgrade and assure that no data is loss or undesirable interruptions in hardware operation will not happen. Also, check that you don’t have to change your IP addresses;
  6. Enterprise Servers – No desktop-solutions, only true modern server hardware from SuperMicro, HP, Dell, Juniper, Cisco;
  7. Traffic pool – check for a free option of joining several servers within one location into a common pool;
  8. Fully supported IPv6 – make sure you are able to use your native IPv6 addresses complete with reverse DNS instantly after your server activation;
  9. KVM virtualization – KVM provides guaranteed server resources for each VPS and let you easily install any OS you need.

Another aspect to look at is the VPS plan. When looking for VPN features check the following:

  1. Backup Storage – check to keep your important data on independent back up storage;
  2. Multiplatformity – Linux – and Microsoft Software – based Virtual Servers;
  3. Alternative control panels – check for both free and pay solutions for better comfort of the service use;
  4. Remote control – check to see if the virtual server power control option is included in the basic set;
  5. SSD Caching – processing of your projects can be increased more than 100 times;
  6. KVM Virtualization – KVM virtualization technology provides independent resources to each virtual server, and also provides the ability to install the necessary operating system distributions.

It is not easy to find the right hosting provider. Therefore, before choosing, make an analysis of what each one offers. The recommendation is even to send them an email with several questions to find out all the answers but also to check how quickly they answer you and how kind they are. Choosing the right hosting is a long-term decision, meaning a decision for several years. That’s why it should be a good decision.

Often you have to decide between choosing hosting from a well-known company or choosing to host from a company that has not been heard of in the market. Consider the fact that well-known hosting companies may have outdated servers and infrastructure and this will hurt you enormously. New hosting companies, even if they are unknown or smaller, have most likely invested in new servers and modern infrastructure. And this aspect is essential today.

If you do not choose a modern hosting, you risk seriously damaging your traffic and even crashing your site many times in a month which will attract the frustration of users and penalties in the Google search engine which will then be harder to fix.

Take your time, analyze more providers and choose rightly. But even if you don’t choose the right one, you can always transfer all your files to another hosting provider. Whatever you choose, make sure that you check to see if your hosting provider is modern and up to date. If you already have to host for many years, you may have to check if the services you receive are as good as those on the market today and if the prices are competitive with what it is now.

If your site is running slow and not loading fast or if you have a lot of downtime of the site during a month it is most likely a sign that you need to change your hosting provider. Think about it and make the right decision.

Top 5 Scripting Languages That Are in High Demand Today

According to GitHub 2.0, three out of the 7 most commonly used programming languages fall under the scripting category. JavaScript alone accounts for almost a fifth of all the code hosted on GitHub – 18.76% in 1Q2021. Scripting languages are in high demand today.

It’s not a shocking revelation that programming is one of those fields that have a promising future. The job market keeps expanding, and so do the opportunities for future developers.

There’s also no doubt that the demand for scripting languages is not going to disappear any time soon. But which ones exactly are a safe bet? You can try to figure it out yourself or you can outsource this research to essay writing services like https://essaywritingservice.com/ to be safe. In any case, reading through this article is guaranteed to give you at least some of the answers you are looking for.

First Things First: Scripting Languages ≠ Programming Languages

Let’s make sure everyone’s on the same page. In case you expect to see Java or C# on the list below, you’re in for a surprise: those aren’t scripting languages.

Generally speaking, all scripting languages are programming ones, but not vice versa. They are widely used in web development for basic tasks and API calls.

There are scripting languages for a variety of other use cases, too. These include task automation in operating systems, game development, and statistical analysis. They’re not as common as their counterparts used in web development, though.

So, what makes them so different? Well, unlike Java and C, scripting languages:

  • Don’t require compilation for execution;
  • Can’t be used to create standalone applications;
  • Need a runtime environment to interpret the code and execute the instructions;
  • Are often platform-specific;
  • Require developers to write less code;
  • Come with a slower total execution time;
  • Mostly have a flatter learning curve thanks to neater, more concise syntax.

