With the surge in the popularity of video podcasts and other types of visual content, the interest in text-centric (e.g., blog posts) content has been steadily declining worldwide. People often believe that blogging is dead because it is no longer profitable, has a low return on investment, and cannot compete with social media and video-sharing platforms.
Although there is some truth to those assumptions, they mainly apply to old strategies and approaches to creating text-centric content. Today, you can’t just randomly put your marketing messages online because nobody would read them. However, with some knowledge of how to make text-centric content relevant, it can still be one of the best opportunities to promote your brand and make money online. In this article, we address some of the most widely held myths about text-centric content and show why sticking to it in 2023 is actually a good idea.
1. Only high-quality writers can create profitable text-centric content
One of the most popular myths that create a perception of text-centric content is dead. Gone are the days when you had to hold a degree in the English language to create high-quality text content. Today, you have access to multiple writing assistants that can significantly improve your content and make it more engaging.
For example, you could use an online grammar checker not only to proofread your text for grammar, style, and spelling mistakes and errors. By using this instrument, you can also edit your content faster and better while improving your writing skills. When it comes to creating high-quality text-centric content, it is crucial for the success of your brand to make sure your writing is polished and free from any errors.
There is one thing, however, that must be present in your text-centric content to make it profitable. And this thing is engagement. While online writing assistants can make your text more interesting and easier to read, they are not capable of creating captivating, crisp brand messages and articles. You must master this skill yourself to make your text-centric content profitable.
2. Text-centric content does not bring money
In defiance of a widely held myth, creating text-centric content remains a highly profitable endeavour, especially when it comes to the business context. Many organisations that specialise in selling goods and services online tend to have a built-in blog where they provide valuable, helpful information on related topics.
Not only creating text-centric content has become cheap and affordable. It has become an important asset for many entrepreneurs that generates traffic to their websites, increases their brand awareness, and generates sales. You should remember that the more the user spends time reading your blog posts, the more likely they will make a purchase. Therefore, making sure your articles and other types of text-centric content are interesting to read, bring value, and address your target audience’s issues is key to its profitability.
3. People don’t read blogs
The growing popularity of video and social media platforms has given the impression that consumers are no more interested in text-centric content in general and blogs, in particular. However, this impression is deceiving.
For centuries, reading has been a significant part of how we consume and exchange information. Luckily, this is not going to change any time soon. Text-centric content enables consumers to explore a topic in great detail, which is often impossible using social media platforms unless you have hours of spare time. Given the growing popularity of short video content, social media platforms are unlikely to become suitable for exploring complex topics in detail.
Reading textual information in the form of a blog post also saves bandwidth, allowing more potential customers to access your content. Watching a lengthy video, especially via a mobile phone, can be quite expensive. Moreover, slow internet speed can ruin the consumer’s experience of watching your video content.
4. Text-centric content cannot compete with graphic content
Indeed, text-centric content cannot effectively compete with graphic content. But the truth is that it does not have to. Content marketing involves producing different kinds of content, which are used collaboratively to drive traffic to your website or online store. For example, you could place a link to a video in your blog article to promote your visual content. Alternatively, you could put a link to your blog in the description of your video on YouTube to generate traffic to your website.
Although many entrepreneurs tend to rely on social media websites to generate sales, increased restrictions and censorship introduced by these platforms could pose a threat to what you built over years. Hence, text-centric content can become an effective way to secure your income. Moreover, by diversifying your content marketing channels, you can get access to a larger audience of consumers who prefer different kinds of content.
5. Blogging is too saturated
Many popular blogging niches, such as food, personal finance, lifestyle, and travel tend to be highly competitive and saturated. As a result, there is an impression that blogging is saturated. While this impression is not far from the truth, you should remember that your brand has a unique value proposition. It has a set of features and characteristics that differentiate it from the competition and make it attractive to consumers.
You should take advantage of these features when creating text-centric content. Does it address specific customer needs? How does it address their problems? Make sure your content clearly communicates the main features of your product, as well as the reasons why consumers might want to prefer it to its alternatives. Even though your niche might be competitive, you can still make your text content highly demanded by consumers.
As you can see from this article, text-centric content is far from dead in 2022 and beyond. Despite the rapidly growing popularity of social media and video-sharing platforms, blogging and other types of text-centric content remain profitable marketing channels. Just remember that your content must provide value, stand out, and be well-written. Do your own research, look for new angles, and communicate better and you will see how fast your content attracts readers and generates sales.