Best 10 Habits of Supremely Happy People To Inspire You Now

We all want to be happy. However, no matter how hard we want it, it seems that we never get there. And why is it, we wonder?

The truth is that everything in life is a question of habit. And being happy is no different. If you want to be happy, you need to make it part of your life. Every. Single. Day.

Yes, it sounds easier said than done. So how do we get there? By learning from whom has set happiness as their goal and achieved it.

So here are ten habits of supremely happy people. Get inspired.

1. They appreciate little things

One thing that happy people have in common is the fact that they can appreciate little things that happen in their lives. Every smile, laugh, a moment with a friend, walk out, anything that can bring them joy is celebrated as if they had won the lottery. They don’t think that only big achievements are meaningful.

2. They build relationships and interact with people (face to face)

Relationships are crucial to happiness, and those who got there know it very well. So they spend quality time cultivating them. It means that happy people might not have many friends, but they will be close and loyal ones. They will be sure that they can count on their friends and family if needed. And they will meet them regularly in person, so they can share experiences and ask for support – something essential for happiness.

3. They work on improving themselves

Self-improvement is at the top of the list of priorities for happy people. They know that they can’t change the others, but, if they can only change themselves, they might live much better. The enemy within you is usually much harder to deal with, but the reward for those who have accomplished is priceless, they believe. So happy people are aware of their flaws and try their best to become better people every day.

4 . They spend their time on what matters for them

Happy people know that time is precious, so they won’t waste it on activities that have no meaning for them. They know what brings them joy, and what their goals are, and they will prioritize both. They won’t be impressed by any type of pressure coming from outside, even if it happens to be disguised as an urgency. They also know that they excel when doing what they love, so rarely do they try to change it.

5. They show gratitude

People who have achieved happiness know how to say thank you. And not just because their parents have told them to do so. It comes from their hearts, from their certainty that life is a gift. So they will show gratitude for the opportunity to be part of the world, from the air that they breathe to the time that every person spends listening to them. And they will be happy about it.

6. They talk about ideas, not people

Happy people love to put their brains in motion. It makes them productive, creative, and boost their imagination so they can write or work on it later. They will spend time talking about ideas, testing them, and learning from books and people. On the other hand, they will not waste any minute judging people’s life choices, as they know that it is pointless. Of course, they will want to know enough so as not to repeat their mistakes, but it is very different from gossiping, as you know.

7. They take care of their health

We all know how essential is to be healthy for our happiness, but do we really care about it? Or do we only remember what our body needs when it is too late? Happy people don’t make this mistake. They will take good care of their body when they are in perfect health. They will exercise, eat balanced meals, and sleep well no matter what.

8. They live in the present

Happy people don’t wait to be happy. They are happy now. Today. They don’t think that life will be better when they get a job or get married, or graduate, or become a parent, or buy a house. They believe that they can be happy even though they have none of these things. Above all, they don’t expect that any material achievement, or something that also depends on somebody else, can make them genuinely pleased in the long term.

9. They have goals (and work on them)

Another thing that makes people feel happy about their lives is having goals and working on them. It gives them a sense of purpose, a reason to wake up every morning and say hi to the world. They know why they work hard, and why things are the way they are. They have a plan, a to-do list, and they check it and make something small happen every day. In other words, they know why they are alive.

10. They take risks and embrace changes

Happy people are ready to pay the price to be happy. If it means leaving their job, moving abroad, starting their own business, or getting a divorce, they will. Not that they don’t care or suffer the consequences. But they understand that they can make no contribution to the world if they are unhappy about themselves. So they will take risks and embrace changes whenever it feels right.

The Takeaway

There is much more that can be said about the habits of happy people, but these ten topics are a good way to start. They will require much discipline from you, have no doubt. However, nobody said that being happy is easy in the beginning.

The good thing is that, after a while, your body and mind will get used to your new state of mind. And when the idea becomes a real habit, then happiness will be part of your life.

About the Author

Kerry Creaswood is a young and ambitious writer from Savannah, GA. She is fond of various forms of art and thinks that everything we can imagine is real. To find more about Kerry – check her Twitter

10 Habits of Supremely Happy People
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