Join the writing contest at Positive Words Research. How? Write an article about how positive words improve well-being. It can be from your personal experience or something general. The article will be published in Positive Words Research. The article that gets the most Facebook likes wins. The contest takes 3 months, starting with 1 September 2015. You can register at any time. Use the Contact Form to send us the message that you want to participate in the contest. The winner will be publicly announced on 5th December 2015.
Announcement: The ‘Win With An Article About Positive Words’ Writing Contest Has Ended
Connect for this contest with like-minded people:
- Join the Contest Facebook Event
- Check out the newsletter about the contest
Competition rules:
The person that writes the article with the most shares on Facebook wins. The shares on Facebook are always public due to the automatic widget for recording shares installed on the website, therefore they can be seen and checked by everyone. Participants can disclose their identity or they can remain anonymous, according to their choice.
The contest begins on 1st September 2015 and ends on 30th November 2015. On the 5th of December 2015, the winner shall be declared. The participant that decided from the begging to be anonymous will only be informed through email of his winning, all others will be declared publicly. The articles that participate in the contest will have a mark at the end on the article specifying “Article participating in the Positive Words Article Contest organized by Positive Words Research“.
Participation in the contest will make the writer lose any copyright on the article, once published the article on the author will no longer hold rights over the text. The correspondence will be held by email. The author will receive an email with a link to where the article was published. From the time of publication (not from the time of the email), the author loses all rights over the text. The contest will be held if there will be at least 7 participants. A participant may publish several articles to increase their chances of winning. The Facebook shares will not be accumulated for each participant, only individual shares per each article will count in deciding the winner.
The participant can carry out any method for promoting the article to increase their chances of winning. Articles should be written around the topic of positive words. All articles will be analyzed before publishing, if corrections need to be made, these will be informed by email prior to modifying the article. The articles should contain original content, all articles copied from the internet will be automatically removed from the competition.
For inspiration, find below some examples of articles about positive words:
- How Positive Words Build Your Skills, Boost Your Health, and Improve Your Work;
- The Power of Positive Words and Attitude;
- 7 Habits of Highly Positive Thinkers;
- How positive words made me get a better job
- How positive words helped me in the interview;
- Positive words improve my daily happiness;
- Positive words improve my positive thinking;
- Positive words healed my body;
- Positive words improved my relationship with my kids;
- Positive words improved my relationship with my friends/husband/wife/lover;
- Positive words make me happy;
- I read positive words in the morning;
- 10 positive words that always help improve my state of mind;
- Positive words healed me of depression;
- Why I love positive words;
- How I started writing better emails with positive words;
- How I attracted what I desired with positive words.
Magic good luck!
Contact Elena to register for the contest.
Yes, it seems this is an old contest since many years back
the contest seems that is over since long