5 Scripting Languages to Add to Your Resume

The general rule is, these technologies that have consistently remained in high demand will continue to be popular. Even though they themselves evolve fast, their popularity doesn’t change overnight.

The following five scripting languages have been at the top of everyone’s lists for years now – and they’re not going anywhere.

1. JavaScript

This is the absolute frontrunner among scripting languages thanks to its wide use in web development. It’s just one of the ECMAScript dialects – but it’s by far the most commonly used. (Other dialects include Source, JScript, and ActionScript.)

To put its popularity in perspective, let’s just consider this: over 97% of websites have JS scripts running client-side. It’s also executable in any web browser as all of them now come with a JS engine. This solves any potential compatibility issues.

Although its main purpose is front-end development, JavaScript can also be used for the backend. That’s thanks to NodeJS, a dedicated runtime environment. Furthermore, some database management systems (like MongoDB and MySQL Shell) support JavaScript.

2. Python

Python has remained the second most popular programming language for over six years, since 2014. That’s for a good reason, of course: its syntax is clear and concise. So, developers need to type less when coding with Python while the code itself is neater and easier to read and comprehend.

Python is a general-purpose tool that supports a variety of programming paradigms. Whether you’ve chosen object-oriented, functional, imperative, or procedural programming, Python has got you covered.

As for the most frequent use cases, Python is the go-to option for projects involving machine learning, data analytics, and automation. It’s also widely used in backend web development.

Scripting Languages

3. Ruby

Ruby’s popularity has indeed been steadily declining since 2012. Yet, it’s still the fifth most commonly used language out there, and it’s consistently featured on the top 10 list. So, don’t be too quick to ignore it.

Ruby was conceived as a technology combining object-oriented programming (OOP) and scripting. It allows other paradigms to be used – like functional and imperative programming. But its core principles are based on OOP. For instance, even booleans are objects in Ruby.

As for Ruby’s application, it’s another classic option for backend web development. The likes of Shopify and Airbnb run on Ruby on Rails, a framework powered by Ruby.

4. PHP

Without PHP, there’d be no internet as we know it. This old-timer powers more than 75 percent of all currently active websites on the server-side. WordPress, Drupal, Joomla, and other content management systems are also powered by PHP.

There are several reasons PHP found its way into multiple backend web development stacks. It’s open-source, so there’s no need to pay for using it. It’s cross-platform and uses a syntax very similar to C, which makes learning it a lot easier for some developers. The code itself is also neater, simpler, and more organized.

5. R

R may not be the most commonly used tool out there, but it’s got its niche: statistical computing and data analysis. (Don’t confuse it with the runtime environment of the same name.)

The learning curve may be somewhat steeper when it comes to R. Its syntax comes with a number of substantial differences from what you may be used to. For example, R uses <- instead of = as the primary assignment operator.

Still, learning R is worth the effort. It’s a popular choice for developing statistical software applications. So, with the rise of Big Data, the demand for R developers is bound to remain on the rise.

Scripting Languages

Final Words

There are three final pieces of advice any aspiring developer should pay attention to.

First, don’t limit yourself in terms of the number of languages and technologies you learn. Being a specialist in one narrow field is indeed valuable, but it’d be putting all of your eggs into one basket.

Second, remember to learn and evolve together with the technologies. There’s always something changing and shifting, so you should be ready to continuously get yourself up to speed with those changes.

Third, every language is a tool with its specific use cases. Don’t choose what to learn based solely on how popular it is. Instead, ask yourself: would you enjoy working on projects that require those?

Top 25 Artificial Intelligence (AI) Blogs in the World Today

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is the future and will shape the future. AI is shaping every industry in the world right now. AI is rapidly growing as scientists and engineers are doing massive research. See below what are the top 25 artificial intelligence blogs in the world.

What Is Artificial Intelligence (AI)?

