Category Archives: Science and Technology

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Cultivate Exceptional Writing Skills for Success in College

For the past few years, the popularity of technical sciences grew significantly. Modern students are no longer interested in writing stories or drawing pictures. They are more focused on revealing the secrets of programming, creating the codes of applications, and considerations on how to build another Tesla car that will surpass the success of Elon Musk.  However, no matter their intentions and expectations, they still need to understand how to write in an effective way.

Today, the words still have the same power as they had 20, 50 or 100 years ago. They help to reach the success by making prominent statements. They help to explain the results of the most complicated technical experiment to everyone, and they break all the boundaries between different nations. Thus, even though you have chosen technical science, it does not mean that you have chosen to forget how to write.

Building exceptional writing skills for success in college and beyond is essential to everyone.  However, here the question arises: how to cultivate this skill? In this article, we are going to talk about making students love writing and turning their ability to write to a totally new level. 

Why does a student need to write perfectly

The first question that students may ask is why exactly they need to work on their writing skill. The matter is that still being students they need to write a lot, starting from the essays and up to dissertations and scholarship papers. Thus, they must understand the peculiarities of each type of academic paper and additionally have an idea of how they should use words properly to reach the desired effect.

These skills never come in theory. In order to write well, a student must practice a lot. This will help to determine weak points in writing, the common problems that appear, and even develop their own writing style.

9 tips to improve writing skills

It goes without saying, that practice should always rely upon the theory. So before you start to work on the writing skill, you need to check the list of recommendations that will help you choose a proper direction.

1. Make reading your common activity

Reading is not only about expanding your knowledge and building confidence in different spheres. It also helps to build a proper foundation for a sufficient writing. The more you read, the more writing styles, new words, approaches to story building you meet. Do pay attention to such details if you want to improve your writing.

2. Make writing a daily habit

Writing will not be a problem for you if you make it your habit. Here’s everything like with sports. The first couple of weeks it seems to be too difficult, the next month you start to enjoy the process, and two weeks more and you cannot live without that. Write as frequently as it’s possible, and you will notice the results soon.

3. Try different styles

If you have strong intentions to turn writing into a talent, it would be better to give a try to different writing styles. In this way, you will be able to determine what works great for you, and which of the styles suits you more.

4. Read headlines of magazine covers

If you want to write strongly, you need to find out the strategies used by famous copywriters and journalists. Just pay attention to the magazine covers. In fact, they have everything you need to know about the most effective ways of creating content. All of them are catchy, and you would admit that even if the idea itself is not interesting to you, but you still want to read this article due to a strong headline.

5. Boosting your grammar skills

Many students think that grammar is not so important when it comes to the writing in adult life. However, when you compose an email to your business partner, you always pay attention to the smallest details, including commas and tenses used. So it’s better to start improving your grammar now to be able to write flawlessly and create content that has perfect ideas and perfect form.

6. Enroll some writing courses

If you have strong intentions to become a great writer, take some courses where all technical aspects of creating a perfect text are explained. Of course, you need to get ready to prepare some home assignments and learn the materials that will help you to build a perfect understanding of good writing. But if you have enough time for that it definitely worth the efforts.

7. Find a writing partner

If you feel that writing is too complicated for you, and you can do nothing with that, you need to find someone who will inspire you to keep writing no matter what happens. It will be better if your writing partner either has the same intentions as you or already achieved some prominent results in writing.

8. Learn not to get distracted

One of the main enemies of good writing is distractions. Unfortunately, today there are too many of them, starting for the messengers and up to a noisy city that just leaves you no chances to stay focused. Thus, you need to either eliminate these distractions or to find a way not to pay attention to them.

9. Give a try to editing and proofreading

In some cases, to start to write perfectly all you need is to start noticing the mistakes. When you try yourself in editing and proofreading, you will be able to discover the common mistakes of students, improve your grammar, and build and understanding of a well-organized and perfectly-structured text. Additionally, this will help you proofread your writing in future so you won’t need to use any additional services and enjoy the high quality of your papers.

A love for writing is what you need to cultivate. Only some individuals were born with the passion for writing, but most of us must work hard to gain this passion. However, when you start to get the results of your work on writing, you start to understand that you’ve done everything right and now you got rid of all writing problems.

Do you have some other ideas on how to make students love writing? Leave your comments and suggestions to share your experience of cultivating writing!

About the Author

Lori Wade is a freelance content writer for Thriving Writer who is interested in a wide range of spheres from education and online marketing to entrepreneurship. She is also an aspiring tutor striving to bring education to another level like we all do. If you are interested in writing, you can find her on Twitter or Google+ or find her on other social media. Read and take over Lori’s useful insights!

Positive Words Research – How to Cultivate Exceptional Writing Skills for Success in College and Beyond

Cultivate Exceptional Writing Skills

5 Habits You Need To Grow Into To Become Successful Now

Become successful and achieving what you dream of being no rocket science. Most of the people who wonder how to become successful need to grow certain habits in them that will pave the path towards becoming successful. The truth is every person holds within him or her qualities that are needed to become successful and get all that they desire. One needs to recognize those qualities and get on the track. Habits form the core of these qualities. Habits can determine the way a person will move in his or her life.

