Magic Sparkles of Happiness: Introduction and Book Description

“Happiness is the meaning and the purpose of life, the whole aim and end of human existence.” – Aristotle

This book contains positive affirmations that make you feel happy. I recommend you to read throughout the chapters, taking each sentence, one by one. The sentences are arranged in a certain serene flow but can also be read separately.

The writing of this book has begun with my daily writings. I had some blissful, full of love, mesmerizing days when I just felt that I want to connect my own being with positive, high and strong words. Then connect myself with everything around me, connect my consciousness with the reality outside me. In this state I began to write this book.

Here is what I wrote.

I remember that when I was 19 years old I had a revelation. In that state I clearly saw how everything in this world is strongly connected with all the others. Was alone in my house and I was writing my thoughts. It just stroked me, like a lightning – that interconnection – that bliss and clear knowledge of all being connected.

The connectedness revealed itself to me in a flash light. I saw with my inner eye how everything that ever existed and exists has a connection with everything else. It was also a logical connection in my brain and I could simply explain it, through words.

It was not just an unique feeling, it was more than this.

Was a certain unique blissful wise energy and it invaded my consciousness. I remember I wanted to talk to every person in the world right then and there. I was so convinced that exactly in that moment I could have proved to anyone through simple logic the strong and amazing connection between everything. For me that feeling was amazing and I still remember it now.

Since then, I never felt that moment of bliss cumulated with so much wisdom again. I’ve had other moments of bliss, other moments of revelations, but not like that one. Even if I am now 30 years old and I didn’t had another moment like that one, and maybe I will never have it again, I have another feeling related to that moment.

I feel that that knowledge is deeply implemented in me.

Is living inside my own being and nobody could ever pull it out of me. It’s like a deep truth for me. I know for sure that everything is interconnected in this world, in such a way that a substance of “something that existed” always remains in the world and continues to exist under a different form. It’s like the pure blissful essence is embedded at first under a certain form and at the end it takes a different/another form. Then the end is the beginning of the new beginning.

If you ask me for an example, is not easy to give. I can say that the magical particles, or the essence, are incorporated in the entity (the human) that is “thinking” (let’s say is thinking of a future tree). Then the essence somehow passes duplicated inside an “idea”. An idea is a form because an idea is just a pattern of energy.

The idea of a tree

Same process continue and the essence passes in other forms as: the intention (another pattern of energy), the seed connected with the land, the tree itself from the reality connected with Earth, the flowers of the tree, the fruits of the tree, again seeds, again the land, again the air, the water, the human that eats the fruit and another one that makes a chair out of the tree, which initially was a seed. Therefore here is the interconnection between the chair and the seed, between the essence that was incorporated in an idea about a seed and the essence that was incorporated in a chair made by another human being out of the tree that grew from the seed.

The essence came from the same big mega-organism, a higher force like I call it in this book. The process begins again in this flowing, kind and friendly cycle. At the same moment, the purpose exists in every form and it exist in the overall big cycle. It is like someone was alive inside all of the existing forms and has created the overall form, the big one. For me that someone is a higher force.

I believe that this higher force express herself from the inside of every form. This higher force is feeling, learning about herself, from the inside of every form. I am a form of many. This higher force express herself through me, therefore feels happy through me.
The higher force feels through me. This entire mechanism makes me feel happy. All people are here to feel good and feel happiness.

Words about this book by Manuela Stancu (professional literature translator):

“Learning new things from a new book is usually what we look for in our readings. Having a good laugh or shedding a tear when it is finished is always a bonus. But getting hope from just reading a book is just wonderful. This is what I felt like after finishing reading Elena’s book Magic Sparkles of Happiness.

It all started with finding myself in every of its chapters. In giving thanks, in receiving blessings, in seeing things clearly, in loving every bit of the Universe.
It continued with the way Elena knew how to take me further with every one of her “magic sparkles”. It ended (although end would not be the proper term for it) when I finished reading and I just wanted to read through it again, to find the things that I valued most, that I appreciate most, that I thought would help me be a better person.

And so I did, I browsed again through it and tried to keep every wise word in my heart for as long as I will be able to.

I recommend “Magic Sparkles of Happiness”…

… to all those who are looking for it – for the perpetual, omnipresent, enchanting happiness that fills your heart and never goes away easily. This is dedicated to those who know they deserve to be happy and make other people happy, as well.
This book is meant to be read by those of you who have lost hope or that don’t believe in anything anymore. It’s a book for kids, adolescents, adult and elders. It’s that book you know you have to read at least once a year. Will help you remind yourself of what you really are after, of what you want to do, of how you want your life to look like every day.

It was surprising that a person so young and apparently so fragile as Elena could have so much wisdom hiding inside of her and that she would have the inspiration to put it in writing in such a wonderful way. It’s almost magic and definitely an act of courage for someone who has studied economy almost all her adulthood to write like this. This is not her first book I had the chance to read, this is the second one and I know she is preparing a third, a forth, a fifth… and I am convinced that she will bring just as much enthusiasm and magic in our life with every one of them.

Last, but not least, I am inviting you to dare to read this book and try to really think about what every chapter stands for.

Try to “do your homework” thoroughly – and I don’t only mean the homework at the end of every chapter, but the one we have to do every day in order to become a better person, a kinder person, a more peaceful and happy person.

We have to wake up every morning feeling thankful that we get one more day and live our lives as Elena says: “You cannot enjoy the snow dressed in summer clothes. You cannot enjoy life without dressing yourself in gratitude.”

All my gratitude goes to you, Elena! Love, Manuela”

“Happiness is not something ready-made. It comes from your own actions.” – Dalai Lama XIV

magic sparkles