The English language is full of many beautiful and positive words. Often these words trigger a specific memory, pleasant thought, or a dream in our minds. The words that appeal to us are often very personal and the feelings they trigger are essentially unique to you. Here is my list of the top 25 positive words in English that appeal to me.
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Ineffable means too great or extreme to be described or expressed in words. It reflects that feeling of awe such as what you feel when your first child is born.
Serendipity is used to describe the occurrence and development of events by chance in a beneficial or happy way. That stroke of luck comes at exactly the right time, out of the blue.
Ethereal means extremely light and delicate so that something appears not to be of this world. I associate this word with heavenly and beautiful things, such as dragonfly wings or a voice that gives you chills.
Iridescent is a word to describe seeing luminous colors that change when seen from different angles. This positive word reminds me of carefree days blowing bubbles and watching them float away.
Epiphany is that sudden moment of realization or revelation. That light-bulb moment often changes your life. Everyone needs an epiphany now and then.
Luminescence is when a substance gives off the light without being heated such as phosphorescence and fluorescence. The fun of chasing lightning bugs or stirring up the sea and being rewarded with an eerie green glow.
Eloquence is persuasive and fluent in writing and speaking. Don’t we all wish to be eloquent at the right times? What a bonus when you can give a speech and engage your entire audience!
Sonder is the realization that every random passerby is living a vivid, complex life full of their own ambitions, worries, friends, and routines, in which you might be an extra on a park bench or a lit office on their route. As a people watcher, this positive word resonates.
Effervescence means enthusiastic and vivacious, and also the bubbles in your fizzy drink. This reminds me of the excitement of a child, perhaps even tasting their first fizzy drink.
Magnanimous means being forgiving or generous to someone who is not a friend or is less powerful than you. I think we all need to be magnanimous and this world would be a better place.
Benevolent means being kindly and well-meaning. Similar to magnanimous, except this kindness being expressed to anyone. Being benevolent has its own rewards, and it makes you feel great too.
Amusement means enjoying entertainment or finding something funny. The world needs more laughter and we should be able to find amusement in most situations, even laugh at ourselves.
Contentment is a state of satisfaction and happiness. I believe that for most of us, life is about striving for contentment. Appreciate the small things to find contentment in your daily life.

Determination is a firmness of purpose. Achieving anything in life takes determination. Set the goal and succeed through determination.
Dignity is being worthy of respect or honor. I like to believe everyone should be afforded basic dignity as a right especially our elders, who have so much to share if we listen.
Flourishing means thriving, developing successfully and rapidly. We all want something to flourish: a flourishing bank balance, perhaps a flourishing business, a flourishing garden. What a versatile and evocative word.

Harmonious has three lovely meanings tuneful, forming a pleasing whole, free from dissent and disagreement. I like the peaceful feel this word has, like music from a waterfall.
Lustrous is basically a nicer word for shining. I like to think of this positive word as being used for hair and eyes, giving a description extra depth and reflection. Who wouldn’t want lustrous hair?
Noble has a number of meanings, but I like the one which refers to a person showing high moral principles or good personal qualities. I like to think that our aim as humans should be to strive to be noble.
Respect is the feeling of admiration due to their abilities, achievements, or qualities. It also refers to giving the necessary regard for other people’s rights and feelings. Although for most people, respect is something that is earned, we should offer basic respect to all humans.
Laughter is the sound of someone laughing. This sounds more than almost any other has a way of lifting spirits. Laughter is contagious and makes us feel good.

Tranquility is the state of being calm and tranquil. We all need this sort of peace in our lives now and then to regroup.
Unconditional means there are no conditions attached. I prefer this word as part of the phrase unconditional love. A love that transcends everything, there are no ifs and buts, a love that offers everything without demanding anything.
Smiling is laughing in a smaller, quieter way. Turning those corners of the mouth up showing a happy look. Smiling is also contagious, and when it is genuine, it lights up your whole face.
Hope is the expectation that something will happen. Even when situations are dire, keeping hope alive is what makes the human spirit fight through the worst of situations. Never lose hope.
Those are my top 25 positive and uplifting words, what are yours? Use this resource when you need information related to one positive word, positive vocabulary, 100 positive words, beautiful positive words, positive vocabulary words with meaning, some positive words, strong positive words,
making them understand😄
Perfect!! 👏
Empathy Caring LOVE
Loving Kindness
I have to admit that was overperfect