Category Archives: Daily Positive Word

Elevate your daily life with inspiration through our Daily Positive Word. Discover the uplifting power of words every day!

This week’s positive word is RELAX: Find Your Life Balance

 This week’s positive word is


By Victoria J.Brown

I remember I was well into the New Year, Christmas felt like a long-distance memory and I noticed that the last thing on many people’s minds is relaxation. I understand that maybe the Holidays period is very busy, so there’s not much relaxing going on. Then the new year has started and most people are back to rushing from one place to another, appointments, meetings, deadlines … I’m definitely one for advising that you set yourself goals and targets, but I believe in relaxing too. Relaxing helps us focus, truly focus on where we are and what we need to do. It helps to eliminate that fuzzy fog that surrounds many minds as they sleepwalk through life day in, day out.

Taking time out to assess and soothe your body and soul is the key to moving forward.

How many times have you heard people saying: “I haven’t got time …” These are the people who need to relax more than most.

So if you’re one of those people who feels the need to keep moving, there’s no time for chilling … ask yourself how fast are you actually moving forward? If you feel you simply CAN’T STOP! Even the thought stresses you out. Then you are probably that person that needs to relax.

Here’s a little task for you … start writing a journal, look back over it week by week and see how fast you’re moving. While writing your journal put some feelings, thoughts, and emotions into your writing, turn your writing into a relaxation technique. It’s an amazing method. If you do this, you’re still ‘working’ as you’re writing down your achievements, but at the same time, you are actually allowing yourself to put things into perspective.

So remember, when you are relaxing, you are not being lazy, you are not wasting time … the exact opposite … you are re-fuelling your mind, body, and soul.

Positive Words Research – This week’s positive word is RELAX


This week’s positive word is QUEST: Find Your Motivation

This week’s positive word is


By Victoria J.Brown

The New Year has started and New Year Resolutions have been made around the world. Some are doing well … others, lasted a day or so 🙂

Did you make New Year Resolutions?

If you did, ask yourself how many of them are related to an underlying passion or incompleteness that isn’t being fulfilled?

If you were to believe that you were sent here on a life mission or a quest that needed to be completed how would you feel about your life journey so far?

Are you happy on your journey? Do you want to achieve more? Is there a niggle deep within that knows you have more to offer: more to give the world? Most people answer, ‘Yes,’ to this question because most people are on the treadmill of life.

But imagine this:


Imagine knowing that your first quest on this physical plane was to feel the love from within. When we are born this is exactly what we feel, love for ourselves and those around us. It’s as we grow and develop that society shapes our thoughts. That’s why many people are unhappy with life because they have forgotten the reason they are here, many are still searching for it while others’ have given up. Don’t give up. Don’t be that person who loses themselves. You have the power to change your thoughts.

Do you feel an urge, a passion – something deep within that you know you need to fulfill? This is your quest. Your life mission. The reason you are here. If it’s not something you can do overnight, then put a plan in place and start making it work for you. Life is far too short to be having regrets make 2017 your year. Start the quest that you were sent here for. I get excited as I write this, as I know there are so many people out there who are connecting with this blog post and know that feeling. Once that feeling is ignited, excitement bursts from within.

One of your main quests in life is to show love always. Once you can show love your life will be transformed. Truly love, forgive and diminish negative thoughts. Giving love will enable you to receive more love and you will find that your life quests are so much easier to follow. Opening yourself up to the universe and letting go of any negative beliefs will enable your quest to be achieved much easier.

Positive Words Research – This week’s positive word is QUEST

This week’s positive word is PASSION: Find Your Inspiration

This week’s positive word



Victoria J.Brown

 Much unhappiness comes from people not following their passion. Many people are on the treadmill of life; following a routine, having a job just to pay the bills, raising a family and generally getting on with life because they have to.

We all have bills to pay and maybe you’re not in a position to just drop everything and start following your dreams. But incorporating your passions into your daily life will make life much easier and a nicer place to be.

This could be spending an hour or even 30 minutes on something you love every day. If you continue to do this and ensure your passion is embedded into your daily routine before you know where you are you may just be able to give up that day job. My biggest belief is that small steps count. Small steps are better than taking no steps at all.

