7 Positive Words That Can Change Your Reality Now

Explore the transformative power of seven positive words that can reshape your reality and outlook on life. Embrace these empowering words to unlock a brighter and more fulfilling existence today. The power of belief is one of the biggest gifts that humanity has been endowed with, opening an immense realm of possibilities at the moment when we become aware of it. Believing sincerely that something can change your reality will certainly bring about that change that you are hoping for. Having this in mind, we’re going to look at the way the power of belief works together with the power of positive words, both of them having the amazing capacity to transform our lives and of boosting us on a higher level.

I have observed throughout my life how powerful some positive words transform at the moment when we start believing in them sincerely. Here are the seven positive words that have changed my reality and that have the immense power to change anyone’s reality if they start believing in them.

1. YES, and…

During my inner exploration journeys, at some point in my life, I took improvisational theater classes, which were very helpful and revealing for my soul. One exercise that we had to do there was a very simple exercise of starting all our answers with the words “Yes, and…”. We had to find ways to answer positively, no matter what we were asked, no matter if our answer would clearly be no. So for example, if you were asked “Would you like to eat a burrito?” and you were a vegetarian, you had to start your answer with “Yes” and add something using the conjunction “and” afterward, in a way that you refused the invitation in a positive way. So, for example, I could answer “Yes, and I would also like to tell you about my views regarding healthy eating, maybe you’ll reconsider eating a burrito after listening to what I have to say.”

So it was very important to replace “no” with “yes” and also to replace “but” with “and”, because we usually have the tendency to answer “Yes, but…”, which certainly diminishes the power of the positive word. After understanding the importance of this exercise I tried to use it in everyday life, formulating this intention of answering more with “Yes, and…” instead of “No” or “Yes, but…”. After a while of practice, the results were amazing and I was slowly shifting towards a much wider sense of acceptance and positive attitude towards all the proposals that I was receiving.

Try it yourselves and have the belief that it will work, magic things will happen!

2. Thank you

Being sincerely grateful for everything in our lives is something that we should all be taught to do by our parents and peers. Although “thank you” is a very common word, it is used mainly for social interaction and for expressing gratitude towards others. Of course this is great, but we can also learn how to say “thank you” from our heart, silently, every time that we are happy and every time that we become aware of the fact that we are learning an important lesson for our development. So thankfulness is strongly connected to a higher state of awareness, a state of clear consciousness, a state that allows us to observe things globally and to be grateful for everything that we receive from the Universe.

This way I try to be aware and say “Thank you!” in my mind every time I eat, every time I meet someone who I love, every time I am surrounded by nature, every time I have a moment of silence and bliss, every time I have a moment of chaos in my mind and I become aware of it, every time someone puts me in a difficult situation and so on. It’s very important to be thankful also when we are in difficult situations because it is from them that we learn most.

Learning to be sincerely thankful comes along with opening our hearts and understanding the way this Universe works, and “Thank you” are two of the most beautiful words that can change your life.

3. Forgive me

Another set of words that can really bring wonders to our lives is “forgive me”, said in the same deep manner as “thank you”. We can whisper this phrase to ourselves whenever we have a moment when we feel down, when we become angry or when we have an unexpected reaction towards someone or something. It is important to use these words to forgive ourselves also, not only when we want to ask for forgiveness from others, as the mere act of saying them in our minds brings an immensely positive vibration to our whole being and makes us get over that moment much easier.

After I decided to open my heart completely I started to say to myself or to the Universe “Forgive me” every time I said or thought a curse word, every time I had the tendency to judge other people around me and also every time I harmed the environment around me (stepping on an ant for example).

4. Should

We often have the tendency to use the verb “must” when we talk about our plans or future aspirations without realizing that we are being harsh on ourselves. It’s more realistic to say “I should start a massage course if I want to become a professional massage therapist” instead of “I must start a massage course!”, and this also applies when we are giving suggestions or advice to others. There is nothing that we “must” do, it’s a matter of choice, circumstance, will of the Universe and personal will, so it’s better to be gentle and say to ourselves or to others that we should do this or that, so that we do not fall into remorse or guilt if we do not manage to do it.

5. Wonderful

When someone asks you “How are you?”, what do you usually answer? The most common reply is, of course, “Fine, thank you!”, but how would it be if we replaced “fine” with “wonderful”? You know that our mind is at the same time our best friend and our worst enemy, so we can try to use it as our friend and learn its tricks. One of them is the power of repetition: if we repeat a word or a phrase long enough, it will become a part of our beliefs and our reality. Ever since I decided to replace “fine” with “wonderful” and answered like this every time I was asked how I was, my overall state has gradually changed. Of course, that using the word “wonderful” wasn’t the only thing I did, but it came along this decision to open my heart towards people and the Universe.

Try it out yourselves and you will slowly start feeling the different impact that a sincere “wonderful” has on people around you and on yourself.

6. Trust

“Trust” is an amazing positive word without which our lives would be unimaginably different. We need to bear this word in mind and its importance if we want to function as healthy people and if we want to find our purpose in life. Trusting people around and what they have to transmit to us is crucial in our formation and in creating a clear set of beliefs. Trust, correlated with intuition make the best buddies and are two of the greatest helpers that the conscious man can have!

Moreover, it is needless to say that trust in ourselves is the first and most important step towards trusting others. You know what they say, know yourself and you will know everything in this world. So let’s start with that and trust that our path towards self-knowledge will be the best that we can choose!

7. Beauty

When looking at this word written down, there is an amazing state and a warm feeling that starts to take over my being. Beauty is one value that brings a lot of joy in our lives and we should learn to understand it properly. First of all, beauty will always be present when happiness and clarity of the mind are present. They come together as a pack and they depend on each other. Beauty manifests itself through all the senses, through words, images, sounds, smells, movements, emotions and many other ways, giving an immense quality to the lives of humans on this planet.

We should always consider beauty as one of our core values and try to understand its deeper meaning. We should spread beauty in the world and teach other people to find their own beauty and the one in everything surrounding them! This world is beauty in its purest shape, we just need to acknowledge that!

So let’s try together to include in our thoughts these 7 positive words that can change your reality. Let’s say “Yes, and…” more often, let’s trust ourselves ant the ones around us and let’s be thankful for what we have received from them and from the Universe. Let’s ask for forgiveness whenever we feel we did something negative, let’s use “should” more often and let’s think about the world and about our state as being wonderful and let’s praise the beauty in them every day!

May all beings be happy!

This amazing article was written by Flavia-Isabela Cioceanu, an extraordinary talented articles writer, body & soul beautiful woman, and a very good Romanian – English translator.

“Article participating in the first writing contest organized by Positive Words Research. The article with the most Facebook shares wins. The winner is announced on 5th December 2015.” Have you enjoyed this article and found it useful? Contribute to Flavia Cioceanu winning the writing contest. SHARE ON FACEBOOK!

Positive Words Research – 7 Positive Words That Can Change Your Reality

Kerry Darlington
Painting made by Kerry Darlington

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