Habits determine a lot of things. In fact, 90% of a person’s destiny can be guessed by seeing the habits they possess. Everything you are today is the result of the habits you possessed yesterday and everything that you will ever accomplish his dependent on the habits that you have today. So, get up and resolve to practice some good habits by adopting which you can become successful and lead an affluent life.

1. Become Goal Oriented

Identifying the goal of your life and working towards it is the basic thing one can instil in their habits. No matter what you do, you must be a habitual goal setter. Cultivate in yourself goals for every day of life and strive to achieve them by the end of the day. This will mold you in the long run. Every successful person around the globe is known for being passionate goal oriented. Right from the beginning, they know what exactly they want. They pen down their goals and try to accomplish them at any cost. It is then perseverance and hard work that helps in getting to the goal.

2. Be Smarter

To become successful, you don’t need to be born with a silver spoon in your mouth. All great men in this world who have become successful have come from the lowest levels of their lives. It is their smartest moves that have made them successful. In today’s world, you need to be even smarter to achieve what you want. There are uncountable tools and software that help us become smart these days. For instance, if you are a content developer, a reword sentence tool can help you create a new content in the fraction of minutes. So, instead of sitting and working on your head, be smart any use the resources that can help you become more efficient. You may rephrase text by using a word rephrase generator and get your work done in no time.

3. Become Action Oriented

Action speaks a thousand words. So, actions help you analyze where actually you can land up in life. It also helps you to get on with a particular job and get it done exactly as you want. It depends on you how you act upon situations and urgencies and handle things with the right action. You need to leave procrastination behind you to become successful in life. Forget your fears and land up yourself on the platform from where you see only your goals and nothing else. The right blend of goal and action can only assure success.

4. Discipline Yourself

Discipline is the basic tool to achieve everything in life. It is only after you are disciplined, you can create scopes for yourself. A person who is not disciplined never get anywhere in life on his own. Your knack to discipline yourself is the key to the door that opens towards success. The habit of being self-disciplined always goes hand in hand with success in life. Just being goal oriented, and failing to become disciplined and follow any strict time table is like striking arrows in the dark. To achieve success, you must be disciplined in every aspect of life, be it getting up in time in the morning or completing an assignment in time. Setting up targets is a part of being disciplined. And, am sure you all know the significance of setting up targets.

5. Being Honest

Last but not the least, you all must have heard the quote that, “Honesty is the best policy.” Yes, it is true to every bit of it. No matter what you do, prosperity and everlasting success can’t be achieved if you are not honest. Being honest, on the other hand, means that you are implementing the “reality principle” in every job you are doing. So, if you are aspiring to become successful forever then need to pick this habit for sure. No doubt, there are hundreds and thousands of people out there who adopt deceitful means to achieve success or reach their goals but mind it, it is just for the time being. This is temporary. It is guaranteed that such success can’t stand the tests of life. It will vanish in some time.

Louise Rose is an amateur writer and picturegoer. Louise dreams of round-the- world voyage with her family. Her life motto is “Life isn’t about waiting for the storm to pass – It’s about learning how to dance in the rain.”

Positive Words Research – 5 Habits You Need To Grow Into In Order To Become Successful

habits become succesful

5 WOW Facts: How Movies Influence Our Life Day By Day

From the very 90s, movies have shown a broader influence on our lives. The influence was so relatable that some movies made it to predicting the future. The directors should have been genius people. If you get to see the 1920s and further movies, you will know how accurate the prediction has been, specifically, science fiction. Breaking all the above said, Author Jules Verne should have been a time traveler to have imagined submarine in the Twenty Thousand Leagues under the sea novel written by him in the year 1870. Here are some wonders to keep your jaw down to the ground for a while.

1. The Simpsons

Half of you would have already guessed it. For the other half, this is a favorite cartoon that just rocked our school days. There were several inventions included here, and this made so many of us feel like we could invent a thing too. A good number of them have been brought to real-time application. Some predictions are blood spraying billboards, airplane restaurants, baby translators, 3D printed cakes, and smartwatches. In fact, auto-correct was one of the inventions predicted by the Simpsons. Our favorite is the 3D-printed cakes, though. The inventions seemed silly during the show broadcast, but we all have now realized our fault.

2. Minority Report

The 2002 film had Tom Cruise in the lead role. While all of us thought the movie is not so related, the facial recognition software inventors and people who invented user interfaces that operate with gestures thought otherwise. No one would have expected that in the 2000s but these inventions, including the personalized advertising thing, is actualized now. Unbelievable, is it not? We all know Tom Cruise is talented.

3. The Imitation Game

The plot goes around the Mathematician Alan who tries to simplify the enigma code and all the situations that happen through World War II. Watching this movie will be your last wish if you are a data science lover. There is some information about science and math involved in it. The brilliant director invented the entire plot that is in actual existence now. We don’t know if they were serious about it, but the big data companies were. The movie involves the British Government attempting to crack down on secret Enigma codes using heterogeneous computing. The plot was outstanding, the movie was brilliant and so were the big data solutions.

