5 Tips On How to Nail a Job Interview Using Proper Words

Getting a job is about having all the pieces of a puzzle fit in. There are many pieces and your task is to take care of every single one of them in order to be the one they hire. Your job interview might just be the most important piece of the puzzle. It either makes you or breaks you. This is the one-shot you have on making a great first impression on the people considering to hire you and you can’t afford to blow it.

So, what can you do to make sure you’re on top of the game in your job interview? You need to come prepared and you need to be certain about what you want to say. More importantly, you need to know how to say it. Using proper words and carefully shaping your thoughts will help you stand out from the rest as the best person for the job.

Take a look at the words you need to use in a job interview in order to nail it.

1. Passion Driven

It’s highly important for you to show the passion you have for the job. Your future employer wants to know whether you’re in it or not and you need to be able to show it and underline it.

Choose the words which best describe how much you want the job and how ready you are to conquer the world.

Make sure to point out that you’re:

  • eager
    to be the part of the company
    – to learn and contribute
  • motivated
    to develop
    – to give it your best
  • enthusiastic
    about fitting in the company
    -about being a part of the team

These power words will make your employer memorize you as someone with great potential and undeniable energy.

2. Skills and Experience

Naturally, every employer is going to want to know about your expertise and what is it that you bring to the table. Make sure to have the answer prepared in advance and give them the best possible response.

Use these words to help you get to the point:

  • competent
    Let them know you’re well-trained.
  • mature
    Show them you already have a shaped professional side of you.
  • skilled

Showcase your skills and give examples- make sure they realize how valuable you are.

Amanda Sparks, a writer for TopDownWriter agrees: “Part of the reason I got my job is nailing the experience question. I was straightforward and gave a clean-cut answer using power-words to help me do it.”

3. Work Ethic

Keeping in mind how important it is for an employee to be responsible, independent and organized, this is another side of you that needs to find a way to stand out during the interview. Don’t miss out on a chance to point out that you are:

  • dependable
    Not only are you perfectly capable of carrying out tasks on your on, but you can give your coworkers a hand in case they need it.
  • methodical

You keep everything under control, and you are both thorough and precise. In addition, it shows you’re responsible.

  • good at finding a solution

Every problem has a solution and you are always oriented toward finding one.

“My employees were thrilled to hear me speak confidently about my work ethics. I showed them I’m meticulous and they can trust me to handle things on my own. It helped me seal the deal” says James Daily, an editor at Brainished.

4. Leadership

If you know what you’re doing and you’re confident about your skills, you can make a great leader for the rest of the team. This potential of yours is highly valuable and your employee needs to know about it.

Use the proper words to point out how great of a leader you might become and show everyone this potential.

Let them know that you’re:

  • initiative
    You have great ideas and you bring them to reality. You inspire people to come on board and join you in your projects.
  • strategic

You are great at making things fit together and organizing people by assigning tasks and projects.

  • communicative

You are able to build healthy relationships with all the members of your team, the clients, and the superiors.

“Leave them thinking about your progress in the company and make sure they see you high in the hierarchy one day. That’s what I did and it helped me get the job” says Kate Spazzini, a writer at BestWritersCanada.

5. Step zero

It’s important to point out how crucial it is for you to make a great impression even before coming to the interview.

That means you need to nail your CV and motivation letter as well.

The words we’ve discussed above are great to use for both of these documents. In addition, you need to be 100% accurate in writing so as to avoid looking unprofessional.

Therefore, put in some serious effort in writing a killer CV and motivation letter. If you don’t think you’re up for the task, or you just want a hand with it check out online writing tools such as Grammarly and White Smoke.

You can also check out some online writing services such as Canada-Writers or Top Australia Writers. They can help you polish your text and avoid making any mistakes.


Nailing the job interview is all about making a memorable performance and making sure you’re the one they circle. Using power words is extremely useful and it helps you shine in front of your potential employers. They need to know how good you are and you need to be able to show it.

Use every chance you get to speak confidently about your enthusiasm, knowledge, skills and work ethic. Shape your thoughts using the proper words we’ve discussed and make sure you come out a winner. Come prepared and there’s nothing to worry about.

About the Author

This article is written by Natalie Andersen.

How to Nail a Job Interview Using Proper Words

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