Tag Archives: Mastering the Art of Writing

5 Tips On How Can Writing Reduce Your Level of Stress

Humans face stress as a result of different aspects of life such as work, relationships or finances. School going teenagers also face stress as a result of difficult subjects, bullying in school, examinations, peer pressure and much more. That’s why people would rather hire an essay editing service than deal with that. This is why dealing with stress remains one of the most common essay topics.

While stress in life may be unavoidable, one of the best things we should learn is on how to deal with stress. According to recent research, maintaining a daily journal can be great of clearing your mind of stress and fighting anxiety. Writing down a journal of emotion before taking a test has been noted to boost performance in exams. This is on top of the fact that recording your thought can be a great way of solving the problem.

What studies say

When you keep a diary or journal, this will help you to document your experiences and thoughts. According to the studies, journaling is not only effective in relieving stress anxiety, but it can help those who write to increase their lifespan. In one of the studies that were published in the Psychotherapy Research, it was noted that psychotherapy patients who released their emotions by expressive writing enjoyed better reductions in their anxiety, but this also helped to reduce their symptoms of depression.

This means that by recording how you feel, you can reduce the amount of worrying that you experience. In another study that was published in Behavior Modifications, it was noted that expressive writing was able to reduce symptoms of generalized anxiety disorders such as depression and worry. This means that essay writing is not always hard. It has its own benefits.

How writing reduces stress and anxiety

It is not clear why keeping a stress relief journal is beneficial. However, there are some reasons that are believed to be the reasons why writing a thought journal is beneficial. These include:

  • Making it possible for you to sort out and also clarify your emotions and thoughts
  • Allowing you to reflect upon the journeys of your life as you look at your past journal entries
  • Giving you time to reflect on your emotions and feelings to help you understand them better
  • Offering you an outlet to express the difficult emotions like frustration and anger without hurting your loved one
  • Enabling you to get rid of those negative thoughts and helping you move to a happier state of mind.

How to start a stress release diary

Recording your thoughts is different from writing an essay as there are no rules to follow. In case you have an interest in recording your thoughts, getting started is easy. You will only need a pen, paper and a computer. There are people who find that experience of writing using a pen to be quite therapeutic. But there are those who love typing their thoughts. The good thing is that there are certain websites such as LiveJournal that make it possible for people to journal their thoughts privately.

Take time in a quiet and comfortable place where there are no interruptions. Depending on the kind of person you are, choose a particular time each week and day set aside for journaling. Or you may need just to write when you feel like. Ensure that your journal has a date and begin writing. While there are no journaling rules, make sure your notes are as short as possible. Since nobody will be reading the journal, it doesn’t have to be perfect. You may not need an editing service as you do not have to worry about the grammar and punctuations. All you need to do is to keep writing your thoughts as they flow in your mind. According to EssayReviewExpert, one of the essay topics you can choose for your psychology paper is on how writing can help reduce stress.

Effective journaling method

On top of helping you to reduce stress, keeping a journal will help you to keep a record of events. If you don’t know how to do it, try these effective methods:

  • Write down everything, small or big that you would like to achieve in your life
  • Imagine your favourite fictional character is going through a dilemma and write how they would deal with the issue
  • Do an exercise associated with words and use the word stress

Other stress relieving method

It is worth noting that writing a journal is not an end and a fix for many patients suffering from mental issues as well as PTSD. There are some people who will not love writing. If you are finding it difficult to keep a diary, there are other methods you can use to relieve your stress like:

  • Sharing your thoughts with a close friend, relative or teacher
  • Getting an online support group
  • Singing it out
  • Painting or drawing
  • Speaking with mental health professionals, like the ones at BetterHelp

The most important thing is to reduce your stress by finding a creative way of expressing your happy thoughts and emotions.


People respond to stress differently. There are those who prefer to drink alcohol, cut themselves or even eat junk food. Instead of engaging in such destructive behaviours, why don’t you try writing as a stress reliever?

Positive Words Research – How Can Writing Reduce Your Level of Stress?

How Can Writing Reduce Your Level of Stress 2

Best 30 Tips On How To Inspire Yourself By Writing Today

Let’s face it; all writers struggle with motivation, and even the most disciplined ones can hit a dead end. A lot of things can affect your ability to write. Sometimes we are pressured by a deadline, or we don’t like the topic, or we just feel lost, and our mind is blank.

The sad thing is we can’t force our brain to jump back into writing, no matter how much we try. This happens to be quite a frustrating situation for many writers.

However, it all comes to challenging yourself and how big is your desire to get back on tracks. To help you find inspiration, I’ve made a list of 30 easy tasks, which should do the trick.

1. Imagine yourself writing

I know how silly this may sound, but while imagining your fingers going over the keyboard can trick your mind like you are actually writing something.

2. Remind yourself the REASON why you’re writing

Don’t write because someone made you do it! Write because you want to state something, or because you want to share your experience. You may check out this page for additional info on how to find your “reason” https://tlists.com/find-inspiration-writing/.

Money can be a powerful motivation as well!

3. Commit to a daily goal

For instance: 500 words, five paragraphs, one hour!