Artificial intelligence (AI) means the simulation of human intelligence by machines or virtual assistants that are programmed to think and behave like humans and mimic their actions. AI can also be applied to any machine that shows traits that resemble a human mind such as learning and problem-solving. Artificial Intelligence (AI) is intelligence proved by machines.

Best Artificial Intelligence (AI) Blogs on the Planet

1. Machine Learning Mastery

Machine learning is taught by academics, for academics. That’s why most material is so dry and math-heavy. Developers need to know what works and how to use it.
We need less math and more tutorials with working code. Machine Learning Mastery will help developers skip years ahead. Discover how to get better results, faster.

AI Trends has all you need to know about AI such as AI in Government, AI in Defense, AI in Healthcare Delivery, Intelligent Assistants & Bots, Building Conversational Applications, AI Startups and Investment Community, AI Self-Driving Cars, Robotics, Intelligent Automation & RPA, AI Business, Innovative AI Business Deployments, AI and Systems Integrators, Big Data to AI, Emerging AI Technologies, AI Services/AI in the Cloud, AI Education, Workforce Development, State of Machine Learning, AI in Utilities, Energy, AI in Biotech.

3. Open AI

OpenAI is an AI research and deployment company and its mission is to ensure that artificial general intelligence benefits all of humanity. OpenAI’s mission is to ensure that artificial general intelligence (AGI) – highly autonomous systems that outperform humans at most economically valuable work – benefits all of humanity.

4. Chatbots Life

Chatbot Life is the best place to learn about bots. The site shares the latest Bot News, Info, AI & NLP, Tools, Tutorials & More.

5. Artificial Intelligence Blog

Artificial Intelligence Blog is an amazing website with a lot of information about AI. Check it out!

6. MIT News Artificial Intelligence

The MIT community is driven by a shared purpose: to make a better world through education, research, and innovation. Founded to accelerate the nation’s industrial revolution, MIT is profoundly American. With ingenuity and drive, their graduates have invented fundamental technologies, launched new industries, and created millions of American jobs. The mission of MIT is to advance knowledge and educate students in science, technology, and other areas of scholarship that will best serve the nation and the world in the 21st century.

7. Chatbots Magazine

At Chatbot Magazine you will find all you need to learn about chatbots. Chatbots Magazine (or just CBM) is the most widely read and respected source for information about chatbots: How they work, what you can do with them, HOW to do it, and what the big issues are. CBM also dives into artificial intelligence, machine learning, natural language processing, and more.

8. TopBots

Find at TopBots a lot of useful information about bots and artificial intelligence.

9. Science Daily

Science Daily is a source for the latest research news. ScienceDaily features breaking news about the latest discoveries in science, health, the environment, technology, and more, from leading universities, scientific journals, and research organizations. Visitors can browse more than 500 individual topics, grouped into 12 main sections covering: the medical sciences and health; physical sciences and technology; biological sciences and the environment; and social sciences, business, and education.

10. Google Research Blog

Google Research is about advancing the state of the art. Google Research tackles challenges that define the technology of today and tomorrow. Their teams aspire to make discoveries that impact everyone, and the core to our approach is sharing our research and tools to fuel progress in the field. Their researchers publish regularly in academic journals, release projects as open-source, and apply research to Google products.

11. DeepMind: News and Blogs

DeepMind is a team of scientists, engineers, machine learning experts, and more, working together to advance the state of the art in AI.

12. Becoming Human

Becoming Human is about the latest news, info, and tutorials on artificial intelligence, machine learning, deep learning, big data, and what it means for humanity.

13. Algorithmia Blog

Algorithmia is machine learning, managed. Deploy, serve, and manage your ML portfolio. Algorithmia has been recognized as a leader in GigaOm’s Radar for Evaluating Machine Learning Operations (MLOps).

14. Baidu Research

Co-located in Silicon Valley, Seattle, and Beijing, Baidu Research brings together top talents from around the world to focus on future-looking fundamental research in artificial intelligence.

