Regardless of your given profession, efficiency always pays exponentially. Been able to get more work accomplished in less time is one of the major ways of getting ahead professionally. This is always the case, whether you are eyeing a lucrative promotion or perhaps trying to grow your own business venture. With a wide variety of productivity tools made available online, you can now be in an excellent position of exploiting them to significantly boost the amount of work you can get done. Best of all, many of these online resources can be accessed completely free of charge. Also, if you happen to work at a PC throughout your workday, you most definitely struggle with pesky distractions that ruin your focus. So, instead of letting the internet to impede on your productivity, why not allow it to work for you? Here then are some top 5 free resources to boost your productivity, save you time and streamline your workday.
1. Unroll.Me
Like most busy professionals, you will certainly not wish your inbox to be cluttered with spam mail. This is where Unroll.Me comes into the picture. This free online productivity resource, once you sign up for it, will obtain a list of all your email subscriptions. After reviewing them, you then get to unsubscribe automatically all those which don’t add value to your professional duties. This software, at the same time, will roll all those emails subscriptions you wish to retain into just a single message. This way, you can be able to skim through them all at a single glance each and every day. Instead of being forced to go through dozens of emails consecutively.
2. Evernote
Evernote is a cloud-based online workspace that you can make use of across all your devices. It also permits you to fully customize its many features in order to suit your unique requirements and preferences. In essence, you can utilize this free online productivity tool to keep abreast of all your to-do lists, conveniently access crucial work documents and even research logs all in a single place.
3. Coach.Me
At some point in your career, you will feel the need of having some individual who can push you, despite yourself, to develop useful habits and get rid of bad ones as well. This is exactly what the free online productivity tool, Coach.Me, was specifically created for. If you are probably trying to develop a better workflow strategy, this resource is right down your alley. Additionally, it can assist you in other non-work related activities, which can indirectly boost your overall productivity. This includes helping you to sleep better or even starting an appropriate workout regimen. This application offers free instructions along with suggestions and message boards for hundreds of different work-related topics. In the event you wish for it, for an upgrade fee of a paltry $15, you can gain access to a real personal coach. One who will always check up on you each and every day to make sure you are able to stick to the strategies that will expand your career horizons.
4. RescueTime
This free online productivity tool can let you efficiently keep track of the exact time you spend working, viewing specific websites or using certain apps. You will then get to appraise your time-saving progress on a daily basis. While after every week, you will obtain a comprehensive report, which breaks down all this information in user-friendly and easy to decipher charts. You will also get a productivity score after every week to enable you to push yourself to the limits and improve your time-keeping skills.
5. Online typing tutors
Touch typing is a skill that has been introduced to improve typing speed as well as accuracy. When you become a touch typing master, you will come to discover that you can immensely improve your productivity in all typing associated tasks you undertake. This, in its turn, will go a long way will let you take up much more work than you previously did in your usual work days. More to the point, learning how to touch type will allow you to accomplish all this in a significantly shorter time frame than you would not have thought possible. To this end, there are now numerous online typing tutors, which are solely devoted to teaching the art of touch typing. These websites provide many resources that can assist you to become a skilled touch typist. Even better, a good number of the best of these sites offer their invaluable services at no cost at all, and you can easily sign up at any time.
About the Author
My name is Daria Postoyalkina, I’m a development manager at Ratatype. This project helps children and adults to learn touch typing via an online typing test and lessons.
I am in charge of developing the proper typing lessons and exercise for typists who want to improve their typing speed.
Positive Words Research – Top 5 Free Resources to Boost Your Productivity
I love the 4th one!