Once you commit to it, there is no postponing, excuses, or whining!

4. Let yourself write horribly, just get that 1st draft out!

When we want to impress readers, we tend to use complicated words. However, this takes too much time!

Don’t try to be perfect! It’s easier to correct a rough draft than to write something from the beginning.

5. Find a quiet, clean, well-lit place to write

Environment plays a crucial role in this creative process. Find a place that will bring you positive energy, and block all loud noises.

 6. Switch up your environment to kickstart your creativity

To be in work more, you need to have a decided workplace. However, this can sometimes burden your mind. Try changing scenery, go to a park or a bookstore.

7. Look at your old comments

Take a look at past comments and try to draw a conclusion. They can serve you as insight and boost your inspiration.

 8. Slash your to-do list in ½

Get rid of all the things that burned your mind. This involves all the extra tasks on your to-do list! In this case, you will be more focused on the writing.

9. Ask a good friend to critique your topic

Your friend can often give you a new idea you and inspire you to write better.

10. Take breaks

Writing is all about finding a balance. If you are burnt out, then you won’t achieve anything. Give yourself 30 minutes, two hours, a couple of days. Your brain will tell when it’s ready to continue.

11. Listen to music that fits your writing

Music improves our mood and can affect our creative process. Choose a song on foreign language, so you aren’t distracted by the lyrics.

12. Hang out with successful or self-driven people

Surround yourself with accomplished individuals. He or she will serve you like an essay helper, and you will be more eager to continue with writing.

13. Exercise

As much as we hate exercising, it’s quite beneficial for our mind. It gets the oxygen flowing, giving you the rush of adrenaline, and make your brain active again.

14. Drink coffee, tea, chocolate, anything that has caffeine!

Caffeine will get you focused and make you feel like you are on top of the game.

15. Challenge yourself on your next post

Keep in mind the previous results, views, and comments. Put 120% effort to overcome the previous numbers.

16. Be physically comfortable

Wear baggy clothes, find a comfortable chair, get nice and cosy. You would be surprised how these small things can affect your writing.

17. Use tools to help you write better

There are a lot of online tools you can explore nowadays. They have time and speed up this entire process. My go-to tools are Grammarly and Copyscape.

18. Talk to other writers

Join a group of writers where you can share your ideas, but also issues. You are not the only one stuck in this situation.

19. Write something that’s been on your mind recently

Strat with recent events, things that have been bugging you for a long time. You would be surprised how easy it is to write about your thoughts.

20. Write something you can teach

Every person has a special talent, but not everyone is ready to share it with the rest of the world. In this case, tell people about your experiences and make them learn something from you.

21. Announce online that you’ll write every day.

Public pressure will motivate you to write more. Telling the entire world about your intentions will be enough to get you started.

22. Turn off your monitor and just start typing

This is a common trick many writers use. It will promote your habit of writing.

23. Read a story

Think of this as a brain exercise. Every time you take something to read, it will relax you additionally.

24. Reward yourself for writing

Your brain thrives on rewards. Think about your paycheck or bonus, once you complete the task. Imagine all the things you can do with that money.

25. Mix your day up

Live can be pretty dull if you are doing the same things. Try mixing your schedule. For instance, instead of writing in the morning, become a night owl.

26. Read inspirational quotes

Inspirational quotes are instant mood boosters. You can use them if you want to highlight a particular part of your story.

27. Get emotional

If you want your readers to feel the emotions, then you need to be able to transfer all your thoughts into writing. Think about difficult or happy situations in your life and draw inspiration from there.

28. Do something fun

Watch a funny movie, check YouTube video, hit the social networks, do anything that will entertain your mind.

29. Buy smiley stickers + calendar

Visit the local store and purchase these two items. So, every time you are writing put a sticker to mark the day.

30. Write yourself a little note for the next day

Writing is a challenging and mind-draining task. However, it feels nice to receive a short letter from yourself, telling you how great you are!


Once you review all these tasks, you will see how writing can be comfortable and relaxed. You may even add a couple of more steps, to boost your motivation.

Humans are individual creatures and what works for one, doesn’t mean it will work for another. That’s why you have to find the things that will inspire you and keep you going.

But for now, try exploring these steps. Many writers found them to be beneficial, so they should have the same effect on you.

Positive Words Research – How To Inspire Yourself By Writing

How Can You Become A Professional In The Writing Industry

Writing was merely a hobby and passion in the previous times but now it has become a profession and a career. People who were good at words started to explore things that could make this hobby to be turned into their earning source and a number of things were found out. These things included article writing services, Wikipedia writing services, book writing, and such other things. Out of all Wikipedia, writing services were one of the innovative writing services that are opted in recent times. Well, the actual point here is what you have to get to become a professional in the industry of writing, and here are a few points of how you can become a professional in the writing industry.

1. You must be a writing artist

Everything that requires creativity and innovation makes you an artist and the ultimate form of creativity is to express your thoughts and emotions through words. To become a professional in the writing industry you must be good with words and writing them according to the requirements that are posed in front of you. Your writing must be so creative and attractive that your target audience must get inspired from what you are writing. This is the most important thing that you need to have in terms of becoming a professional writer.