We’re all here for a reason, if you have a passion deep inside that isn’t being fulfilled, then you know your purpose for being. Follow your heart and your dreams will come true. Start putting plans in place to make this happen. It’s a New Year, so make this year count for you. Get off the treadmill and start doing some real walking and you’ll be amazed at what you see and find. 

Just remember time is passing anyway, so make sure you fit your passion into your day. Don’t regret not moving forward, don’t let other ‘stuff’ get in the way, you deserve to be happy and if you have a yearning to do something with your life, follow that yearning because that is your passion calling out to you. That is the reason you are here.

 Check out the amazing website of Victoria at

Access the list of positive words to brighten your day!


This week’s positive word is OPEN: How To Become Limitless

This week’s positive word is


Again, another word that you may be thinking isn’t really that positive, it’s just a word, but if we were to talk about how open you are, what would that mean to you?

How open is your mind at this moment in time?

How open is your heart? How open is your spirit? How open are your eyes?

How open are you to change? How open are you to opportunities?

It’s so easy to become stuck in a routine with every day passing us by, in essence, life passing us by. Even if we want to change we don’t know how, or we’re so used to the comfortable routine we’ve created that we’re scared of changing it.

But the only way to make changes in our lives is to have an open mind. Be open to new opportunities. Don’t dismiss ideas or changes because you feel it doesn’t fit with your current way of thinking.

The only way we can move forward in life is to open our eyes, open our minds and open our hearts. Once your mind is open, the world is full of possibilities and life becomes much more exciting.

 This may not happen overnight, but once you’ve decided to have an open mind, you’re already more than halfway there.

Just remember life is too short to have a closed mind.

This blog post is made by Victoria J. Brown from

Access the list of positive words to brighten your day!

This Week’s Positive Word is NOTICE: Increase Awareness

This week’s positive word is


By Victoria J.Brown

You may be thinking that this isn’t really a positive word … it’s just a word!

Well it depends how you look at the world, and if you were one of those people who did think, ‘Notice, is just a word,’ then please have a read of this post and really think about what you actually notice about yourself and the world around you.

Notice Picture 1

When you start noticing the world around you, you’ll notice how a word such as ‘notice’ can be very positive. How noticing life can be one of the most positive things you can do for yourself.

The world is a beautiful and wonderful place if you just stop for a second and notice it, you will see it too. We are often so focused on our ‘to-do list’ that we take for granted all the good that surrounds us, we become to expect rather than notice.

The world is full of busy … busy people, busy lives … busy, busy, busy – especially at this time of the year! People don’t have time to stop and notice the world around them. There’s so much to do … but there is actually so much to see.

If you feel this sounds like you … have you noticed? Have you noticed how stressed you feel? Take 5 or 10 minutes out to just breathe! 5 or 10 minutes of your time will not damage you as much as not taking that time to breathe.

Breathe. Look around you. Listen. Use all your senses to notice your world. It’s wonderful to be here and alive, we must not take these days for granted.

 Be thankful always and take notice.

Positive Words Research – This Week’s Positive Word is NOTICE –

This Week’s Positive Word is MAGIC: Become Master of Magic

This week’s positive word is


Do you remember being a child and believing in magic?

Do you remember your imagination being stretched so far that anything was possible?

Do you remember that feeling?

As we become adults we are filled with norms and expectations of society that we feel we should adhere to. Unfortunately magic isn’t one of the norms. In adulthood, we describe events as coincidences. But what if you were to look deeper into these coincidences?

You know I like to give you little exercises, well take ten minutes (or longer if you can) to think about any ‘coincidences’ that have happened to you in previous years, incidents that have sent you down a particular route. Have a think about the reasons these incidents may have happened … did they lead to another event? Did they send you down a different path?

Now think about the people you’ve met on your life journey. Have you ever thought about the people who have entered into your life? Some may have passed through for a sort while, while others have stayed by your side through thick and thin. Just because someone doesn’t stay in your life for a long period of time it doesn’t mean they weren’t meant to be there … totally the opposite, they were there for a reason. A magical reason to help you on your life journey.

