Top 7 Benefits Of The Healing Power of Positive Words Today

Human’s eyes represent his mind, the tongue signifies his heart, and his arms legs represent human will. The tongue is a small body organ, yet death and life reside in the power of the tongue. The healing power of positive words is real. Words can have a positive or negative impact on our lives. A person’s speech is so powerful, that you can easily determine their mental wellbeing from the words they utter. Words have healing power, and proper use of the power requires wisdom. This blog explores the power of speech and gives advice for exercising wisdom in whatever you say.

1. Your Body Is the Temple of God

As an individual recognize God that resides in the tip of your tongue and in each heart of a human being. Harmful words ruin the temple of God that is located in your heart. As God’s worker on earth, you need to ensure that positive speech becomes an integral part of your life. Develop internal alchemy that turns destructive compassion into a passion, and disliking into sympathy.

2. The Healing Power of Positive Words Relieve Mental Burdens

Gentle words often turn even the hardest of souls. God exists in each and every human being. When we use positive feeling words and act towards other people we shift the karmic balance and pay the previous debt. When we speak positively to another person, we relieve them of their mental burden and bring them on the way to self-analysis and light. Nothing is more discouraging than hurtful gossip, criticism, and negative speech. If you keep on slandering and gossiping about others, you are denying yourself the opportunity to be truly happy in your life.

3. Positive Words Have a Healing Effect

Words have incredible healing power in people’s lives. Words of love, comfort, and encouragement have a positive impact on people’s lives. This is evidenced by health in the body. Positive speech is a weapon against disease and bad luck. Take control of your tongue, to ensure it speaks no evil against the absent or departed. Make sure your words do not injure a person’s reputation. Practice self-control, good company, and good words as they bring light to the heart. Familiarize yourself with these rules checklist on how to be happy. The healing power of positive and happy emotions will always help you.

4. Positive Words Uplift People’s Lives

If you are blessed in life, nature expects you to recompense the blessings you have received by uplifting others with your words. In doing so, more blessings, wealth, and health will come your way. If you fail to do so, then you are only denying yourself the joy and happiness you would have gained from uplifting other people’s lives. On the other hand, if you speak negatively about other people, you absorb their bad karma and dissipate the blessings you had gained, that you would have otherwise received. Remember to use correctly the healing power of positive emotions.

The following are interesting beliefs regarding the impact of negative, hurtful words.

  • If you have an island under the ring finger or a line of line – it’s not a good sign.
  • A star at the base of your middle finger is not favorable. That is the reply for the sin of slander would be great.
  • A cross under the ring and/or middle fingers brings negativity in the life of those offending others.
  • If a cross appears on your mount of Venus, abstain from stay away from slander, gossip, and negativity, since they will directly impact your relations.

5. Positive Words Strengthen Our Relationships

Speech is the Light of Infinity which should be constantly increasing. We should approach our listeners humbly, and show them our intellectual gift by the words we speak. We should center our conversations around truths. We should also show modesty and respect in our speech. If you look around you, a lot of people are bringing down their love relationships, friendships, and careers by speaking lies, being arrogant, and showing disrespect in the way they speak with their partners. Our vocabulary contains the healing power of positive thinking.

6. Positive Words Create and Support Light

The Word is God and God is the Word. When God created us, he intended for us to be the Spirit of Light that guides all those who have strayed from the path of light. The tongue, should, therefore, not be used to destroy others. When you gossip, you attract negative forces that invade your body, mind, and heart. Such forces suck out the light out of you, leaving you weak and unable to exercise control over your heart and body. The only way to avoid this situation is by dedicating the words that come from your mouth to create light and support others who might be too weak having been possessed by dark forces. The healing power of positive thoughts is strong.

7. The Healing Power of Positive Words Improve the World

The world we live in is full of karma. We always hear that karma will get back at us in one way or the other. Your achievements, challenges, and everything you do are not by accident. Rather, they are the result of karma. Instead of attracting negative karma, you can attract positive karma. By using deliberate words and actions that are intentionally constructive, we set positive forces in motion, that will act on the good for all mankind. Positive words will improve your life and further karma incarnations, and by extension, improve the world through enlightenment.

In conclusion, positive thinking is something that you need to practice over a great deal of time to get in your system. An empty stomach brings out the negative energy from your body. To help yourself, you need to eat healthy, at regular times and also stay out in the sun as bonding with nature cancels out the negative forces. Above all, learn to love yourself by taking good care of your body, refraining from listening to and participating in negative talk. This way, you will always keep your mind, heart, and body healthy. Here is an inspirational speech to get you going in your endeavors.

Healing Power of Positive Words
Healing Power of Positive Words Janet Anthony

About the Author: Janet Anthony is a blogger from Kansas City and content writer at Resumes.Expert who has been writing professionally for five years now. She mostly writes about motivation, self-development, blogging, and inspiration. Her motto is “What you do today can improve all your tomorrow”. Find Janet here: Twitter

3 thoughts on “Top 7 Benefits Of The Healing Power of Positive Words Today”

  1. The life of a man processes out the heart, so whatever a man speaks has infected his life. I believe that positive is very important for an individual because it is the base of life. even Jesus was a positive speaker he always speaks things that will happen, therefore positive words are things that will happen.


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