2. You need to read a lot

Reading and writing go hand in hand and people who have the urge are often the ones who love to read as well. Reading becomes a hobby when you are in love with words. You can become a writer even without reading but to get something impressive off your writing you need to read as well. Reading will get you to increase your word bank and the vocabulary will be improved.

3. Get experiences

Writing is not only about lining the words up perfectly but it is also about communicating the ideas and thoughts as well as expressing the experiences. Until you don’t experience things you might not be able to bring a masterpiece out of it. Words are merely words until they have emotions, feelings, and experiences and including these things in words makes them become an art.

4. Don’t be afraid of showing emotions

People have often thought that writers are the sad souls due to the choice of their words but the actual case is that a good writer is never afraid to show his emotions. They don’t make alterations in their words and let the emotions be a source of inspiration for their words. If you want to become a writer you must get hang of the thing that you must not be afraid to show your emotions because emotions do add value to your writing.

5. Adjust to the requirements

Well, this might look a bit different from all the things that have been mentioned above, however, this is important for writers. When it comes to professionalism people need to know that in the professional field there are some requirements that make the work of an expert to be constrained the same is the case with writing. Writers must be able to adjust their writing according to the requirements and needs such as while blogging they can do whatever they want but while working for a Wikipedia writing service they need to that their writing must formal and non-promotional as well as they should write according to the guidelines of Wikipedia. The writer is not able to adjust to the requirements they might face rejections in their writing.

6. Learn everything by yourself

Have you ever heard of a degree in the field of writing? Have you heard of any course that makes you learn the writing skills? This is the hardest part of becoming a writer that you have to learn everything by yourself. Nobody in this world has learned to write from anyone but their own selves. Thus, if you want to get into the industry of writing you need to know that everything you want to learn will always be learned by your own self and by your own effort. It is more like saying that practice and experience will make you a professional in this field.

These 6 things are something that you might have already heard about but possibly you wouldn’t have heard that these things might make you become a professional writer. The ability of writing might be said to be the thing that is an inner talent or a gift of God but working on these things will surely enhance your ability to write.

Positive Words Research – How Can You Become A Professional In The Writing Industry?

Writing Industry Professional

Love Letters: Writing Can Improve Relations With Your Partner

In this post, you are going to discover how, for example, writing love letters, could be a fountain that nourishes relationships. There is a reason why a student would want to hire assignment experts to help him or her complete school work. It is to say; they that have the muse, talent, and power to put words down on paper are capable of achieving anything through the art of writing.

Words cannot be undone. Think about it this way. Have you ever said something to someone you love that it hurt them so much but you never did realize how deep their hearts were wounded until the following morning? It happens and while sometimes people never plan to say things that pierce through the hearts of loved ones like a thousand knives, there are times when anger would drive one to make careless utterances, even in writing.

In love and hate, words have the power to wring tears even from the most hardened of hearts. On the flipside, words can soothe like breeze by the Seaside. You would want to relish in the moment of beautiful words till forever.  You may want to ask; why do people care so much about writing love letters even in this age of desktop publishing? Typed or handwritten, words have the power of making anyone fall in love. Just like a picture would speak a thousand words, words on paper have the power to speak to a million souls all at once and they could be so touching that everyone who read your piece would yearn for more.

Love of writing

Writers can speak many different languages of love in a single piece of literary composition.  Shakespeare’s sonnets and love quotes from Rome and Juliet, Merchant of Venice among other literary works by renowned authors who pour their souls on paper to paint the beautiful picture of love are sure-fire proofs that powerful words burn like eternal flames.  Some say the life of a writer is a solitude one and utterly boring.  They may be right. But in those very moments of silence and loneliness, words find their power to fly out of souls and into the world of readers.

So, does it mean those who love writing are capable of stemming relationships with their partners in the midst of raging storms of disagreements or fall-outs? Well, let’s find out how possible that could be.

Love letters: Improve your relationship the writer’s way

If you have ever fallen in love with a writer, you have fallen heads over shoulders with their words.  Love letters are as old as the hills but they set ablaze hearts in love. Writing can help improve your relationship in the following ways:

A direct expression of what the heart feels

Writing remains a timeless way of expressing thoughts, emotions, and feelings.  And when you connect this timeless truth with making amends with your partner through words on paper, there is no other better to put it. Words spoken from deep within the heart are those we express in literary composition. Every sense accompanies this craft to an extent that we feel completely immersed in writing apology letters than we would say sorry by word of mouth.

Writing touches the Soul

Stories behind some of the greatest songs ever written reek of soul ties with a craft that is now one of the best ways of influencing decisions and changing minds; writing.  If you dream of beautiful words, wake up and put them down on paper. Writing sweet lyrics for a loved one is perhaps a good explanation as to why musicians make men and women believe in the power of words.

Words literally lift the human soul to higher grounds and into spaces yonder.  The universe is made real by ink on paper. A make-believe craft that finds its way into resolving conflicts in relationships.  Tell her those sweet magical words and it will be enough to wipe her tears in times of disagreement. You may want to consider writing my paper help to test the waters using poems.

