Envision a Better Future and Create a Better Self in New Chapter

Sometimes we are fast approaching the end of a chapter in our lives and headed towards the new one – a chapter that plunges us into the unknown, a chapter in the future that has not yet been written. But how to envision a better future and create a better self in new chapter? Ending the current chapter may prove to be difficult, especially since you may haven’t reached certain goals for yourself or maybe you didn’t make inspired choices all the time.

Or maybe it’s not even acknowledging on a conscious level what could’ve been better, but sometimes it’s even the passage of time that can make us nostalgic for what was and fearful for what’s to come. However, there are ways in which you can bring everything into a healthy perspective and get ready for the new chapter ahead.

Envision a Better Future and Create a Better Self in New Chapter

1. Think About Your Biggest Accomplishments

It’s important that when a chapter draws to an end you take the time to sit in silence, in a comfortable environment and think about everything that occurred during this passing chapter. But most of all, think of the beginning of the chapter and how it started for you. Where were you? What was your emotional state, what were your struggles? What were your accomplishments back then? Then slowly let your mind glide over the following months, one by one, allowing it to remember the memorable events that happened in each of these months. 

Most of all, while doing this exercise, emphasize what you managed to do for yourself and your own wellbeing. Maybe you’ve built a new friendship or developed your professional network. Perhaps you’ve taken more time for self-care, you engaged in a healthier lifestyle or you managed to travel more. Whatever it is, take the time to appreciate yourself for creating these opportunities in your life and notice how you’re slowly pushing towards a more grateful and more positive you.

2. Take Note of What Impact People Had In Your Life

We tend to get so caught up in our lives sometimes that we forget to notice the people we come across day-to-day or even those who came and stayed for good. This is why it’s essential that you gather your thoughts, zoom out and think of your last years in an ensemble. You may even go beyond this and take note of everyone who came into your life and helped you become the person you are today. Who are the people that helped you transform in the amazing version of yourself you are today? Acknowledge their positive impact and take advantage of this opportunity to send them nurturing and empowering thoughts. This will not only bring serenity into your life, but it will also help you consolidate these important relationships if they are still ongoing.

3. Envision a Better Future Without Boundaries

This step is absolutely crucial if you want to move towards a better, more fulfilling you in which you can reach your goals and live the life you’ve always dreamt of. For this you need to get in touch with that side of yourself that is absolutely limitless, that has no worries or doubts, that doesn’t rationalize in any way. The side of yourself where your heart rules over everything and where it gets to decide where you’ve headed the coming future. 

What’s inside your heart? Use creative writing and jot it down on paper, draw it or paint – there is no right or wrong way to this. Take as much time as you need during the exercise and afterward so you can contemplate what came out when you truly let your heart express itself freely. Giving voice to your deepest desires can have tremendous power in helping them shape up into reality.

All in all, the end of a chapter in your life is not meant to be rushed or taken very lightly. It’s rather an opportunity to have the clarity you need to understand what has been and see where you’re headed. It’s also a chance to set intentions both towards what you want to accomplish and towards the person you want to become. It all starts from the core of your being – if you align yourself with your deepest truth, the rest will gradually come into your life as you need it to. 

About the Author

‘Claudia Spataru is a free spirit located in Bucharest, Romania and always in search of answers to life’s greatest questions. She loves to understand how people work, what makes them tick and find ways to help them reach higher grounds. She adores the sea, traveling and laughing.’

Positive Words Research – Envision a better future and create a better self in new chapter.

Envision a Better Future and Create a Better Self in New Chapter

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