4. The Minority Report

This wasn’t a big deal for our fans. We all knew it was all real. The plot surrounds the police forces, being capable of predicting crimes using the predictive analysis method and just data mining. There is our officer hero who works in the unit himself who gets accused of a future murder. The movie touches on the real potential of innovation, and almost all the concepts had future possibilities. Now, the data to predict human behavior is a thing for us but back then, this was something beyond human imagination, and the story writer did it. Kudos! And the crucial details weren’t a thing to be missed out on. It is now a turnover thing for big data companies.

5. Takeaway

This motion picture brought the confounded ideas of data science and evaluation to the extra-large screen, even back when information business was still a novel idea. Since data information is all over, you ought to get yourself acclimated with the thoughts. We are certain movies like Takeaway would help in getting a handle on the nuts and bolts of data science. If you are an information researcher, it could be a great misfortune not to have seen this brilliant plot and direction, having said that you are a huge enthusiast of information science. No matter what, this was one of the big data solutions, and all our big data companies possibly had it.

Nobody can realize what’s in store. However, scholars and producers are continually taking their best figure out. They are attempting to anticipate innovation and world issues decades early – or demonstrating a future they just WISH would materialize. Since October 21, 2015 – the Back to the Future date that took Marty McFly’s breath away – has at last arrived. It’s an ideal opportunity to see exactly how much the film got right. In any case, it’s by all accounts, not the only film that turned out to be significantly more precise than the producers presumably ever expected (regardless of the possibility that despite everything we’re tending to drift sheets).

That doesn’t mean Hollywood missed the point, in any case. Check out, and you’ll see many creations that are beyond human imagination. As well as some of which were anticipated by motion picture producers decades prior can be seen. The far back you go in the film files, the all the more fascinating these parallels get to be.

Louise Rose is an amateur writer and picturegoer. Louise dreams of the round-the-world voyage with her family. Her life motto is “Life isn’t about waiting for the storm to pass – It’s about learning how to dance in the rain.”

Positive Words Research – 5 WOW Facts: How Movies Influence Our Life

movies influence our life

Time Is An Illusion: Without Memory There Is No Time

Science finally proves that time is an illusion and that without memory there is no time. Time is just memory stored in space. Our own memory is not stored in our brain, it is stored in space and our brain is just connected with that place in space.

But how does this discovery that time is an illusion impact our lives, perception of reality, and our thinking?

The scientific discovery that time is an illusion benefits me in more ways. I thought about it and I reached five conclusions that I consider will ease life and improve well-being.

1. Live in the Present

If time is an illusion, doesn’t exist and it’s just a memory, why re-living memories. And I am referring here to bad memories. The notion of forgetting and forgiving takes another form, easier. Forgetting and forgiving means just not focusing anymore on those hurting memories. Let them be, there is just a bunch of information stored somewhere in space, anyway.

2. Jump to Positivity

If time is an illusion, doesn’t exist, then there is no need for the notion of “going through time”. Therefore, there is no need for so much learning through the hard ways. You can just jump through time, and because there is no time, it actually is… jumping through memories.

You can connect to the memories of someone positive that was generous enough to share it publicly with the world, and jump into the ocean of good feelings and emotions. For example, start with this list of positive words. This list of beautiful words is also a list of positive feelings and emotions. Pick a positive word and look through the vast internet for the meaning and the articles written about it. In this way, you will actually jump in the good, nice, inspiring, and happy memories of someone else. And just like that, you are connected with 3-4 happy consciousness (memories) of 3-4 positive people. You will be happier.

3. Connect with Positive Memories

If time is memory stored not in our brain, but in space, then we can randomly connect with any positive memory that we want. We could label certain memories as happy memories and we could just draw that positive energy from our memories by focusing on the label. This is where gratitude helps us. If we label each day 2-3 things that make us happy then it will be easier for us to remember them in the future. Because when we are grateful today, we are actually labeling memories as happy memories. We are improving our future well-being and diminishing the time it takes to keep alive and even restores our happiness.

4. Release Fear of the Subconscious Mind

If time is memory stored in space, then the subconscious mind could be all these memories stored in space, by us and by everyone. This is not frightening, it is actually more relieving if you look from another point of view. Release the fear of the subconscious mind that so many people feel… and try to change with many development programs. I am not against personal development. I just want to underline the importance of what you focus on in your personal development. Ask yourself: On what energy and consciousness are you focusing? Does it make you happy? Is it fun? Do you feel love when you learn or train yourself? My opinion is that we came here on Earth to have a lot of love and fun. And when you are not feeling happy, that is a clue to do something else.

I see a lot of people working so hard to change their subconscious minds. But memory can not be changed, you can just disconnect from that memory and connect with another memory… maybe with the memory when you have gone back in time and changed your own memory. But this is not true, this is just you creating another story for yourself, another memory. The old memory is well long behind you already stored in space. Yes, this is one way to do it, to take the old hurting memory, keep it close to you but rewire it into a more empowering story. But the hurting memory will still be close to you, hurting you.