In all honesty, words are found

There are days when you will fear a relationship is on the rocks and if one cannot find their way around words, things could move from the frying pan into the sun. In all honesty, words are expressive of the deeper self.  And while writing love letters, words may look puffed up, but how else could one explain the feeling that cannot be expressed in deed?

Writing helps you discover a partner

As powerful as they are, words have exposed strengths and weakness of those with who we are in love.  Pouring your soul on paper is undoubtedly a good way of making worlds of fiction and reality meet.  Through it, you will find your partner.

Finally, it Bridges Long distance relationships

There are days when people in love become worlds apart, maybe because of circumstances. Love letters will help bridge the distance that threatens to tear apart relationships. They remain of epic beauty and appeal just as would roses presented to a loved one on a valentine’s day.

Author ~ Robert Mora

Here at Positive Words Research, we are looking to share with our readers original content that hasn’t been published on other sites so if you are comfortable with Positive Words Research being your sole publisher, we are more than happy to share with our readers your inspiring and empowering story.

Positive Words Research – Love Letters: How Writing Can Improve Relations With Your Partner

Love Letters: How writing can improve the relation with your partner

How to Empower Your Communication Through Writing

How often have you judged a person by the way he talks? How about the way he writes? Heck, if you’re a woman, you might even judge me now for not including “she” in my introductory sentences. You may think I’m a superficial writer and that reading this post would be a waste of time. You see how quickly judgments show up?

Foto Source

Most of us come across unpleasant situations which concern requests, business proposals, or even introductory emails that are poorly written.

Bad grammar, bad spelling, bad text structure – how do these people expect us to bear with such a terrible piece of text. How can they expect us to reply, accept a proposal, or do business with them, individuals that barely know how to write and speak?

Alright. Maybe my example was a bit exaggerated. However, most people don’t react well to bad communication through writing. It’s annoying, unwanted, and it could hurt your personal and professional reputation big time.

Well, in today’s post, you’ll learn several powerful ways to empower your communication through writing. Simply put, the simpler, easy-to-digest, and readable your written communication is the better your message will be understood and treated. Let’s get started.

1.    It’s Not About You

Let me say that one more time. It’s not about you. Got it? The ugly truth is that we’re mostly separated from each other. Egocentrism is at its peak, and the majority of people care only about themselves. Therefore, if whenever you write something, don’t talk about yourself.

In fact, you should use the word “I” as less as possible, and you should ensure that the main focus of your piece of text goes on the reader or the recipient. Developing the right mindset will get you far, especially in a world where people want to hear what’s in it for them.

2.    Develop Your Own Voice

Every author develops a voice. He does it in time, with consistent practice and with a lot of patience. Even though you may not plan to become a highly successful author, you should still try to develop your own’s writer voice.

For example, some people are extremely serious while writing, using formal words and only “acceptable” expressions. Some may joke around and transmit positivity through words all the time, some may be inspirational, or sad, or whatever. Find your voice so the messages you mean to send will be perceived and understood better.

3.    Write Short Sentences

Short sentences are key to great text readability. Use Hemingwayapp, a free online content tool that allows you to see how complicated your text is. The tool also highlights jargons and complicated words that could be replaced in order to make the text simpler.

Nevertheless, writing short sentences helps the reader process the information without having to turn back to read the sentence again. Therefore, this simple practice will improve the overall quality of your communication.

4.    Break the Text into Short Paragraphs

Always break your text into smaller and shorter paragraphs. Take a quick peek at this article. As you may see, I never allow more than 4 to 5 rows, then I separate them. I write 1 to 2 ideas on each subheading, then I go on to the next.

What does this do? Well, it makes the reader’s experience better, because his eyes won’t have to “work” to capture the information. Blocks of text (unbroken rows) are always disastrous when it comes to text readability, so ensure that you always avoid them.

5.    Reassess Your Text from Your Reader’s Perspective

Your readers may not have the same thinking, knowledge, and expertise as you do. Therefore, you may think that what you’re writing is definitely simple and understandable. But is it?

Step back and see your text from an objective point of view. Look for misunderstandings or complicated terms. Never put your reader into difficulty or you may just lose him!

6.    Proofread and Edit Your Text

Never hit the “Send’ button or never put that letter into the box before you proofread and edit. These things may sound obvious, and most of you are probably proofreading and editing your writings. Yet, my question to you is this: what is the process you use?

Do you simply read your text one more time, identify a few mistakes, edit them, and move on? This could work when you’re sending your text to someone “less important”. However, when your writing work gets into the hands of someone who may influence your future, exceptional proofreading and editing will save your skin most of the times!

I’d often check for the best paper writing service before turning in my most important academical assignments. I can’t tell you how many benefits this smart decision brought me every time. So. Bottom point is this…never send/turn in your texts before carefully ensuring that they’re well-written.


Improving your communication skills is one of the best things you can do to improve your overall experience here, as a human being. In this age of technology, we all write to communicate.

Whether you like it or not, you still have to write that essay, you still have to write that important email, that text message to your neighbor, and that important pitch your client. Put our tips into action, slowly and consistently, and soon enough you’ll notice significant results.