15. Berkeley Artificial Intelligence Research Blog

The BAIR Blog or Berkeley Artificial Intelligence Research Blog provides an accessible, general-audience medium for BAIR researchers to communicate research findings, perspectives on the field, and various updates. Posts are written by students, post-docs, and faculty in BAIR, and are intended to provide a relevant and timely discussion of research findings and results, both to experts and the general audience. Posts on a variety of topics studied at BAIR will appear approximately once every two weeks.

16. CTOvision

CTOvision tracks the most exciting technologies in enterprise IT. Technologies are made real and brought to the market by companies and we present our hot list of IT companies to track here in this category.

17. Amazon Web Services AI (Blog)

The AWS Machine Learning Blog has a lot of information about their own research and other artificial intelligence resources.

18. IBM Developer – Artificial Intelligence

At IBM code patterns offer up complete solutions to problems that developers face every day. Code patterns leverage multiple technologies, products, or services to solve issues that our developer advocates have recognized as common use cases across multiple industries.

19. Archie AI – Medium

At Archie AI – Medium you will find articles from the team behind Archie.AI.

20. Pete Warden’s Blog

Pete Warden is an engineer, CTO of Jetpac Inc, author of The Public Data Handbook and The Big Data Glossary for O’Reilly, builder of OpenHeatMap and the Data Science Toolkit, and other open-source projects.

21. DataRobot Blog

DataRobot enables organizations to leverage the transformational power of AI by delivering the world’s only trusted enterprise AI platform combined with an AI-native strategic success team to help customers rapidly turn data into value. DataRobot is the leader in enterprise AI, delivering trusted AI technology and ROI enablement services to global enterprises and individual users.

22. AIIOT Talk – Future of Tech

AiiotTalk provide the latest and best research information straight from the experts in the technology industry. AiiotTalk not only publishes the latest news on artificial intelligence and the internet of things but also features the latest other technology innovations from expert authors.

23. Marketing Artificial Intelligence Institute

With Marketing Artificial Intelligence Institute you get the latest exclusive content on AI, machine learning, cognitive computing, and related AI technologies—created by marketers for marketers.

24. Unbabel

Unbabel is building a language operations platform that helps every team across a company easily interact with customers in any language.

25. Machine Learnings

With Machine Learnings you will understand how AI will change your work and life. Every idea needs a Medium. What is Medium? The best ideas can change who we are. Medium is where those ideas take shape, take off, and spark powerful conversations. Machine Learnings is an open platform where 170 million readers come to find insightful and dynamic thinking. Here, expert and undiscovered voices alike dive into the heart of any topic and bring new ideas to the surface. The purpose is to spread these ideas and deepen understanding of the world..

26. Iris AI Your Science Assistant

Iris.ai is training to become a fully-fledged researcher, doing literature-based discovery. She will make connections between millions of research-based hypotheses to build and validate new ones. Iris.ai the Scientist is an invaluable team member.

27. Zygmunt Zając and his FastML

Fast ML is Machine Learning made easy. Fast ML is meant to tackle interesting topics in machine learning while being entertaining and easy to read and understand. FastML probably grew out of frustration with papers you need a PhD in math to understand and with either no code or half-baked Matlab implementation of homework-assignment quality. We understand that some cutting-edge researchers might have no interest in providing the goodies for free or just no interest in such down-to-earth matters. But we don’t have the time nor desire to become experts in every machine learning topic. Fortunately, there is quite a lot of good software with acceptable documentation. The site is run by Zygmunt Zając (pronounced “Ziontz”). Hadoop, Spark, Docker and TensorFlow are just a few of the software Zygmunt hasn’t contributed to. An economist by education, Zygmunt lives in Poland, in a peaceful village east of Vistula river, near the Ukrainian border.