There is another way, a new way. Disconnect from the old hurting memory and live in the present. Be grateful for what happens today, for the memories you are creating today. Connect with positivity all around the world, connect with lighter and shorter ways of doing things.

5. Release Lack of Time and Regain Freedom

If time is memory, you can release time by releasing memories. Once a month I do a reflection which can be considered meditation but it’s more like a connection with the empty space. I call it the release-connect technique. I release memories, good or bad and I connect with empty space. In this way, I diminish my attachment to various memories (good or bad) and make space for new memories to unfold. You can try it also. How do I do it?

I take some moments alone and start to picture that I am a locomotive carrying a lot of wagons behind me. Then I picture myself going in space where I can float. And the wagons slowly distance themselves from me floating away from me. They are not destroyed, they just safely float away from me with all the loads and burdens that they have. I trust that they are stored by the Universe somewhere and labeled properly. Then I just imagine myself a simple locomotive floating in space, being so light and free of everything. This is how I get my complete freedom.

See what Nassim Haremein, award-winning of the Einstein 2017 prize, has to say about the fact that time is an illusion and without memory, there is no time. The link will open a short video posted by Nassim on Facebook. Click here: without memory, there is no time.

About the Author


Elena is passionate about positive words and she is the person behind Positive Words Research. She also likes science discoveries related to spirituality and psychology.

Find her on her Facebook profile or PWR contact form.

4 Digital Skills to Learn for Free Online And Be Successful

What are those 4 digital skills to learn for free online which will make you have the perfect digital skills to thrive on the internet?

Given, the internet does indeed possess a very dark side and is culpable for a wide variety of social ills. Yet there are also some general exceptions to this detrimental trend. To begin with, the internet is in an excellent position of equipping you with useful real-world skills. Even better, there are some that you can be able to master without spending a dime. As such, there is no shortage of valuable knowledge online, which you can capitalize on to improve your life and even career. Well, here then are some top 4

Given, the internet does indeed possess a very dark side and is culpable for a wide variety of social ills. Yet there are also some general exceptions to this detrimental trend. To begin with, the internet is in an excellent position of equipping you with useful real-world skills. Even better, there are some that you can be able to master without spending a dime. As such, there is no shortage of valuable knowledge online, which you can capitalize on to improve your life and even career. Well, here then are some top 4 digital skills to learn for free online that you may want to look into.

1. How to successfully launch a startup

If you are burning with an intense entrepreneurship zeal, but are perhaps clueless on what to do next, the internet can effectively sort you out. Now more than ever, there are numerous websites, which offer entrepreneurship courses at no cost at all. Through which you can conveniently learn just what you need to do to build your startup from the ground up.

One of the finest of these courses is labeled ‘how to start a startup.’ These lessons are taught under the auspices of Stanford University working hand at hand with the University of Reddit. The chief instructor of this course is none other than Sam Altman, the founder of Y Combinator. The ‘how to start a startup’ course curriculum includes guest lectures from highly acclaimed speakers from companies like PayPal, LinkedIn, Facebook, and so on.

2. Learn the basics of coding

The internet is crammed to the gills with many free courses on web design, web development, and even programming. By enrolling in the best of these courses, you can be in a position of learning extremely useful and very in-demand high technology skills. Should you wish to build a professional website from scratch or develop the next big mobile app, there are numerous websites that can assist you in your quest. You will be able to understand the basics of HTML, JavaScript, CSS, database manipulation, and a wide range of programming languages. The Code Academy is definitely one of the best websites that offer free tutorials for all the above-listed digital skills. Harvard University also offers an introductory course for computer science online totally for free.

3. Learn a foreign language

Being multilingual is a very marketable skill to possess as a professional. Taking the necessary time to master several foreign languages can expand your career prospects in ways you would never have deemed possible. To this end, there happen to be many websites, which are primarily devoted to teaching foreign languages to their users at no charge at all.

The finest of these online courses are highly acclaimed for being extensive and can cover a plethora of languages. Some of the most notable languages English users can learn are French, German, Italian, Irish, Dutch, Swedish, Danish, Greek, Portuguese, Hebrew, Hindu to name but a few. One of the most comprehensive foreign language courses online you could enroll in are those offered by DouLingo. This website makes it a point to update its curriculum on a regular basis to make sure that it can adequately cater to the requirements and preferences of its students.

4. Learn touch typing

Touch typing is yet another invaluable skill you can be able to master for free through the internet. In essence, this skill is designed to assist you in significantly improve typing speed as well as typing accuracy. This is brought about by the learner integrating an ingenious typing method that places reliance on motor reflexes rather than sight. Basically, mastering touch typing lets you place your full concentration on your PC’s screen as opposed to the keyboard while typing. Being a touch typist can greatly improve your overall productivity.

