Embrace the empowering message that you are beautiful and loved. Discover the importance of self-love and positivity in this uplifting journey of self-acceptance and inner strength.

You Are Love! 

You are beautiful. You are amazing. You are magnificent.

How does that make you feel? Do you believe these truths about you? Well, perhaps it’s time to do so. I believe that about me (well, most times) and so it must be true about you. We are all beautiful beings no matter what, who, or where we are.

Here’s what happened to me as I began to discover the truth of who I am…

In 1991, I had a spiritual experience as I merged with my Soul, my Divine Self, my true essence. I became one with All of It, and I discovered It was All Love and It was All Me. It was a Great Big Mirror of Love. It didn’t come through positive words or thoughts at that moment, but purely by Grace. However, it was not to last because my ego kept distracting me from the truth of who I am, distractions, which for many reasons, we have been conditioned with.

I had never experienced anything like this before, but curiously, it.. was.. familiar…the light which was very small until that moment, like a dimmer switch, turned on fully and illuminated everything and I recognized myself! (I just had that awareness: When I’ve shared about this experience in the past, I have been saying it was familiar because it was the same light inside no matter what size the flame is). More accurately now, I see I am that Light and so it was in the recognition of who I truly was that this experience was familiar. Sometimes it takes a near-death experience to realize or experience this, and ironically, although not a near-death experience, I was at a spiritual center and we were asked to reflect on what we would do if we were told that we only had a year left to live and faced with our mortality! Life is so wonderfully choreographed!!!

The forgetting of who I truly am is absorbed for moments as long as I entertain that voice of the ego. I call this battle of wills, between the lower and higher frequencies, the dark versus the light, Love versus fear, my holy war. My ego constantly instructed me to hide, run, and pretend. And it was louder. The soft whisperings of my spirit or soul, that center of eternal peace, steadfast and always present, got lost in the whirl of ego drama all around and within me.

After years of suffering, now I know all I have to do is listen and I will hear its gentle prompting. It’s always there, always present within me (and around me as I woke up to signs and synchronicities). What a wonderful adventure life is!

Over the years, I repeatedly told myself that I was a failure of some sort and I saw how beating myself up would wear me down, completely exhausting me. I first began to see how fear was an illusion, that my mind is like this computer, doing whatever I choose to tell it or focus on. One day, I began my day feeling tired  —  I was born on July 24 and so the theme, 24/7, instructs my life – it kept me up and it kept me tired.

I began my journey back to love and who I was by using affirmations. I remember walking to the bus depot one morning and I said over and over that I was “energetic, enthusiastic, and full of life (something along those lines). I saw how I became energized and my walk became enjoyable with every step and affirmation. As I repeated these affirmations and my energy increased, I recall walking past a young man who smiled at me and that fed my increasing energy and light as my heart expanded. I felt so good by the time I reached my destination. I believe that my energy attracted this man’s smile, that what I felt internally, the universe reflected back to me on the outside. This is how positive words, thoughts, and actions improve well-being. Try this and see that fear is truly an illusion (Remember, to create your own affirmations in the present tense and as if you are already experiencing them). Fear-based thoughts are projections into the future (worries about not having something, a lack of money, for instance) based on past experience. These old fear-based behaviors based on fear-based beliefs are patterns that are habitual. It takes work to unglue ourselves from their grip. It helps to become aware of thoughts that are driving our self-sabotaging behavior, and therefore, our experiences by intentionally changing our minds to choose different thoughts, loving thoughts that lighten our gait, our experiences, and our lives.

The affirmation turns into a manifestation, the first part being feeling better leading to increased life-affirming action as we are motivated by our affirmation and drawing to us that which our energy or frequency is. In other words, if I feel great about my life as it is and who I am by thinking so and seeing my life more and more abundantly, I can then attract to me whatever it is I desire, literally waking my dreams up.

Before any change can happen, though, one needs to be in acceptance of what is. This alone will start to change the energy because I am choosing through acceptance to stop the so-called holy war, the fight with myself and the world, and wholly accept myself and what is. I accept that I am presently tired. Now what will I do? I want to feel good so choose to end now and go to bed and rest. This life-affirming action even though I am tired, and not optimally my best, I choose Love in this moment by accepting where I’m at and letting go of everything I feel needs to get done and nourish myself with rest because I am worthy of that love no matter what. And because I was graced with knowing I AM Love in 1991, I know I am here to honor that gift of knowing because my Soul’s journey came back to shine and serve humanity on its Great Awakening. Ego will want to have its say, but now I can listen, smile, and say, “Thanks for the input but we are going in another direction.”…to Love and to who we really are!

You are Beautiful! You are LOVE!

This amazing article was written by Susanne Wallner Ruby. Susanne is an awesome warm person who strongly believes in the power of the love of all things that connect us all.

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Positive Words Research – You Are Beautiful! You Are Love!

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