For the past few years, the popularity of technical sciences grew significantly. Modern students are no longer interested in writing stories or drawing pictures. They are more focused on revealing the secrets of programming, creating the codes of applications, and considerations on how to build another Tesla car that will surpass the success of Elon Musk. However, no matter their intentions and expectations, they still need to understand how to write in an effective way.
Today, the words still have the same power as they had 20, 50 or 100 years ago. They help to reach the success by making prominent statements. They help to explain the results of the most complicated technical experiment to everyone, and they break all the boundaries between different nations. Thus, even though you have chosen technical science, it does not mean that you have chosen to forget how to write.
Building exceptional writing skills for success in college and beyond is essential to everyone. However, here the question arises: how to cultivate this skill? In this article, we are going to talk about making students love writing and turning their ability to write to a totally new level.
Why does a student need to write perfectly
The first question that students may ask is why exactly they need to work on their writing skill. The matter is that still being students they need to write a lot, starting from the essays and up to dissertations and scholarship papers. Thus, they must understand the peculiarities of each type of academic paper and additionally have an idea of how they should use words properly to reach the desired effect.
These skills never come in theory. In order to write well, a student must practice a lot. This will help to determine weak points in writing, the common problems that appear, and even develop their own writing style.
9 tips to improve writing skills
It goes without saying, that practice should always rely upon the theory. So before you start to work on the writing skill, you need to check the list of recommendations that will help you choose a proper direction.
1. Make reading your common activity
Reading is not only about expanding your knowledge and building confidence in different spheres. It also helps to build a proper foundation for a sufficient writing. The more you read, the more writing styles, new words, approaches to story building you meet. Do pay attention to such details if you want to improve your writing.
2. Make writing a daily habit
Writing will not be a problem for you if you make it your habit. Here’s everything like with sports. The first couple of weeks it seems to be too difficult, the next month you start to enjoy the process, and two weeks more and you cannot live without that. Write as frequently as it’s possible, and you will notice the results soon.
3. Try different styles
If you have strong intentions to turn writing into a talent, it would be better to give a try to different writing styles. In this way, you will be able to determine what works great for you, and which of the styles suits you more.
4. Read headlines of magazine covers
If you want to write strongly, you need to find out the strategies used by famous copywriters and journalists. Just pay attention to the magazine covers. In fact, they have everything you need to know about the most effective ways of creating content. All of them are catchy, and you would admit that even if the idea itself is not interesting to you, but you still want to read this article due to a strong headline.
5. Boosting your grammar skills
Many students think that grammar is not so important when it comes to the writing in adult life. However, when you compose an email to your business partner, you always pay attention to the smallest details, including commas and tenses used. So it’s better to start improving your grammar now to be able to write flawlessly and create content that has perfect ideas and perfect form.
6. Enroll some writing courses
If you have strong intentions to become a great writer, take some courses where all technical aspects of creating a perfect text are explained. Of course, you need to get ready to prepare some home assignments and learn the materials that will help you to build a perfect understanding of good writing. But if you have enough time for that it definitely worth the efforts.
7. Find a writing partner
If you feel that writing is too complicated for you, and you can do nothing with that, you need to find someone who will inspire you to keep writing no matter what happens. It will be better if your writing partner either has the same intentions as you or already achieved some prominent results in writing.
8. Learn not to get distracted
One of the main enemies of good writing is distractions. Unfortunately, today there are too many of them, starting for the messengers and up to a noisy city that just leaves you no chances to stay focused. Thus, you need to either eliminate these distractions or to find a way not to pay attention to them.
9. Give a try to editing and proofreading
In some cases, to start to write perfectly all you need is to start noticing the mistakes. When you try yourself in editing and proofreading, you will be able to discover the common mistakes of students, improve your grammar, and build and understanding of a well-organized and perfectly-structured text. Additionally, this will help you proofread your writing in future so you won’t need to use any additional services and enjoy the high quality of your papers.
A love for writing is what you need to cultivate. Only some individuals were born with the passion for writing, but most of us must work hard to gain this passion. However, when you start to get the results of your work on writing, you start to understand that you’ve done everything right and now you got rid of all writing problems.
Do you have some other ideas on how to make students love writing? Leave your comments and suggestions to share your experience of cultivating writing!
About the Author
Lori Wade is a freelance content writer for Thriving Writer who is interested in a wide range of spheres from education and online marketing to entrepreneurship. She is also an aspiring tutor striving to bring education to another level like we all do. If you are interested in writing, you can find her on Twitter or Google+ or find her on other social media. Read and take over Lori’s useful insights!
Positive Words Research – How to Cultivate Exceptional Writing Skills for Success in College and Beyond