You will be able to type elaborate and in-depth professional reports, internal circulars, and even business proposals in a much quicker time than you formerly did. This, in its turn, will naturally make you more marketable to both your current employer and prospective ones. Finally, the art of touch typing also lets you imbibe typing best practices such as ideal keyboard finger placement and the right posture to integrate when typing. All of which can greatly minimize the risks of sustaining injuries or a lot of fatigue when you engage in typing for protracted periods of time. If you wish to determine just how fast you can type and discover effective methods of improving your average typing speed and accuracy, start with one of the free online courses and be sure it can be fun and easy.

About the Author

My name is Daria Postoyalkina, I’m a development manager at Ratatype. This project helps children and adults to learn touch typing via an online typing test and lessons. I am in charge of developing the proper typing lessons and exercise for typists who want to improve their typing speed.

Positive Words Research – 4 Digital Skills to Learn for Free Online

4 skills learn free online

Discover 12 Powerful Universal Laws That Guide Your Life

There are 12 powerful words that represent powerful universal laws, that guide your life and is better to know what they stand for, to know the energy that they master.

1. Cause and Effect

“As your saw, so shall you reap”

Whatever we put out in the Universe will come back to us. What you saw is what you will reap. What we put out into the world in both thought and action, always has consequences… both good and bad.

2. Creation

“What we desire comes through participation.”

Life does not happen by itself, we need to make it happen. What we focus on is what we create. The authenticity of our lives will be determined to be the extent that our intentions match our actions… matching our insides with our outsides.

3. Humility

“Refusal to accept what is will still be what is.”

In life you need to show humility, meaning one must accept something in order to change it. Accept what is, let go of what was, and make changes towards what will be. By knowing and accepting what we can’t change, we are given the wisdom and courage to change what we can.

4. Growth

“Our own growth is above any circumstance”.

When we change ourselves our lives follow suit and change too. Our growth can happen under any circumstance. Whether or not, the actions we choose match our motives, will determine the negative or positive quality of our lives.

5. Responsibility

“Our lives are of our own doing, nothing else.”

We must take responsibility for what is in our lives. Our lives are of our own doing, nothing else. If the circumstances in one’s own life are chaotic, it reflects internal chaos. Changing our way of thinking will be reflected in the relative peace of our existence, regardless of others.

6. Connection

“Everything in the Universe is connected, both large and small.”

The past, present and future are all connected. All that we have experienced in our lives is connected… this is our story. Willingness to change these connections will enable our story to evolve.

7. Focus

We cannot think of two different things at the same time. Once cannot direct attention beyond a single task.

8. Giving and Hospitality

Our behavior should match our thoughts and actions. Demonstrating selflessness shows our true intentions.

9. Here and Now

One cannot be present if they are looking backward.

10. Change

History repeats itself until we learn from it and change our path. History repeats itself unless changed.

11. Patience and Reward

The most valuable rewards require persistence. A patience mindset will reap the highest reward.

12. Significance and Inspiration

Rewards are a direct result of the energy and effort we put into it. The best reward is one that makes an impact.

Source of the article: 1234

Source of the image: 5

Positive Words Research – 12 Powerful Universal Laws That Guide Your Life

powerful universal laws

Positive Words Can Change Your Brain And Restructure It

The words you choose to use can literally transform your brain because positive words can change your brain.

While researching about positive words this article came up: “Speak with kindness: How your words literally restructure your brain“. From this article you can understand the followings:

Dr. Andrew Newberg, a neuroscientist at Thomas Jefferson University, and Mark Robert Waldman, a communications expert, have written together the book, “Words Can Change Your Brain.” In this book, they write, “a single word has the power to influence the expression of genes that regulate physical and emotional stress.” When we use positive words like “love”, “peace” and “loving-kindness”, we can modify our brain functions by increasing cognitive reasoning and strengthening areas in our frontal lobes. Using positive words more often than negative words can activate the motivational centers of the brain, propelling them into action.

On the opposite end of the spectrum, when we use negative words, we are preventing certain neurochemicals from being produced which contribute to stress management. So, when we allow negative words and concepts into our thoughts, we are increasing the activity in our brain’s fear center (the amygdala), and causing stress-producing hormones to flood our system. These hormones and neurotransmitters interrupt the logic and reasoning processes in the brain and inhibit normal functionality. Newberg and Waldman write, “Angry words send alarm messages through the brain, and they partially shut down the logic-and-reasoning centers located in the frontal lobes.”

An excerpt from their book tells us how using the positive words can literally change our reality:

“By holding a positive and optimistic [word] in your mind, you stimulate frontal lobe activity. This area includes specific language centers that connect directly to the motor cortex responsible for moving you into action. And as our research has shown, the longer you concentrate on positive words, the more you begin to affect other areas of the brain.

Functions in the parietal lobe start to change, which changes your perception of yourself and the people you interact with. A positive view of yourself will bias you toward seeing the good in others, whereas a negative self-image will include you toward suspicion and doubt. Over time the structure of your thalamus will also change in response to your conscious words, thoughts, and feelings, and we believe that the thalamic changes affect the way in which you perceive reality.”

