Key Steps to Take to Feel Your Daily Mission Accomplished

In a usual day, we’re trying to do a bit more of everything. We want to do more work, we need to be more successful than others, we take more responsibilities, we want to make more money, and we want to be more active and energetic at the same time. It’s hard to start the day with a positive mindset when you set such expectations.

We have a different suggestion for you today: set a daily mission and achieve it.

We’ll teach you how!

Start the Day with an Enjoyable Habit

If you want to be glad you’re about to live through another day, it’s important to do something nice for yourself in the morning. Think of something you can do as soon as you wake up. It may be a morning walk with your dog, a great breakfast at home or at your favorite cafe, an indulging shower, or anything else that would make your happy hormones running.

Pick something you really like and turn it into a habit. That approach will attune your positive mindset from the very start of the day.

Prepare a Plan for the Day

“A goal without a plan is just a wish” – Antoine de Saint Exupery

Think about that quote. Turn it into your motto. When you schedule your tasks for the day, you’re aware they are taking you towards a higher goal.

Your daily plan shouldn’t be limited to work, though. Include something that makes you spiritually happy. You can read, listen to good music, hang out with people you love, or pick any other activity that brings joy into the working day. You can find time if you plan well.

Find Your Focus

What will be your daily mission? You have multiple tasks on your schedule, but what’s the most important one? Sometimes you can’t achieve everything you plan. When you make that big daily goal happen however, you’ll reach the accomplishment you aim for.

When you find your focus, it will be easy to fight the distractions and you’ll be more productive in your work.

Stay Immune to Negativity

“I always start the day with a positive mindset. I have tons of work to do on a regular basis, but I keep telling to myself that I can do it. Somewhere in the middle, negativity strikes in. There’s too much to do and I’m already feeling tired. At that point, I do the only thing that can keep me going – I take a power nap. After that, I’m as good as new,” – says Jenny Lewis, a writer from EssaysOnTime.

That’s a good approach. When you’re focused on your goals and you want to achieve as much as possible throughout the day, negativity will come from the shade. Somewhere along the way, you’ll start thinking: “It’s enough. I can’t keep going.” At that point, take a nap, have a coffee, and keep telling to yourself that you can go on. The least you can do is try.

Keep It Real

Do you know what’s the biggest obstacle you face on the way to accomplishment? Unhealthy ambition. Ambition is a good thing only when it’s reasonable. When you’re making that daily schedule, it has to be realistic. If you keep adding tasks that exceed your natural capacity, you can’t reach accomplishment.

Rethink Your Priorities

It didn’t look like it, but Nike was struggling when CEO Mark Parker called Steve Jobs for advice in 2006. Do you know what Jobs said? “Nike makes some of the best products in the world. Products that you lust after. But you also make a lot of crap. Just get rid of the crappy stuff and focus on the good stuff.”

Jobs took his own advice. By the end of that year, he killed almost 70% of Apple’s products and focused on the good ones; the priorities!

When you can’t reach accomplishment, it’s time to start getting rid of the crappy stuff that’s suffocating your schedule. Rethink your priorities and focus on them!

Infuse New Good Habits in Your Schedule

You were always interested in yoga, but you never found the time? You always wanted to read more, but you kept struggling with time? It’s time to start doing something you really like, but never had the chance to do.

Pick your habit and fit it in your daily schedule. It may be learning, exercising, reading… whatever. When you’re doing something new, you feel like you’re growing. And, you are!

Don’t Make Your Days Boring

So you’ll start your days with a routine, you’ll keep working towards a goal, and you’ll introduce a new habit in your schedule. There’s a danger: if the schedule is too repetitive, it will become boring. That’s why you’ll need to spice it up a bit. Keep trying and learning new things. Have fun!

Set Time for Meditating

When you force your mind to stay focused throughout the day, it may rebel on you. Sometimes it needs to wander away, and you need to give yourself some space for that.

Do this before going to bed: sit down with your spine straight. Close your eyes. Observe your thoughts like you’re watching them from the side. Let them flow, but don’t let a thought carry you away. It’s like you’re watching a river flowing. Congratulations; you’re meditating!

Self-Analysis at the End of the Day

At the end of the day, it’s important to give yourself credit for the things you accomplished and acknowledge the things you didn’t do so well. Do a self-analysis; it will help you stay on track with your goals.

These 10 steps seem easy when you read about them, don’t they? However, it takes a lot of persistence to fit them into your daily life. The good news is that you can do it. That’s the plan that leads you to daily accomplishments.

Sophia Anderson is a freelance writer at writing service and a blogger from sunny Australia. She is passionate about covering topics on writing, learning, careers, self-improvement, motivation and others. She believes that learning something new every day is a must. Her inspiration comes from reading books and online blog posts that cover a wide range of her interests. Meet Sophia at @Sophia7Anderson.

Positive Words Research – Key Steps to Take to Feel Your Daily Mission Accomplished

Daily Mission Accomplished