Now take another ten minutes out to think about the people who have entered into your life. Think initially about those who have passed through, write down their names if you have time, then write a reason as to what you gained from that relationship, what lessons have been learned?

Now look at the people in your life, and write down those that are closest to you and think about the magic that surrounds your relationship with them. Write a paragraph on each person. Think about your magical relationships. How did you meet? What have you experienced together? How have you both supported each other? It’s a wonderful feeling to value the magic in a relationship. Was it a coincidence that you met?

Some people believe in logic, but those who believe in magic will experience are more fulfilling life, a life of limitless possibilities and opportunities. Once you believe in the magic, you carry that around inside of you, projecting it like a sparkling trail. An amazing feeling that you are being protected and there is a higher purpose. Our time here is magical, it should be our job to spread that magic wherever we go.

In the words of Roald Dahl …

So start believing in magic and watch miracles happen. It’s actually very exciting when you realise that magic does exist, and by believing you can make it happen.

Believe in the magic and watch the magic happen

By Victoria J.Brown

Positive Words Research – This Week’s Positive Word is MAGIC


This Week’s Positive Word is LOVE: Love Yourself And Others

This week’s positive word is


You may be thinking this is quite an obvious word this week, but you’d be amazed at how many people miss the opportunity to show love.

Ask yourself, how many times in a day do you show love?

When I first heard about the Law of Attraction, it was the love element that struck me first. ‘The Secret‘ came into my life when I needed it, when life seemed to be throwing challenge after challenge at me. If you haven’t watched, The Secret, I highly recommend it, especially if you haven’t heard of the Law of Attraction, or are just starting to learn about it. The Secret is a great place to start.

At this particular time in my life there was so many challenges; financial, relationships, family … you name it, it was all very challenging … like a snowball effect! There was just one things after another. I didn’t understand why all these things were happening to me, I had negative view on life and would ask myself constantly, ‘Why me???’

However, when I changed my feelings around, turned anger into love and looked outside of myself and my own world, good things started to happen. It’s not only about the words that are spoken, it’s about the actions that are taken, the thoughts that move in and out of our minds constantly.


Now, don’t get me wrong, it took effort to turn my thoughts around, it was a real effort in what seemed like utter darkness with no light at the end of the tunnel. But sure enough that light came, not just a dribble of light, not just a small glow, it was a whole load of party lights, fireworks and more!

It becomes an addiction sending out love to people. A good addiction. I receive so much love back now I often find it overwhelming. Plus, the initial effort it took to turn my thoughts around, is just natural now. My thoughts and actions are always full of love. I know this, because of the love I get back. The world would be such an amazing, fulfilling place if everyone could be more loving.

It’s one of the reasons I qualified as a Law of Attraction Practitioner, because I wanted to teach others have marvellous it actually is. The more love you give out there, the more you receive back. So go on, this week your task is to show as much love as you possibly can and reap the rewards.

Positive Words Research – This Week’s Positive Word is LOVE

This Week’s Positive Word is KINDNESS: Being Kind Is Love

This week’s positive word is


Kindness is a characteristic that should be integrated into your life without a second thought.

Kindness leads directly to gratitude, appreciation, happiness, and love. Being kind to someone can benefit you just as much as it benefits them.

There is actually scientific research that shows the benefits of being kind.

You can see the range of research here at Think Kindness

It’s true … it doesn’t actually cost anything to be kind! From a smile in the street to letting someone in front of you in a queue or giving up your seat on the bus. Simple but effective acts of kindness that will be integrated into your life and make you a happier person.

So here are five simple ways you can be kind today:

  1. Ask yourself which friend could do with your help? Even a simple text to ask how they are doing, tell them you are thinking about them, can truly lift their day.
  2. Do you have lots of clothes hanging in your wardrobe that need to be cleared out? Do it now! Donate to charity! In fact, go that one step further and give away an item that you love!
  3. When you’re out and about today, compliment someone … never underestimate how much they will need it.
  4. Hide notes of encouragement to your spouse, partner, family members, children, friends … whoever in your life needs it. Maybe they don’t need it, but it will show them how much you care and will boost their day.
  5. Visit someone who needs company; care homes and hospitals are the perfect places to spread kindness. You’ll be amazed at how many people don’t have visitors, so make a difference in their lives.