A study done by Positive Psychology further elaborates on the effects of using positive words. A large group of adults aged 35-54 were asked to write down three things that went well for them that day, including an explanation of why. This exercise is also called “the gratitude and appreciation journal”. Over the next three months, their degrees of happiness continued to increase, and their feelings of depression continued to decrease, even though they had discontinued the writing experiment. By focusing and reflecting on positive language, thoughts, feelings, and emotions, we can improve our overall well-being and increase the functionality of our brain.

What words do you choose to focus your energy on? If you notice your life isn’t exactly “happy,” try carrying a journal with you, for a week, to keep track of how often you use positive words. Then insert your written thoughts in our online free application Positive Words Researcher and check the words you have used in your thinking in the last week. The online tool also gives you a list of positive words not thought of you, so you can learn new ones and improve your positive thinking.

Researching more about positive words the next article came up: Words Can Change Your Brain.

The author of this article start with a funny affirmation: “Sticks and stones may break your bones, but words can change your brain. That’s right.”.

From this article, you can understand that positive words can “alter the expression of the genes”, “propel the motivational centers of the brain into action” and “build resiliency”.

In comparison with good words, “angry words send alarm messages through the brain, and they partially shut down the logic-and-reasoning centers located in the frontal lobes,” write Newberg and Waldman in the book “Words Can Change Your Brain”.

Researching, even more, another article came up: How Do Words, such as Yes and No, Change Our Brains and Lives?

This author of this article writes about the neuroscience of language, consciousness, and communication. One of the conclusions written in the article is ” to modify Compassionate Communication in a fundamental way: when conversing with others, we should limit ourselves, whenever possible, to speaking for 20 or 30 seconds, for even a single sentence can contain more than 4 chunks of information. When we limit ourselves to this 30-second “rule,” the brain quickly adapts by filtering out irrelevant information. There’s another advantage to speaking briefly: it interrupts our ability to express negative emotions.”

More article to sustain the fact that positive words can change your brain:

Molecular Thoughts

Why Positive Words Matter: Unleashing the Impact on Well-being and Relationships

Why positive words matter: Discover the transformative power of optimism, encouragement, and positivity in language. Explore the impact of positive words on mental well-being and relationships. “Why Positive Words Matter” is a resource of information from different articles/videos gathered at Positive Words Research in one article to support the statement that positive words matter and they matter a lot in sustaining our well-being and happiness. How we do this:  We gather as much information we can about the topic “Why Positive Words Matter?” and add in this article links (together with an excerpt) from other articles/videos that explain why words or positive words matter.

In a world filled with words and language, it’s easy to underestimate the profound influence that the choice of words can have on our lives. But, as we delve into the topic of “Why Positive Words Matter,” we’ll begin to unravel the transformative power of optimism, encouragement, and positivity in language. The words we use not only shape our thoughts and attitudes but also have a significant impact on our mental well-being and relationships with others.

In this exploration, we’ll delve into the science behind the influence of positive words, examine how they can boost our mood and resilience, and shed light on their role in fostering healthier, more meaningful connections. Join us on this enlightening journey as we uncover the reasons why positive words matter and how they can make a difference in your life.

1. “Words Matter!” article published on 03/22/2016 on the website Huffington Post

Excerpt from this article:

“Let us change our mindset, our self-talk. We must start today to honor and appreciate all that we do well. Let us own our successes, our uniqueness, and embrace all our gifts and talents, our beauty, our health, happiness, and creativity…. . Let us start with the words: I AM… The two most powerful words. What we place after these, shape our beliefs and determine our destiny. Let us be mindful about the words we speak: “I am healthy. I am Blessed. I am brilliant. I am successful. I am loved. I am beautiful.” are some of the words that if we continue to speak over ourselves, will propel us to achieve self-confidence, regain our self-worth, and elevate our consciousness to levels that will take us to new heights and happiness that is beyond measure.”

You can also find at Positive Words Research two articles that give insights about the power of I AM: “I AM two powerful words” and “Whatever follows I AM will come looking for you”

2. “Want to live longer? Think positively! People who believe they are healthy tend to outlive those who worry about how they feel.” article written on 29 February 2016 on the website Daily Mail (Mail Online)

Excerpt from this article:

How people perceive their health acts as a guide to how long they will live. Scientists found those who were more positive tended to live for longerHow easy activities like. How easy activities likehousework are can also be a indicator of life length. Researchers say it could help them screen out those in need of help

3. 5 Words And Phrases That Can Transform Your Work Life

4. Researchers find older adults respond to emotional terms more positively

Positive Words Related to JOY

In conclusion, the significance of positive words cannot be overstated. As we’ve delved into the topic of why positive words matter, it’s clear that they hold the power to shape our thoughts, emotions, and relationships.

Positive words have a profound impact on our mental well-being, promoting optimism, resilience, and a more positive outlook on life. They act as a beacon of hope in challenging times, motivating us to overcome obstacles and pursue our goals with determination.