28. AITopics

AITopics is an official publication of the AAAI. AITopics is the Internet’s largest collection of information about the research, the people, and the applications of Artificial Intelligence. Our mission is to educate and inspire through a wide variety of curated and organized resources gathered from across the web. AITopics is brought to you by The Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence (AAAI). AITopics is intended primarily for instructors of AI courses and students from high school through first-year graduate school so you can:

  • Stay abreast of advances in AI
  • Read the news stories capturing media attention
  • Find background material and foundational classics that supplement textbook discussions
  • View videos
  • Listen to podcasts

29. The a16z AI Playbook

The a16z.com website is called andreessen.horowitz with the tagline It’s time to build. This microsite was first written in April 2017 specifically as a starting place for business and technical people just beginning their journeys with artificial intelligence. But since the team first published this microsite in April 2017, there have been a number of breakthroughs and advances in the field of AI, therefore the site has grown exponentially.

30. Google AI Blog

The Google AI Blog has the latest news from Google AI.

Top 25 Artificial Intelligence (AI) Blogs in the World

Hope you have enjoyed this list and find it useful. If we may have overlooked any awesome Artificial Intelligence blogs, please comment below and list them out in the comments section. We would like to know more artificial intelligence blogs.

Positive Words Research – Top 25 Artificial Intelligence (AI) Blogs in the World

How does Price Monitoring help to Stay Competitive in the Market

Every retailer and business knows that consumers tend to look shop and look for the best prices they can find online. However, plenty of these businesses fail to respond to this behavior properly. One of the worst things you can do for your business is to make pricing decisions without the proper knowledge of what your competitors are pricing similar products.

If you want to sell your products at a discounted price or sell them at a premium, having a proper price monitoring strategy can significantly help you achieve your business goals. Let’s look at how you can utilize price monitoring to stay highly competitive in your market. Read on to learn more!

What is price monitoring?

Price monitoring, also known as retail monitoring or price intelligence, is the practice of analyzing your competitors’ prices to optimize your business’ pricing policy. A monitoring of price strategy is most often carried out by a professional team of staff auditors within a short period. This allows your business to quickly respond and adapt to any changes in the market’s prices.

Your staff auditors will analyze all external and internal variables that can affect the prices and use this information to further optimize your pricing policy and strategy. Price monitoring is one of the most important processes when it comes to thriving in the e-commerce industry. It can give you information about your rivals’ operations; those that sell the same products as you and have the same customer base.

You can also gain a deeper insight into the market’s situation by monitoring indirect competitors’ prices. These are businesses that target a different or the same audience as you while offering a lower or higher price than your prices. Make sure that you only track relevant pricing information to your respective e-commerce to not waste resources.

Price monitoring process

Now that you know some of the basics of price monitoring, let’s look at the process of how it works. A great monitoring of price strategy can act as your business’ GPS that tells you what your competitors are doing and how you can take advantage of the opportunities it can provide.

Below are the things your price monitoring strategy should achieve to help your retail business.

  • Competitive advantage

Your price monitoring strategy should help you achieve a competitive advantage in your market. It should let you set objectives on how you can translate price monitoring into a positive business outcome such as higher revenue.

  • High accuracy

A price intelligence strategy should only gather and deliver highly accurate, relevant, and valid data. This is very important in making the right business decisions based on the data.

  • Important insights

A retail monitoring strategy should provide important insights into the market whenever you need it.

  • Meaningful action

Price/retail monitoring is useless if you don’t use it to make some meaningful action on your business.

Let’s proceed and look at some practical methods you can do to make an effective retail monitoring strategy.

Step 1: You need to set a clear market position

The very first essential component in a price monitoring strategy is a market position. A clear market position will let you easily make sense of the date you receive. You need to take the price data and use it to preserve your brand and its value proposition.

Step 2: You need to study your competitors

You need to identify and carefully study your competitors to be able to make a proper strategy. Learn what they sell and how much they sell it for, you can do this by utilizing web scraping methods to gather large amounts of information.

Step 3: Test the pricing data you receive

Once you receive the relevant pricing data for your products, you’ll want to test out their accuracy.

Step 4: Identify the problems in your strategy and adjust

A proper strategy isn’t rigid; you should be able to adjust it to accommodate for any problems arising.

