Elevate your happiness with these 15 essential words. Discover the key vocabulary to keep in mind for a joyful and fulfilled life. You may have heard people say that happiness is a choice we make. This is true. You may decide to stay sad even when all things are working out for you but you can also choose to stay happy when all things aren’t as smooth running as you would like them. So as to be happy, there is a great need for you to make being happy a habit, not an act. You should always stay positive regardless of how bad things seem to be. Always be grateful, exercise regularly, make people happy, be optimistic, and stay as close as possible to the people you truly care about.
There are words that you should always have with you as they will greatly assist you to be happy and to remain happy. They are:
- Gratitude. These words come with great power and they can be able to change the lives of people. Usually, gratitude attracts prosperity. It is important to appreciate all that you see and to acknowledge it the way it is. When you occupy your mind with such thoughts that express the kind of gratitude you have, you will flourish in ways that you can never imagine. Gratitude is a great virtue. Appreciate the things you already have and you will be happy.
- Blissfulness/awesomeness/magic. Blissful can be taken to mean notable, happy, accountable, and considerable. A person who is blissful is at peace and is happy. There is never a limit to the blissful moments that you can have. If you can harness this feeling, you are indeed a lucky person. When you are blissful, you are contended. Blissfulness helps you relax and feel great joy.
- Forgiveness. Forgiveness is letting go of bitterness and grudges. You may choose to hang on to anger and feel resentful thoughts once you are hurt. However, it is always good to forgive and move on with life. We have all been hurt under different circumstances. When you forgive, you embrace joy, gratitude, hope, and peace. You are relieved of the burden and ultimately, you will be happy. Decide to let it go and stop any revenge thoughts.
- Contentment. This is the state of being content. When you have contentment, you have great ease of mind and satisfaction. The pursuit of contentment is an important thread that many people use on diverse cultures. Finding the peace within is great. Go and seek happiness and while at it, limit the kind of desires that you have.
- Vitality/vim/health. When you talk and think of good health, you end up having a healthy body. When you are grateful for the health that you have, you will be healed of almost anything. Vitality is a state where you feel active, strong, and energized. Be invigorated at all times and you will find that you are much happier in this way.
- Connection/caring/understanding. The act of connecting gives you a sense of belonging. Connecting with yourself, with nature, and people is a great way to show you care. Understanding things helps you appreciate everything as it is.
- Serenity/peace/well-being. This is a state of being calm, untroubled, and at peace. This is a great word that is associated with happiness. When you are at peace with all things and people around you, you end up being happy.
- Self-love/worth/self-care. This is where you regard your happiness and personal wellbeing. When your self-love is little, you can end up feeling depressed and unworthy. Too much of it can make it difficult to learn from own failures. Have enough self-love and boost your self-esteem.
- Positive. Stop all sorts of negative talk so as to reduce stress. When you think positively, you will be able to improve your physical and mental health. You should have a positive attitude regarding your life and always be optimistic that things will be great. Positive talk is also as important. The things we think about and talk about greatly affect how happy we are. Always aim at lowering stress.
- Blessing. This is the approval that allows you to do great things and is mostly associated with God. Blessings bring happiness. Counting your blessings and appreciating how blessed you are leaves you feeling happy.
- Ease. Do not force things. Take things easy and all difficulty will fade away. When you face life with ease, you will be happy as difficulties will be reduced to great levels. Get freedom from pain and enjoy life’s comforts.
- Abundance. This can also mean unlimited, glory, awareness, and prosperity. Reflect on the part of your life where you feel you are most abundant and concentrate on this. When you feel that you have a lot, you will be content and this will bring happiness. Feel yourself- abundance and abundance towards other people, life, and living is strongly related to prosperity.
- Light. Light is hope and with hope, we get the fuel to keep on going regardless of the current situation. When you have light, you confidently expect great things and anticipate for the time when things will turn around when they aren’t going too well. Avoid despair, hopelessness, and dejection.
- Appreciation. The word allows you to feel beautiful and let the energy flow all the way. When you understand a situation fully, you will be able to appreciate it the way it is. Appreciating life, people, and the surroundings brings admiration and happiness.
- Loving-kindness/wholeheartedness. This is consideration and tenderness towards other people. Love is one of the words that are most compelling in the English language. There is a wide use of the word. When you show loving-kindness to people, you end up feeling great about yourself and this makes you happy.
The above are some of the words that give you positive feelings every day. When you use the words and reflect on them on a daily basis, you will seldom be angry and you will be at peace within and without. It is always important to remember that your life is your own and you shouldn’t live it to someone else’s expectations. Always remember what makes you happy, all that you need and want. Being happy reflects well on health and you relationships with others.

Read further: 15 Words You Should Think Daily to Be Happy
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