Positive journaling is an amazing way to start your day. Writing morning affirmations will give you a lot of positive energy. Get inspired from the below positive journaling for different aspects of life and also see at the end of the article some tips of how to do positive journaling yourself.

Positive Journaling for Gratitude

Gratitude. Appreciation. Love. Loving-kindness. Serenity. Magic. Forgiveness. I am grateful for every detail of my life. I love my present day. I am grateful for my body. Thank you for every detail from my body. I am grateful for my brain, my thoughts, my voice. I am grateful for the entire creation as it looks now. No judgement. Just acceptance. My I be wise enough to always accept the entire creation as it is in a moment in time. Love exists in every particle of this creation and I am connected to this love.

Unconditional love. Worthy to take up space. Worthiness to take up space. Balance. I am grateful for balance around me and in my body. I am connected with the centre of Earth and with the love above me through my heart. I am grateful for my heart and the hearts of every person in the world. May we all be healthy. There is still so much beauty left in the world. In every moment of every day there is this beauty that still exists.

Leaves dropping down on Earth from so many trees. Sun shining through the leaves of so many trees. Children laughing like there is no worry in the world. No matter if I am happy or sad this beauty is always there. Pure love and light. Peace. Happiness. Joy. Contentment. Equanimity. Limitless. Cuteness overload. Thankfulness. Blessings. Smile. There will always be enough. I am enough. The world is enough. The people around me are enough. I am grateful for the people around me. I am grateful for my house, for my bed, for my food. I am grateful for the sun. I am grateful for the air I breathe. Love surrounds me in every way.

I am worth loving. I deserve to be loved in a deep way. I am loved in a deep way and I am grateful for all this love. Kindness. Loving-kindness. Love. May I be happy. May all the people in the world be happy. May we all be free of suffering. May we all be free of mental suffering and develop positive emotions. I am grateful for this thought. I am grateful for hope.

Positive Journaling for Health

I am sorry, please forgive me. I love you, thank you. I am sorry. Please forgive me. I love you. Thank you. You are my sunshine. My body! I am sorry. Please forgive me. I love you. Thank you. My mother! I am sorry. Please forgive me. I love you. Thank you. My father! I am sorry. Please forgive me. I love you. Thank you. My heart! I am sorry. Please forgive me. I love you. Thank you. I am enough. All is enough. All is well in my world. I am grateful. I am joyful. I am love. May I always remember who I really am. I am grace. I am ease. I am abundance. I am serenity. I am love.

Love is searching for me and is finding me every day. I am sorry. Please forgive me. I love you. Thank you. I am always enough. I am enough now. I am beauty. The Earth is enough. We are all connected through infinity. All is grace and ease. I am sorry. Please forgive me. I love you. Thank you. May we all be at peace. My soul. I am sorry. Please forgive me. I love you. Thank you. My higher being. I am sorry. Please forgive me. I love you. Thank you. There is an abundance of peace in the world and I am connected to this flow. We are enough.

We are pure love and light. We are serenity. Grace. Ease. Contentment. Happiness. Faith. Love. Courage. Magic. Love. Light. Peace. Abundance. Prosperity. Clarity. Miraculous Joy. Abundant Gratification. We are one. There is an abundance of kindness in the world and I always have enough kindness in my life. I am kind with myself. I am kind with others. People are kind with me. All are kind with me. There is a flow of kindness and I am connected with this flow.

Infinite power and grace. Beauty surrounds me at all times. There is so much beauty still left in the world. I see beauty and beauty sees me. I see grace and grace sees me. I see happiness and happiness sees me. There is always enough kindness left in the world. All is well in my world. My thoughts are peaceful. My thoughts are serene. I smile with gratitude. My inner smile is beautiful. I am always connected and guided with the power that creates world. The universe loves me and will always support me.

I love my heart and my heart loves me. I am sorry my heart. I love you my heart. Thank you my heart. Please forgive me my heart. All is love. Pure love and light. Unconditional love. Formless light. Release. Let go. Thank you. I feel grateful. Thank you. Thank you.

Positive Journaling for a Feeling of Wellbeing

I am sorry. Please forgive me. I love you. Thank you. I am grateful and grateful is me. There is an abundance of gratitude energy in the world and it is on its way to me. We are all beings of light. All is well. We are grace. Pure love and light. I forgive everyone and anything that needs to be forgiven. I let go. I am free. All are free and I am free. I am thankful. There will always be enough. Enough kindness in the world. There is enough kindness in the world. There is enough smiles in the world. There is enough beauty in the world.

There is an abundance of peace in the universe and it is on its way to me. I am at peace. Grace and ease. Pure love and light. Gratitude. Acceptance. Faith. Faith. Faith. Faith. Hope. Have faith. Have a little hope. Hope is magical. Let’s hope together. We are connected in beauty and love. I am grateful for your heart and my heart. My heart is full of joy. I see you. And you are beautiful. I see me and I am beautiful. Our higher selves smile to each other. I smile to your higher self. I feel your smile in my soul.

My soul is grateful. Happiness is searching for me and will always find me. There is so much happiness still left in the world. The Earth is beautiful. Freedom. Love. Freedom. Love. Grace. Clarity. FORGIVENESS. I forgive anything that needs to be forgiven. I bless the Earth with whatever it needs from me. I will always have enough. Humanity is blessed. There is enough faith still left in the world at any moment. We are so treasured. So protected. Peace surrounds us at all times.