Furthermore, the influence of positive words extends beyond our individual well-being. They play a pivotal role in nurturing healthier and more meaningful relationships. Encouraging, uplifting, and supportive words can strengthen connections, foster trust, and create an environment of mutual understanding and respect.

In a world where communication is key, choosing positive words is not just a matter of linguistic preference; it’s a conscious decision that can lead to a brighter, more fulfilling life and more harmonious interactions with others.

So, let us remember that each word we use holds the potential to inspire, heal, and transform. By harnessing the power of positive words, we can uplift ourselves and those around us, ultimately contributing to a more positive and connected world.

Requested References for Research on Positive Words

Discover the requested references for our research findings about the profound impact of positive words on well-being, communication, and personal growth. Explore the sources that support our insights and enrich your understanding of the transformative power of positivity in language. We receive many messages from people asking for references for the research performed at Positive Words Research. They want to understand how we come up with the list of positive words and what empirical evidence we have to back up our statements. People want to know, for example, if for our research we have empirical evidence that was conducted in a lab experiment or a field experiment and was published in a journal.

Visitors say that the website has a lot of useful words that their research team could definitely use in their own projects, they stumbled across this website and it has been an excellent resource.  They know that creating a website like this could have not been easy, and we must have done a lot of preparation research to get the information needed. And this is true. From the references below we have either extracted positive words or we have validated words to be positive and added them to the list of positive words from Positive Words Research.

In the realm of language, positivity shines as a beacon of hope and transformation. At Positive Words Research, we receive countless requests for references supporting our research findings on the incredible impact of positive words. In this article, we respond to these queries by providing you with the requested references that validate our insights.

Our journey through the world of positive words and their transformative potential has led us to a wealth of knowledge. These references serve as pillars of evidence, reinforcing the profound influence that positivity in language can have on various aspects of life.

As we delve into these references, you’ll gain a deeper understanding of the research, studies, and insights that underpin our work at Positive Words Research. So, let’s embark on this enlightening journey, exploring the sources that substantiate the remarkable power of positive words in enhancing well-being, communication, and personal growth.

If you use this list of positive words from Positive Words Research, please cite as follows:

List of Positive Words created by Calin Elena Daniela, founder of Positive Words Research:

Please find below a list of references we have used since creating Positive Words Research:

Books References

  • Positive Thinking by Vera Peiffer, 1989
  • More Positive Thinking by Vera Peiffer, 1990
  • The Magic of Thinking Big by Dr. David J. Schwartz, 1959
  • The Good Mood Guide by Ros & Jeremy Holmes, 1993
  • A guide to rational living by Albert Ellis and Robert A. Harper, 1961
  • The case against religion: A psychotherapist’s view and the case against religiosity by Albert Ellis Ph. D
  • How to control your anxiety before it controls you by Albert Ellis, Ph. D founder of REBT Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy, 1998
  • Dating, mating and relating – How to build a healthy relationship by Albert Ellis, Ph. D and Robert A. Harper, 2003
  • Feeling better, getting better, staying better. Profound self-help therapy for your emotions by Albert Ellis, Ph. D, internationally renowned psychologist, and author
  • How the Mind Works by Steven Pinker, 1997
  • How brains think by William H. Calvin, 1996
  • Kinds of minds. Toward an understanding of consciousness by Daniel C. Bennet, 1996
  • The complete idiot’s guide to public speaking, Second Edition by Laurie Rozakis, Ph. D, 1999
  • How to start a conversation and make friends by Don Gabor, 1983
  • 101 ways to improve your communication skills instantly by JO Condrill and Dr. Bennie Bough, 1998
  • The art of civilized conversation. A guide to expressing yourself with style and grace by Margaret Shepherd and Sharon Hogan, 2005
  • Positive words, powerful results. Simple ways to honor, affirm and celebrate life by Hal Urban
  • La therapie cognitive by Philippe Breinster, 1995
  • J’apprends a  apprendre  by Christian Drapeau, 1994
  • All you ever wanted to know from his Holiness The Dalai Lama on happiness, life, living and much more, Conversations with Rajiv Mehrotra, 2009, Tenzin Gyatso, HH The Dalai Lama
  • An Open Heart. Practicing Compassion in Everyday Life by The Dalai Lama Tenzin Gyatso, edited by Nicholas Vreeland, 2002
  • How can we overcome them. A Scientific Dialogue with The Dalai Lama narrated by Daniel Goleman, 2003
  • Healing Emotions: Conversations with Dalai Lama on Mindfulness, Emotions and Health by Daniel Goleman, 1997
  • Social Intelligence. The New Science of Human Relationships by Daniel Goleman, 2006
  • Emotional Intelligence. Why it can matter more than IQ by Daniel Goleman, 1995
  • Primal Leadership by Daniel Goleman, Richard Boyatzis, Annie Mickee, 2002
  • A Primer on Rational-Emotive Therapy by Windy Dryden, Raymond DiGiuseppe, 1990
  • The Magic by Rhonda Byrne, 2012
  • The Secret by Rhonda Byrne, 2006
  • The Power by Rhonda Byrne, 2010
  • The Secret Daily Teachings by Rhonda Byrne, 2008
  • The Astonishing Power of Emotions. Let your Feelings be Your Guide by Esther and Jerry Hicks (The Teachings of Abraham)
  • You Can Heal Your Life by Louise Hay, 1984
  • Calling in “The One”: 7 Weeks to Attract the Love of Your Life by Katherine Woodward Thomas, 2004
  • Magic Sparkles of Happiness by Calin Elena Daniela the founder of Positive Words Research, 2012
  • Positive Words That Will Enrich Your Mind and Soul by Calin Elena Daniela, the founder of Positive Words Research, 2015
  • The I Can Alphabets: A Unique Collection of Words Just for You by Teffanie T. White, 2012 (Pictureless book)
  • I is for Invigorated (the i m a g i n a t i o n series) by Teffanie White and Adrea Peters, 2011 (Pictureless book)
  • I is for Inspiration (the i m a g i n a t i o n series) by Teffanie White and Adrea Peters, 2010 (Pictureless book)
  • W is for Walnut (w e l l n e s s) by Teffanie White and Adrea Peters, 2011 (Pictureless book)
  • C is for Canvas (the c a n v a s series) by Teffanie White and Adrea Peters, 2010 (Pictureless book)
  • A is for Apple (the a n g e l series) by Teffanie White and Adrea Peters, 2010 (Pictureless book)
  • E is for El Nino (the e x p l o r e series) by Teffanie White and Adrea Peters, 2010 (Pictureless book)
  • The I Can Alphabets: A Unique Collection of Words Just for y O U by Teffanie White and Adrea Peters, 2012 (Pictureless book)
  • Ur Txtbk (the n o t h i n g series) by Teffanie White and Adrea Peters, 2010 (Pictureless book)
  • N is for Never Night (the n o t h i n g series) by Teffanie White and Adrea Peters, 2010 (Pictureless book)
  • A is for Angel (the a n g e l series) by Teffanie White and Adrea Peters, 2010 (Pictureless book)
  • Minqing Hu and Bing Liu. “Mining and Summarizing Customer Reviews.”; Proceedings of the ACM SIGKDD International Conference on Knowledge; Discovery and Data Mining (KDD-2004), Aug 22-25, 2004, Seattle; Washington, USA
  • Bing Liu, Minqing Hu and Junsheng Cheng. “Opinion Observer: Analyzing; and Comparing Opinions on the Web.” Proceedings of the 14th; International World Wide Web conference (WWW-2005), May 10-14; 2005, Chiba, Japan

