Light-hearted Negativist vs. Positivist Dialogue: Episode 1

Join the entertaining clash of perspectives in Episode 1 of our Light-hearted Negativist vs. Positivist Dialogue series. Explore the humorous and thought-provoking banter as these opposing viewpoints collide, offering insights, laughter, and a fresh take on life’s ups and downs.

Negativist: Awful.

Positivist: Lovely.

Negativist: Horrible.

Positivist: Nice.

Negativist: OMG.

Positivist: Yes, OMG!

Negativist: Stop copying me.

Positivist: Stop making my life sad.

Negativist: I am not making it. It is already sad.

Positivist: No! It is not. My life is beautiful.

Negativist: You are living in your illusions!

Positivist: It is reality.

Negativist: Hahahahahahha

Positivist: This is why one of my rules is not to talk with negative people.

Negativist: Ok, butterfly!

Positivist: That is nice. Thank you.

Negativist: Hmmmmm… not.

Positivist: OMG you are hopeless.

Negativist: Remember. Think Positive!

Positivist: Ignoring you.

Negativist: Ignoring you also.

Positivist: Stop copying me.

Negativist: Stop making my life happy. I don’t like it.

Positivist: Bye, bye butterfly.

Negativist: Where are you going?

Positivist: In my illusions.

Negativist: Can I come also?

Positivist: Hmm. Ok!

Negativist: Flying away. Goodbye, cruel world. Going, never to return again.

Positivist: OMG, shut up or I will not take you with me anymore.

Negativist: Such a loss.

Positivist: You are such a bad company.

Negativist: For a positivist, you are not too positive.

Positivist: I will just not fight with you anymore. Fighting you just gives you more energy.

Negativist: No matter what I do, I always think of you. You don’t know what you mean to me.

Positivist: Oh, this is so lovely.

Negativist: Meaningless words.

Positivist: Just admit it, you too have a positive side.

Negativist: Yes, you are my positive side. I am 100% negative.

Positivist: What would you do without me?

Negativist: I would be 100% negative and feeling damn good about it!

Positivist: !?!!!!?!!!!

Moral: The part of the mind that is positive and the part of the mind that is negative is always talking with each other, and the talk is not as bad as we might think.

Positive Words Research – Negativist Positivist ~ Funny dialogue 1: Stop copying me!

I can do it - Positive Attitude