Contentment. Serenity. Purity. Hope. Faith. I am enough. Worthy to take up space. I am worthy to take as much space as I want and take. There is an infinity of space in the universe. So much space. My body is full of so much space. My head is free. My brain is full of so much space. My heart is full of so much space. Our hearts beat in the same time. Billions of hearts beat in the same time. Now. With my heart. So beautiful. I am sorry. Please forgive me. I love you. Thank you. There will always be enough love for me here on Earth. The Earth love me. The Earth loves you. The Earth loves people. We are loved. Acceptance. Balance. I am balanced in all ways. ALL IS WELL. ALL IS REALLY BEAUTIFUL. MAY WE ALWAYS SEE THE BEAUTY THAT IS STILL LEFT IN THE WORLD.

Positive Journaling for Body Health

I feel grateful for my body. My body is safe. My body is healthy. My body is full of vitality and health. I have an abundance of energy. I am connected with a higher source of energy that provides everything my body needs. All the cells in my body function perfectly. My body is changing in every second for better health. With every second I get healthier. I am grateful for every cell of my body. Thank you for doing such an amazing work since I was born. Thank you.

Thank you to every organ from my body. You are all loved. I love you. I am sorry. Please forgive me. I love you. Thank you. I am grateful for every bone in my body. I am sorry. Please forgive me. I love you. Thank you. I am grateful for the blood in my body. I am sorry. Please forgive me. I love you. Thank you. I am grateful for all the space in my body. I am grateful for all the atoms in my body. Thank you. Thank you my body. You have carried me so many years. I love you. I accept my body exactly the was it is now.

My body is beautiful enough. Thank you. I love every part of my body. Every part of my body is full of light, full of pure love and light. I bless my body. Every body in the world is perfect the way it is. I accept everybody in the world as it is. I forgive my body. I ask that every pieces of my soul be returned to my body now in a kind a graceful way. I am restored. I am whole. I am strong. I love the energy of my body. I ask that my higher self be embodied kindly in my body. My body is gracefully connected with my higher self.

I smile in gratitude for the beauty that my body is. Acceptance. Forgiveness. Loving. Nurturing. My body is nurtured. I feel nurtured with everything I need. I receive from the light now everything my body needs. The Earth loves my body. Life loves my body. I love my heart. My heart is loved. I love my brain. My brain is loved. I love my legs. My legs are loved. I love my hands. My hands are loved. Thank you my hands for everything you help me do in this world. HAPPINESS. SERENITY. I love my stomach. I love my belly. I love my feminine organs. I love my lungs. I love my face. I feel grateful for my body.

My body always feels at peace. I am safe. My body is safe. I can relax and let go. I am safe. GRATITUDE. LOVE. An abundance of love in my body. Unconditional Love. Thank you. THANKFULNESS. BLISSFULNESS. MAGIC BLISSFULNESS. I love how my body functions. I am grateful for everything that is happening now in my body. I relax knowing that all is well. All is well in my world. There is an abundance of kindness in my world. My body is enough. I am kind with my body. Kindness is at home in my body. I can relax. All is well. My body is relaxed. I let go. All is well. I relax. All is well. I let go.

The future is safe. My body will always be safe in the future. My body was always safe in the past. My body is safe now in the present. My body is always safe. I can relax. All is well. Bliss. Blissfulness. Kindness. Loving-kindness. Gentle. Gentleness. Easy. Grace. Slowly. I am at home in my body. A home filled with kindness and gentleness. All is well in my body. All that is happening in my body now is perfect. I let go and trust the billions of actions taking place now in my body. All is happening perfectly. All is good.

I LOVE MY BODY. THANK YOU MY BODY. Please remember that I love you. When I forget about you know that I love you. And I know you love me too so much. My heart beats for me. For so many years my heart was there for me. I love my heart. My heart loves my brain. My brain loves my heart. My brain and my heart are in love of each other. For so many years. They will always be together. All my organs are friends with each other. They are family.

I love every function of my body. My body is functioning perfectly. Such a good energy in my body. Such a blissful energy that my body has. My body is whole. All pieces from my soul are here with me, connected with my body. My higher self is fully embodied in a gentle way. My thoughts benefit my body and keep him safe.  My body loves my thoughts. My thoughts are gentle. Positive. Optimistic. And my body loves them. I breath deeply and relax my mind and body. My mind is relaxed in my body. My body loves my brain.

My lungs function perfectly. I am as in a lovely house in my body. Welcoming warm house. There is blissful energy in my mind right now. I am connected with lovely thoughts energy. My brain is happy. My heart is happy. My liver is happy. My stomach is happy. My body is happy. My body is content. There is a lovely grace that surrounds my body at all times. I feel protected. My body is safe and protected. There is so much love for my body in this world, here on Earth. My body is connected in a deep, kind way with the centre of the Earth. With that warm, healing energy. MY BODY IS AT PEACE. MY BODY IS SAFE. I CAN RELAX MY MIND. ALL IS WELL.


Positive Journaling for Mental Health

My brain loves my heart and my heart loves my brain. They are good kind friends with each other. They listen to each other, they depend on each other. Such a bliss. Such a blessing. My thoughts sustain the people around me. I always know how to motivate me and my fiends. I love my thoughts and I am grateful for positive thoughts. They feel better. And I treasure this.

How To Do Positive Journaling?

Positive journaling brings you more benefits when you do it in the morning. All you need to do is start writing on your computer or paper. Make sure you write only positive thoughts. The secret to writing your own positive affirmations is knowing a lot of positive words. You can inspire yourself from our list of positive words.

Positive Journaling