Author’s Bio

Mark Delarika is a professional content writer, teacher, and a blogger. He taught in more than 10 countries for students all over the world. Mark helps students to improve writing skills, shares his personal experience and gives practical tips for educators.

Here at Positive Words Research, we are looking to share with our readers original content that hasn’t been published on other sites so if you are comfortable with Positive Words Research being your sole publisher, we are more than happy to share with our readers your inspiring and empowering story. 


How to Use Writing as an Essential Tool for Mindfulness

Writing is a truly amazing thing. It can transport our minds off into far-off fantasy worlds. It can make us fall in love. Can change our perspectives on a subject that we’ve remain set on for decades. It can change the world in no time at all.

It’s safe to say that writing is powerful, no matter what form it comes in. Nowadays, it’s becoming more and more recognized by individuals around the world who are using it as a tool for mindfulness. It’s helping you to reduce stress, stay calm, become present and look out for your general health and wellbeing.

To get you started on this potentially foreign concept, here’s everything you need to know about how to use writing as a tool for mindfulness.

Enhance Your Awareness

One of my favorite benefits of writing mindfully is the fact that you become far more observant in your whole life. It’s helping you to remember certain details or becoming more aware of a certain situation.

“When you’re journaling about your day, you’ll need to remember the details of what happened, so you can write it down. This need to remember forces you to become more aware, more present and more alert in your everyday life,” shares Patrick Nestly, a writer for Elite Assignment Help.

Progressing Your Career

Imagine how many times you write something at work every single day. Maybe it’s in the form of a text, an instant message, an email or even a full, multi-page report. Now imagine if you were writing every day for yourself and constantly improving your writing skills. It makes you a lot more effective.

The more you practice writing, especially mindful writing, the better you can communicate. Therefore the more opportunities you’ll give yourself to progress at work.

Using Tools to Improve Your Skills

When it comes to writing, it can take years, even decades to improve your skills to a point where you’re happy with them. With this in mind, there are plenty of tools and resources out there to help you become a better writer quicker.

  • Who Vs Whom / Grammarix
    These are two online blogs where you can learn and read up on how to use grammar properly in everything you write.
  • Essay Roo
    This is an online writing agency that can connect you with professional writers who can help you improve your writing skills.
  • State Of Writing / Let’s Go and Learn
    Two websites full of writing guides you can download and follow when writing to make sure everything is properly formatted.
  • Easy Word Count
    A free online tool you can use for actively tracking and monitoring the word count of your writing.
  • Boomessays
    A website full of online writing guides you can follow to make sure that you’re writing in a professional format, as featured by the Huffington Post in Write My Essay.
  • Cite It In
    A free online tool for professional formatting your quotes, references, and citations.
  • Coursework Service
    An online writing community you can use to connect with other like-minded people who all want to improve their skills.

Opening Up Your Mind

When a thought, feeling or emotion comes into your head, how do you typically process that information? Do you just take it in, note it and move on? Or do you think about it and ponder the concept to see how it affects you?

Using mindfulness writing, you can use pen and paper to explore new concepts and ideas that you come across in everyday life. That will grant you a deeper understanding of the concept and possibly even change your perspective that could benefit every other aspect of your life.

About the Author

Mary Walton is an editor at Australian Coursework Writing website. She writes a blog called Simple Grad, read her BestEssays.com Review there. Also, Mary is a tutor at Academic Paper Writing Service, where she helps college students improve writing skills.

Here at Positive Words Research, we are looking to share with our readers original content that hasn’t been published on other sites so if you are comfortable with Positive Words Research being your sole publisher, we are more than happy to share with our readers your inspiring and empowering story.

tool for mindfulness

10 Movies That Will Motivate You on Writing New Bestseller

Writing can be tough, even if you’ve been doing it for a long time already. Things like writer’s block do happen even with the best of writers, and while the best way to overcome them is to simply continue working, sometimes it doesn’t feel simple at all.

We all have our ups and downs and often all we need is not some more willpower to keep going but a bit of motivation. Sure, one can try to overcome themselves and keep writing despite doesn’t feeling like that at all. But isn’t it better to take a few-hour break from it, find some motivation, and then return to your writing – and actually enjoy the process? It’s not our homework anymore, after all.

For many of us, movies are the best inspiration. They not only tell us stories – they show them in all their vividness, being as illustrative as possible. So here are 10 movies that could inspire you to write a new bestseller.

1. Stranger Than Fiction (2006)

Once upon a time a man named Harold Crick start hearing a voice, which seems to narrate his own life, making it look like he’s a character in a novel.

The summary itself is intriguing, of course. But that’s not the only reason you should watch this movie. If you have been writing for a while, you’ve probably experienced this amazing feeling when your characters seem to start acting on their own, dictating you what to write about. This film will remind you of that, also reminding how important it is to not become too attached to your first draft or original plot.

2. Genius (2016)

This is an autobiographical film about Max Perkins – an editor, who discovered F. Scott Fitzgerald, Ernest Hemingway, and, finally, Thomas Wolfe. The whole film is about Max’s relationship with Thomas – but not only about that. It also shows the importance and the complexity of the editing process, illustrates writer’s struggles, and demonstrates that’s writing is not only about inspiration but also about hard work.