These five ideas are just the tip of the kindness boat … there are plenty of ways to show kindness and reap the benefits in the process. Remember, you can’t fail by being kind, as any kindness given is never wasted.

If you read my blog posts regularly on Positive Words Research, you’ll know that we have certain house rules in our home, and one of them is as follows:

Positive Words Research – This Week’s Positive Word is KINDNESS


This Week’s Positive Word is JOURNEY: Enjoy Your Path

This week’s positive word is


“It’s not about the destination, it’s about the journey!’

This is one of the most popular quotes relating to enjoying your journey towards your goal. However, if you’re in a frustrating place at the moment you made find it hard to look at your journey as enjoyable. One of the best things to do if you’re feeling like you’re on a never-ending treadmill is to STOP!



Take five minutes to sit in silence. Listen to your breathing and then think about all that you have that you are grateful for. Don’t think about the obstacles, don’t think about the challenges, with this exercise there are no buts’, maybes’ or cannot’.

There are lessons to be learned on this life journey, you just need to understand what they are. There is a reason you have ventured on this path and one way to understand and appreciate that path is to be grateful for where you are now.

 Imagine if all that was happening was happening for a reason, imagine the struggles were designed to enable us to move forward stronger than we were before. To believe that we have the power to push ourselves to another level. If you sit for a second and imagine how it would feel to get through these struggles … imagine all that has happened is to help you become stronger.


Sometimes we have to take a different route to help us move forward, but don’t ever lose sight of your goal, don’t ever believe you’re not capable of doing this. If your heart is telling you to follow a passion then it’s your mission to follow and accomplish whatever goals you feel you need to achieve. Your life is made up of different puzzles that sometimes really do feel like hard work to figure out. You MUST continue on this journey, even if it’s one small step at a time.


Believe in yourself, believe you can do this. Start writing down daily what you have achieved and you will soon become grateful that you are moving forward. Don’t look at the setbacks, the obstacles, the challenges, don’t focus on the negative, focus on the things that are carrying you forward, because if you believe you are here for this reason, you will continue to push through those barriers.

Things to remember on your journey:

If it was easy, everyone would be doing it

You will only regret the things you didn’t do, not the things you did

Every step counts no matter how small

Ask yourself … what can I learn from these challenges?

Be grateful daily 



Positive Words Research – This Week’s Positive Word is JOURNEY

This Week’s Positive Word is INSPIRE: Get Motivated Now

This week’s positive word is


Inspire is a word that glows with positivity. Just like the people who inspire!

People who inspire others live their lives to the best of their ability. They continue to educate themselves on becoming the best they can be.

Most people who inspire others have achieved a success in their lives that motivates others to do the same. This doesn’t mean financial success, but a goal they have attained, for example, ‘losing weight and getting fit’ – a common theme throughout our society.

But on a deeper personal level, many people are inspired by those who have faced adversity, fought a battle, or experienced a life-changing phenomenon. Maybe you have gone through something in your life and came out the other end … could you inspire others? Below is an exercise that will help you think more about your ability and power to inspire others.

Firstly, in this week’s exercise write down the names of people who inspire you?

This could be people who are close to you; family members or friends. It could be someone you’ve come across over the internet or through social media (for example, maybe someone who runs a blog or business or a celebrity who you feel gives you the drive to push yourself.

Once you have this list, pick one of these people and write a paragraph about why they inspire you.

Now write a sentence or two about how you relate to them, what similarities do you have to this person?

Whatever you’re going through, or whatever you’ve been through, you’ll be surprised how many people have been through the same or similar. Nobody should wish bad times on others, but knowing that

someone has faced something in their life, like you, truly helps to see how they have dealt with their situation and been able to move forward with their life. It makes them an inspiration to you! You being inspired by them can help you inspire others!

If it makes you feel it’s possible for you … this is because it is possible for you!

Positive Words Research – This Week’s Positive Word is INSPIRE