Step 5: Make it a daily routine

Price monitoring shouldn’t only be a one-time thing; it should become an important routine in your daily business operations. This will ensure that you’ll stay competitive consistently.

Main benefits of price monitoring for businesses

There are plenty of benefits of proper price monitoring for any business, especially for e-commerce. Below are the main benefits you can expect.

Price monitoring will improve your pricing policies

Price monitoring has plenty of automated tools you can utilize to improve your pricing policies. It can help your team to obtain important market intelligence. With this data, you can make better and more informed decisions when it comes to pricing your products. If you are interested in automated tools for collecting pricing data, visit the Oxylabs website for more information.

Price monitoring will help increase your conversions

Having a proper price monitoring strategy will provide you a broad view of your market’s situation. By using price monitoring, you will recognize a trend in prices. You’ll be able to maximize your sales by offering discounts and promotions during the best time.  

How does Price Monitoring help to Stay Competitive in the Market?


For most businesses to excel, they need to have access to accurate data about their operations. Having real-time pricing information can significantly help any business owner to form strategies and make business decisions that wouldn’t have been possible without price monitoring.

Positive Words Research – How does Price Monitoring help to Stay Competitive in the Market?

PDF Guide: Hassle-Free PDF Conversion with PDFBear Tips

Gone are the days that we use papers for files and documents. As technology evolves at a fast rate, it also changes the way we do paperwork in our job or studies. We now prefer using digital file formats like Word, Excel, PPT, and PDF. PDF files are commonly used for research papers or work documents as they provide high quality and presentable files.

Working with PDF files is easy and uncomplicated. You’ll only need to have a PDF reader ready for you to access the file. The only thing that could be challenging is editing PDF files. There are times that a PDF file can no longer be edited or changed. However, there are a lot of online tools you can use for your PDF needs, like PDF Bear.

PDF Bear’s Features and Benefits

PDF Bear is an online converter tool you can use for your PDF needs. It also processes files faster compared to other online tools. You can convert PDF files to any file format with just a few clicks. You can quickly turn PDF to JPG or vice versa by just following three simple steps. PDF Bear provides instructions for every process that you can do on their site.

There is no problem if you are working with laptops or computers running in Windows, Mac, or Linux operating systems. The tool supports any operating system, including Android and iOS for smartphones. You can even convert while on the go as long as you are connected to the internet.

Aside from converting PDF files to JPG, PDF Bear also supports different file formats like Excel, Word, PPT, PNG. You can simply use PDF Bear’s converter tool to convert your PDF files to a different file format, or you can also convert other file formats to PDF. It is all possible without paying a single cent on it.

Convert Any Files In Seconds

Converting PDF files has never been this easy. PDF Bear provides a simple and straightforward way of converting files. They have divided the converting process into three steps. Even new users won’t be confused while working with their files with PDF Bear’s converter. The converter tool is designed to have a user-friendly interface that lets you convert without having any issues.

Initially, you have to upload the file you want to be converted to start the conversion process. Once the file has been uploaded, PDF Bear will check the file before the conversion begins. You’ll have an option to click on the convert button to start the process. It will only take a few seconds to complete the whole conversion.

After the file has been converted, you can now then download the converted file on your hard drive or save it on your cloud storage. PDF Bear supports cloud systems like Dropbox and Google Drive, which is more convenient for its users. The conversion also works for different file formats to PDF or convert PDF to any file format.

Security System of PDF Bear

A 256 BIT SSL Encryption powers PDF Bear’s security system. It is an advanced security feature that lets its users work without having to worry about the safety of their files. The system will also delete any original and converted files within a limited time to ensure that no one will ever have access to them.


With all of these features and benefits you get for free, PDF Bear should be on the top of your list when it comes to PDF needs. To start a hassle-free and convenient conversion, you can visit PDF Bear’s website now and experience its magic!

Positive Words Research – PDF Guide: Hassle-Free PDF Conversion with PDFBear

pdf conversion