3. Music and Lyrics (2007)

This romantic comedy is actually about one of the toughest moments in any writer’s life: when you need to create something good while feeling the pressure of a deadline. Though the film is about songwriting, it illustrates any creative writing process very vividly and realistically. You might get some inspiration from it – or simply have a good laugh.

4. Young Adult (2011)

Young adult movie is more about people, who refuse to grow up despite their age. The main character is an author of teen fiction, and while a certain part of the movie is dedicated to her personal relationships, there’s still plenty of things that writers can use for inspiration. For example, you could relate to her struggles with capturing some specific characters and learn something from the methods she uses to understand her audience better.

5. Dead Poet’s Society (1989)

This film illustrates the writers’ struggles brilliantly. Is there any point of writing when you don’t know who’s going to read it? Should we start writing in the first place or should we choose something else to do? Many of us have asked themselves these questions – and this film can help you find the answers. Perfect inspirational pep talk for many writers.

6. Kill Your Darlings (2013)

We often hear that it’s good to learn from the best – well, why don’t we try then? This film allows doing so: it tells us the story of the friendship of Jack Kerouac, Lucien Carr, Allen Ginsberg, and William S. Burroughs. You’ll be able to see that despite their talent, these writers were ordinary people struggling with their lives and their emotions – just like many of us.

7. Julie & Julia (2009)

This film is about Julie Powell – a blogger, who is committed to making every recipe from the cookbook written by Julia Child and writing about this on her blog. While it’s more about blogging that about book writing, it still shows us how important it is to be consistent in what you do even if it seems no one else cares about it.

8. Barfly (1987)

It’s a semi-autobiographical movie about Charles Bukowski that allows us to take a peek into the author’s life, to experience his downfalls and hardships along with him, and to remember how important it is to not give up even after so many failures. The persistence is often the key when it comes to writing – and this film emphasizes its importance one more time.

9. Misery (1990)

It’s definitely not the brightest film. The main character, Paul Sheldon, is a famous novelist, who’s been writing romance books about a woman called Misery for a while. He became famous for that books but eventually decided to end the series in order to focus on more serious novels. That was until he got into a car accident and found himself trapped in a home of his crazy fan, who refuses to let him go until he rewrites the last book, continuing Misery’s story.

While it does seem pretty grim, the film illustrates how much impact does our writing have on the others. It is also about the importance of listening to yourself and to following your creative impulses no matter what.

10. Midnight in Paris (2011)

Another story about a writer (screenwriter, actually) that, however, takes an unexpected turn. When Gil Pender goes to Paris with his fiancee and her family, he suddenly finds himself going back in time every midnight, meeting cultural heroes of the past.

While we cannot do time-travel (hopefully, yet), we can still try tailoring this technique to our creative process. For example, why not pretend to have a brainstorm with the writers that inspire and influence you? This might seem a bit weird but it could actually help you with your creative struggles a lot – and it boosts your imagination as well.

When we were students, we struggled with essay topics ideas for college. And when we grow up and become writers, it also still could be a struggle sometimes – but, hopefully, you’ll be able to make everything better with the help of these films!

Author’s Bio

Christina Battons is creative writer and content strategist from LA. Currently, I write for various sites. My posts address the topics about self-education, writing, motivation, professional development. In my spare time, I prefer to read novels and crime thriller stories. Feel free to follow me on @battonschristi to ask questions or see my works.

Here at Positive Words Research, we are looking to share with our readers original content that hasn’t been published on other sites so if you are comfortable with Positive Words Research being your sole publisher, we are more than happy to share with our readers your inspiring and empowering story.


5 Things To Know About 100 Years of Homework Writing

Homework has come a long way. This means even as students of this age partake in assignments, it is noteworthy that it is an activity far from being dispensable. Even in the unforeseeable future, students will still be doing different types of assignments on a day-to-day basis.

Before looking into a brief history of homework, the question is of what significance are these tasks to your grades?  A worrying trend is that many students do partake in assignments just for the sake of it. Though when looked at from a scholarly point of view, there is more to it than what meets the eye.  What’s more, is that how you partake in these tasks matters a lot.

1. Well, here are a few practical homework tips to keep in mind;

  • Planning is an important step to doing assignments
  • Always locate a quite place from audio-visual distractions
  • Gather all reference materials you will need before settling to work on an assignment to limit unnecessary movements
  • Consult with fellow classmates if need be
  • Consider checking out a good do homework for me
  • Research on a subject you don’t understand extensively beforehand
  • To save time, you can always start as soon as a task is assigned, start with difficult questions and wind up with easier ones

In the age of the internet, students looking for tips on how to go about these tasks can very well look out for a website that does their homework. There are many of them out there. However, taking note that assignments come in different kinds. It is important to know what sort of work you have been issued with before hiring an ideal helper.

2. A brief look at homework history and pertinent issues

Homework has become so much engraved into learning culture to an extent that it is practically impossible to do away with it. Further, pay someone to do your homework has become something attached to it. Things get more demanding as one climbs up the ladder of academia. Therefore you really must buckle up for challenges that come with it, be it doing things by one’s yourself or hiring a professional assignment helper.

