Category Archives: Message to My Future Self

Message to My Future Self: Positive Reflections and Aspirations

Divine Love: Gorgeous Heart Chakra Music For Meditation

We are all connected into Divine Love. Open your heart chakra. May you enjoy many blessings. May you be surrounded by Pure Love and Light. May you always find your way back to your wonderful heart.

Gorgeous heart chakra music – Divine Love

Access this free high vibrational energy list of good words.

Divine Love

4 Tips To Experience The Magic Of Simple Meditations

In the article How to Meditate for Clarity, Intuition, and Guidance, Jack Canfield answers the question What is meditation? with:

“Meditation is a practice where you train your mind or induce a state of consciousness, either to realize some benefit, such as relaxation, stress reduction, healing, strengthening your life force, or developing certain qualities such as love, patience, generosity, and forgiveness.”

He presents the 4 steps of the Simple Meditation: The 4-Part Meditation Technique:

1. Find a quiet place, close your eyes, and focus on slowing down your breathing;

2. Repeat an uplifting word or phrase;

3. Move into a state of quiet;

4. Imagine yourself surrounded by a sphere of light.

He also draws the following conclusions:

  • Meditation takes practice and is a natural progression;
  • Practice the above methods to calm your mind;
  • Learning to meditate is a journey, this guide will help you take the right steps.

Find at Positive Words Research a wonderful article about 20 Simple Meditations to Create Peace of Mind and Joy.

Jack Canfield, America’s #1 Success Coach, is the founder of the billion-dollar book brand Chicken Soup for the Soul and a leading authority on Peak Performance and Life Success.


I AM Healthy Whole and Complete Daily Affirmation

This statement is very strong. I am healthy. I am whole. I am complete. When you are alone look at yourself in the mirror directly in your eyes and say this positive statement. Then take a piece of paper and write this statement several times.


Write a few words about each positive word in this sentence saying the reasons why you think they are true for you.
We often think we are incomplete. But we were born with everything we need to survive and prosper.

Moreover, we were born with abilities not only to help ourselves but also to help others. Even a lot of people. Reflect on the gifts inherited from your family. Take some digging in your family and discover the good and generous things that your great-grandparents did.

You will be amazed. Sincere. You may discover some heroes in your past family.


Positive Words Research – Healthy, Whole and Complete

This Week’s Positive Word is APPRECIATION: Always Be Kind

Monday’s Motivational Blog

A is for Appreciation

‘Appreciation will lead to more things to appreciate in your life’

Victoria J.Brown

When you woke up this morning, what were your first thoughts? Did you want to get out of bed? Did you think about appreciating the fact that you could actually get out of bed? Did you appreciate that you are alive and living in this precious wonderful world?

Many people don’t wake up with these thoughts. The reason many people are unhappy in their lives is that they want MORE! And that’s ok … it’s okay to want more from life, to want to strive ahead and make a better life for yourself and your family. It’s great to have that determination. But if you appreciate how far you’ve come, you will go further.

Before I was introduced to the Law of Attraction, which was many, many years ago, I was a ‘glass half-empty’ type of girl, those days are long gone, in fact, I can’t even remember that girl. Now I’m more than a ‘glass half-full’ girlie … I’m a ‘glass half-full looking for people who are thirsty,’ girlie.

Emotions and feelings are the keys to having a better life. Being unappreciative of your current situation could lead to a worse situation. You may think, ‘but I do appreciate my life, I just want more.’ As I said above, this is ok, to want more is healthy, but when was the last time you actually looked at yourself and felt truly grateful. How often do you look at your life and feel deep appreciation? True appreciation is a blessing.


Here’s an exercise for you:

Sit down, breathe deeply and relax (in a quiet space where you can’t be disturbed)

Now imagine the following:

Your life without your loved ones

No roof over your head

Being so hungry and not knowing where the next piece of food is coming from.

Now, APPRECIATE all the things you have in your life that you don’t want to lose.

Put your hands together and really feel true appreciation from your heart.

Say aloud, ‘Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.’

When I first started learning about the Law of Attraction, I realized that I didn’t appreciate my life enough. Now, I appreciate everything in my life and I constantly say ‘thank you’.

A good exercise is to write down daily 10 things you are grateful for, 10 things you appreciate in your life. Even if you hate your job, you should appreciate that you have a job and that you are able to work. Start looking at the things in your life that you don’t like and turn it around. What can you appreciate about it?

Do this every day until your appreciation becomes second nature, saying ‘thank you’ and appreciating your life is a way of life for you.

a is from appreciation
a is from appreciation
a is for appreciation

Discover One of The Happiness Secret for Women Everywhere

Happiness Secret – Message to my future self: To be happy: wash your hair, buy a red rose, paint your nails green, put on a nice dress, go in the sun and take your picture.

Your own happiness is your responsibility. You have the right to make things for yourself that generate the happiness energy in yourself. Never be ashamed of this or stop doing for yourself the things that you like. Take the time. Don’t listen to people that tell you differently. You deserve to be happy in your own way. No approval for your happiness recipe is needed. Anytime you want, cook yourself a happy meal.

happiness secret

Remember Your Big Smile is Better Than Any Makeup

Message to my future self: Your big smile is the best makeup. You cannot compensate your smile with any makeup.

Your smile on your face is the best makeup trick you could master.

There were a lot of days that you didn’t have time for makeup but you had your big smile with you. You were so beautiful those days.

Positive Words Research – Your Big Smile is Better Than Any Makeup

big smile

Laughing is the Best Medicine Therefore Use It Daily

Message to my future self: Laughing it the best medicine. Raise your vibration smiling and laughing.

Hard days for your health. But you healed. So proud of you. You remembered and applied what you have learned until then.

One of those was that you practiced raising your vibration by laughing. You are so strong.  So proud of you.

Positive Words Research – Laughing is the Best Medicine

laugh is the best

How To Have the Nerve to Love Yourself Starting Now

Note to my future self: You are beautiful. Always have the nerve to love yourself. And to show it.

Those were harsh days for your health, you know it.

But, your mother brought you that rose. Your father gave you that necklace from sweet bread. You are beautiful. Love yourself. Capture your beauty. Look at yourself with appreciation. Even in the hardest moments in your life, you were so beautiful. Show yourself that.

love yourself

You are Enough: Remember You are so Enough Lovely Soul

Today, as a reminder, I have created for my future self the message “You are enough. You are so enough it is unbelievable how enough you are”. I am sharing this message with the world so that you too, remind yourself, that YOU ARE ENOUGH. YOU ARE SO ENOUGH IT IS UNBELIEVABLE HOW ENOUGH YOU ARE.

You were enough. You are enough. You will always be enough. Love yourself and tell yourself when you wake up in the morning that you love your heart. Life is happening for you, not to you. Everything that was created converged together to create you. You are on the leading verge of everything that humanity created.

Life is happening for you, not to you. Everything that was created converged together to create You. You are on the leading verge of everything that humanity created.

You are on the leading verge of everything that humanity created and you ride beautifully.

I saw this video of Marisa Peer today and did this reminder for my future self: YOU ARE ENOUGH. YOU ARE SO ENOUGH IT IS UNBELIEVABLE HOW ENOUGH YOU ARE. You need to listen to this video of Marisa Peer. It will change the way you look at you. You will feel enough, become more confident and increase your level of self-love.

See this post: The Biggest Disease Affecting Humanity: “I’m Not Enough” by Marisa Peer

you are enough