Home Training Programs References

  • Love or Above by Christie Marie Sheldon, Mindvalley
  • Unlimited Abundance. Clearing Past Beliefs and Fundamental Blocks by Christie Marie Sheldon, Mindvalley
  • Creative Visualization, Mastering the System by Vishen Lakhiani founder of Mindvalley
  • Bending Reality. The Master Program for Creating Wealth and Impact by Vishen Lakhiani founder of Mindvalley
  • 5 Principles for Winning the Mind Game by Bob Proctor, Mindvalley
  • 11 Forgotten Laws by Bob Proctor, Mindvalley
  • Creative Visualization. Guided Journeys by Lisa Nichols, Mindvalley
  • Calling in “The One”: 7 Weeks to Attract the Love of Your Life by Katherine Woodward Thomas

Internet References – Lists of Positive Words/Positive Word Vocabulary Lists/Sentiment Analysis

Internet References – Articles

  • Happy Endings Slash Big Reveal by Teffanie Thompson, former Teffanie T. White (from Positive Words Research)
  • Positive Words by Lu Yu (from Lu Yu website)
  • How research is done at Positive Words Research
  • Positive thinking may be a sign you are going to live longer (from Daily Mail)
  • The Power of Words by Jonathan Madison (from The Daily Journal)
  • Sentiment Analysis Resources (from Positive Words Research)

Internet References – Blogs/Websites

  • Pictureless Books
  • Positive Thesaurus
  • Positive Words Dictionary
  • Word of the Day from The Crazy Perfectionist

Please note that from the references above we have either extracted positive words or we have validated words to be positive and added them to the list of positive words created at Positive Words Research.

In conclusion, the references we’ve provided serve as a testament to the extensive research and studies that support the transformative influence of positive words. These sources underscore the profound impact that optimism, encouragement, and positivity in language can have on various facets of our lives, including our well-being, communication, and personal growth.

Through our commitment to spreading the message of positivity, we have sought out and compiled these valuable references to validate our insights and findings. We believe that understanding the empirical evidence behind the power of positive words is crucial in appreciating their significance.

As you explore these references, we hope you gain a deeper appreciation for the role of positivity in language and its ability to uplift, inspire, and transform. May these sources inspire you to embrace the use of positive words in your daily life, contributing to your well-being and fostering meaningful connections with others. Thank you for joining us on this journey of discovery and empowerment through the magic of positive words.

Positive Words Research