3. Proponents of assignments have always argued from a moralistic point of view.

They say if left to idle while at home, students’ minds can easily become infiltrated with unruly morals. Therefore keeping them busy with assignments is the best thing to do.
On the other hand, those who are opposed to homework hold that students need time to rest from schoolwork, at least to avoid mental saturation. Cumulatively, all these have culminated into attitude change towards certain educational activities.  Though, handling assignments is not as demanding as it was in the 19th century, thanks to the internet.

4. By a click of the button

Students can access tons of information of any kind on any subject. This is good news to those looking for reliable help with my math homework agency. Eventualities such as school dropouts which marred learning in the early 20th century also led to a lot of questions. Particularly with regard to three or so hours which students spend every night at home doing assignments but with little to show for it.

Issues like recitation, memorization, and drilling were largely seen as some of the most unfortunate outcomes out of these tasks. Students could be asked to recite what they have done in their assignments, something which experts argued added no value to academic progress. Another issue that came to the fore was the mental health and well-being of children as experts argued that they couldn’t contain a lot of workloads. A revolutionary era was to be born when publications advocating for the abolishment of homework hit their peak in the 1900s.

While some districts in the U.S and other parts of the world did away with homework, strong belief on assignments, almost cultic or faith-like in nature is still being held by parents, teachers, and educators. This led to a revival of assignments and the reversal of some abolishment policies.

5. Some of the issues proponents of assignments advocated for include;

  • School work goes beyond the classroom
  • Value embedded on intrinsically intellectual activity and non-intellectual activities
  • Homework makes students more responsible
  • The belief that assignments are liked to how rigorous a curriculum is
  • Good educators are those who issue assignments

It is important to note that every assignment falls within a category, something which you should know as a student. Here are some notable ones:

  • Practical homework which are meant to help student learn and acquire certain skills
  • Preparation tasks which are about new things to be taught in future but can be learnt in advance
  • Extension assignment which seek application of skills and knowledge
  • Integration assignments are about application of skills to specific tasks such as research work

Author’s Bio:

Sydney Whitman is educational worker. She spent years working at University and now works at homework service MyHomeworkDone.com, where she found her realization. Besides, Sydney is a well-known beauty blogger.

Here at Positive Words Research, we are looking to share with our readers original content that hasn’t been published on other sites so if you are comfortable with Positive Words Research being your sole publisher, we are more than happy to share with our readers your inspiring and empowering story.


Best 7 Ways to Monetize Writing Skills And Make Money

Blogs are so popular these days. They can be a hobby, a source of entertainment, or a source of valuable information – moreover, they can also become a way to earn a living. If you’ve been thinking about how to earn money while doing what you love, blogging can become an amazing opportunity for you, but only if you learn how to monetize it right.

There are so many ways to monetize your writing skills with the help of your blog – however, today I want to focus on 7 most popular ones. 

1. Freelance blogging

If you have a blog that is already quite popular, you can offer your blogging services to clients and companies. In this case, your blog can be viewed as a portfolio as well as a way to draw more clients to you (especially if your search engines ranking is quite high).

That’s why, if you don’t mind working for other people and writing articles on given topics, this could be a great opportunity for you to monetize your writing skills.

2. eBook

If you are a professional in your niche and have a lot of things to share with your audience, you can write an eBook and sell it with the help of your blog (or on Amazon, using your blog for a promotion). Novel writers can consider this option too: many online writers these days have their own blogs where they share various tips and tricks as well as some information about the upcoming books.

This would be especially great if you want to become a novelist but struggle with finding a publisher: in this case, you can build a loyal audience with the help of your blog and ensure that even self-publishing will pay off.

 3. Mentoring

Some niche experts offer their tutoring or coaching services to their readers for a reasonable price (for example, they can give a paid lesson on writing skills or offer a business coaching session). Of course, you have to be skilled and popular enough to seriously consider this option. Make sure that you do have things you can share to make people’s lives better. Also, think about whether it will be easy for you or not.

Some people are good at communicating and explaining things to others, while some find it too energy-consuming and complicated. If you are one of the first ones, this is definitely an option for you.

4. Banner ads

While various banner ads don’t give you too much money, they are one of the best options for beginner bloggers. You can start using them almost right away and if you choose to partner with banner services, the whole process will be automatic – and very easy.

So if you’re looking for a way to earn some extra money while promoting your blog and making it more popular, this could be a nice option.

5. Product reviews

Popular bloggers can earn money for writing paid reviews for certain products. Some bloggers do it in exchange for gifts, but if your blog is popular enough, you can definitely go bigger and start charging money for such services.

Of course, your profit will depend on a niche you’re working in, but some niches are easier to monetize than others.

6. Selling your own products or services

Maybe you’re a photographer running a photoblog or a creator of amazing handmade jewelry who has a blog about handmade stuff? In this case, you can use your blog to offer your products or services to the readers. Moreover, even if you don’t have your own products yet, you can create them later – for example, some beauty bloggers start with reviews and tutorials but end up creating their own cosmetic products.

7. Premium content

Most beginner bloggers offer premium content in exchange for email subscription, but if your audience is very big and loyal, you can go further and offer some kind of a paid premium content. For example, this could be some kind of a digital product: a video tutorial or a lecture, a pattern set, a schedule for something, or some interesting articles. The price of such content may vary depending on its value, starting from a dollar or a few per download.

The only important thing here is to set the price right as well as ensure that this content is definitely valuable (otherwise, your audience might feel disappointed).

As you see, you can monetize your blog in many ways, which depend on your niche, on what you can offer, and on how popular your blog actually is. You could focus on one of these options only or choose to combine a few of them if you want. Either way, I wish you to succeed in your blogging career!

Sophia Clark graduated from the University in the City of New York with B.A. in Journalism, 2011. She is a creative writer from New York who loves to share her thoughts with readers, now she writes for BeforeWriting. In her free time she enjoys writing fiction as well as reading it. Her big dream is to publish a novel one day. Connect with her on Twitter .

Positive Words Research – 7 Ways to Monetize Writing Skills – 7 Best Tips

monetize writing skill

How to Convert Your Writing Hobby into a Successful Business

Nowadays, the marketplace is quickly shifting and changing as the winds blow. The modern technology is continually improving, and therefore the customer’s needs and problems are satisfied through the use of revolutionary ways. As the technology is progressing, so is the digital environment.

We live in a digital world where the majority of people are addicted to their mobile phones and social media profiles. On top of that, the business and professional environment has now moved online, making their activity easier through the use of the internet and by taking advantage of relevant digital tools.

In the present moment, if you want to efficiently promote your business in the online medium, you will definitely need a company website. That’s the place where you’ll meet your future customers.

Let’s not misinterpret two different concepts. A website is not a blog. While a website can have some content but more applications on it, a traditional blog is a place where you provide relevant information through blog posts, podcasts, and maybe even webinars.

Writers nowadays have a huge advantage, especially if they’re passionate about a particular writing topic. It could be anything. Believe me or not, you can monetize almost anything today!

In case you’re a talented writer who loves to write about something, you can definitely move to the next level. That means that you can use your passion for a specific subject and start creating awesome and valuable content that maybe more individuals will enjoy.

Let’s talk about a few of the ways in which you can create a business out of your hobby!

1. Turn Your Passion  into  a Blog

This is the most necessary action you must perform before even thinking of monetizing your hobby. Purchase a domain name, pay for a hosting service, and install WordPress platform. You can find lots of WordPress tutorials on YouTube and quickly understand how to set-up a blog.

Once you have it done, start writing. Create a content marketing strategy by doing the following things:

  1. Establish your blog’s purpose – What’s the end goal? And don’t think about the money, think about it in terms of value that you’ll be able to provide to the market.
  2. Find out who your target audience is – How do they think? What are their biggest problems? How can you solve their needs?
  3. Create a list of possible blog posts topics – Start creating them immediately. They should be relevant to your target audience and bring enough value to make them worthwhile to read.
  4. Decide upon a monetization technique – Next, you’re about to see some useful ways to make money out of your blog. Keep reading!

2.   Practice Affiliate Marketing

If you have never heard of affiliate marketing, it is one of the most profitable ways to monetize a niche blog. Things work like this: you create your website and engage with more people around the web. They become your followers and start reading your valuable content on a consistent basis.

With Affiliate Marketing, you can start recommending certain products or services to your followers and subscribers. As they trust you because you’ve already established yourself as an authority in the field, they will buy the products. The moment you make a sale, you are receiving commissions; it could be 10%, 50%, or even 80% of the sale.

Read more about affiliate marketing strategies at this resource.

3.   Become a Product Launcher

With time, your blog and overall brand presence will improve. More people will be reading your content, and even more will be interested in getting something special out of you. That special thing could be a product that you and only you can create. You can choose to write a digital e-book and publish it on Amazon, or Clickbank.

By creating a product or service, you’re getting a lot of flexibility and lots of opportunities. More affiliate marketers will probably be interested in your product, so they’ll sell it to their followers and receive commissions from you.

In addition, you can establish the price of the products and the commissions you’ll offer to people who are willing to promote your services and products.

4.   Sell Your Personal Services

This is not unknown to many professional bloggers. As a web-design website owner who also writes for his niche blog, you can be approached by many web-designers who would love to get training or mentorship services. You can do Skype conversations or other live video conversations and get paid in the meanwhile!

I’d suggest having a little bit of experience before approaching this monetization way.


Turning your hobby into a successful business is totally possible. Many people have done it. Look at Walt Disney, Mark Zuckerberg, and Gary Vaynerchuk; all successful people who have generated millions and billions out of their passions and hobbies.

You can do it too, and by developing a strong online presence is the best way to approach the market nowadays. Without branding, you can barely do something with your passion. Good luck!

About the Author


Mary Kleim is a creative writer. She is working on development creative strategy for assignment writing service AssignmentMasters. In the future, she is going to launch her own blog dedicated to self-development.

Positive Words Research – How to Convert Your Writing Hobby into a Successful Business