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Discover How Do Nightmares Make Writers More Creative

The image of a dark shadow following me like Dementors was chasing Harry Potter is still live in my mind. It is a nightmare I started having when I was about 13 and it keeps repeating every now and then. I always manage to run away from that shadow, but it never stops following me. It is a recurrent dream that is chasing me for over 15 years now.

But how do these bad dreams influence creativity? Every human on Earth is having nightmares, but do they have a special effect on writers or on their creativity level? Do these nightmares have a hidden meaning?

Let’s find out more about nightmares and if they make writers more creative.

What Are Nightmares?

Nightmares are those bad dreams which make you wake up during the night. And while the sensation of fear has invalidated your body, you wake up all sweat and disturbed by what you just saw in your dreams.

We experience more nightmares when we are children. Researchers from the American Academy of Sleep Medicine say that from 10 to 50 percent of children aged 5 to 12 years, experience disturbing nightmares that make them wake up their parents.

This means that the severity of their nightmares is high enough to disturb their parents.

As the time passes by, the frequency of the nightmares decreases. The American Academy of Sleep Medicine says that only two to eight percent of adults experience nightmares.

But, What Triggers Nightmares?

Scientists say that the nightmares experienced during adulthood have the same triggers as the ones from childhood. Such triggers could be:

  • Listening to scary stories
  • The death of a beloved one
  • Watching tv shows or horror movies
  • Having a stressful day at school or work

Whether these triggers are common for childhood and adulthood, there are also some that are specific to adulthood.

As we grow up, we gain more and more control over our behavior and cognitive functions. We have the power to control and keep them under control.

But when something bad happens, our ability to manage our behavior and thinking weakens.

Triggers such:

  • Bad eating habits – like having a midnight snack
  • Conflicts unresolved that we never stop thinking about
  • Unknown allergies
  • Depression
  • Trauma
  • Insomnia

can cause you to experience that night troubles.

What do we know about nightmares?

  1. We know that the nightmares are occurring in the REM sleep (rapid eye movement sleep). This phase is unique in our sleep and makes it easy for nightmares to appear because of its characteristics. Our muscles relax, and our eyes move faster, creating the conditions to dream vividly.
  2. Although every one of us has his own opinions, issues and perspective, some themes are common to most adults. Running from someone who is chasing you and not having the power to escape or falling from a very high building are common themes among adults.
  3. If you are on medication, you may experience nightmares, depending on the addictive substances you are taking.

But, how can a writer be inspired by his or her nightmares?

We all know that inspiration does not come if you clap your hands. There are a lot of exercises to boost your creativity. Some of them may work, some not. I tried some and all I can say is that they are helpful.

A lot of writers ask for advice on how to boost their creativity, and all I can say is to dive deeper into your dreams.

I tried to remember all the details of my dreams, some of them being full of feelings and sensations that would make a great story.

My solution to the problem of keeping track of one’s dreams was to write them down on a dream journal. I noticed that after I wake up, I clearly see all the dream details.

And this is the best moment to write down what you have just dreamed.

As the time passes by, more and more details will get lost.

You will boost your creativity and you will have a great start for an awesome story. Your brain is working also during the night, so nightmares are one of the things that he is part of. And why not use your brain at its fullest?

Wait, is this possible? Do I really become more creative?

The answer is, yes. Have you ever wondered where the Frankenstein story came from? Or how was Edgar Allan Poe so inspired to write such horrific, yet awesome stories?

You might think that as a writer you barely have time to sleep because you often enter a writing frenzy state. Stephen King got the idea for his famous masterpiece Misery while flying to London and experiencing a nightmare.

You can also draw what you have just dreamed and get inspired like Robert L. Stevenson did for his The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde novel.

There are so many writers who leveled up their creativity just by paying enough attention to what they experienced during the night. So yes, it is possible to become more creative if you listen to your brain during the night.

In fact, there are lots of studies which investigated the relationship between nightmares and creativity. One study conducted by Michelle Carr proved that during a word-association task, those who experienced nightmares scored significantly better than those who do not.

This means that it is a positive relationship between nightmares and creativity.

You might find yourself too troubled to form sentences and all you can do is to write down some ideas and memories. As a writer, you can always use the help of some nerdy writers or you can hire a writer online who can proofread your drafts.

As a writer, you can get lost through ideas. It is always helpful when a fresh and new perspective is used to improve your drafts. This is the moment when you can ask for help from a professional.

How Useful Are Nightmares to Writers?

After I over analyzed all the studies about nightmares and creativity, an idea popped up. How useful are nightmares for writers, actually? How can I, as a writer, maximize the potential my nightmares have?

Well, these are some tricky questions. But studies helped me clarify some aspects.

Empathya study from 2013 showed that people who experience nightmares frequently, also display mirror behaviors. They tend to be more aware of the people and surroundings.

And it is well-known that there is a positive relationship between empathy and creativity, although we do not know the exact relationship. Nightmares might determine you to write more vivid, fuller of life stories.

The recall rate is high – this might be due to the characteristics of nightmares. It is hardwired in our brain to remember more bad things than good things.

This is especially visible when taking into consideration nightmares. They can be a great source of inspiration for your next horror or thriller story.

I talked a lot about nightmares. What are they, what triggers do they have or how are nightmares and creativity linked.

But, how can you take advantage of nightmares, as a writer?

Oh well, nightmares inspire you. They make you more creative in ways you wouldn’t have known were possible. The truth is, our brain is working all the time. And just a few of the things it is noticing reach the consciousness level. You must take advantage of them.

Write down as many details you remember. Or, if you have some hidden talents, you can draw or paint. The thing is, while you will be working on remembering as many details as possible, your creativity level will increase.

Your brain will be exercising, and your imagination will be unleashed. So, what are you waiting for? Start that dream journal and begin creating the most vivid and gripping stories you have ever written.

About the Author

Tiffany Harper is an experienced writer from New York (USA) and an extremely active woman. She began her career as a journalist, now she works as a subject matter expert with university assignment help, best essay writing , custom research paper, makes researches for domywriting reviews, Paper Writing Pro Service, and My-Assignment.Help. Also, Tiffany works as a special mentor with master thesis writing service, best paper writing services, expert writers, Pro Papers review, mostly in wellness and healthy lifestyle area. She gets inspiration for writing from travels and meeting new people, feel free to contact her on Twitter.

Positive Words Research – Do Nightmares Make Writers More Creative?

Do Nightmares Make Writers More Creative

Best 9 Tips On How to Use Journaling for Mental Health

As teenagers, most of us kept diaries. We used to write what we were going through and then hide them somewhere safe. A diary was the only place we could confess our fears and struggles without being judged or punished by anyone.

It really felt good getting all of those thoughts and emotions out of your chest and down on paper. Everything seemed clearer after performing this exercise.

Most of us stopped using diaries when we reached adulthood. As an adult, you are faced with struggles on a daily basis which may result in stress, anxiety and depression. Journaling is as important today as it were during your teenage years.

In fact, it is much more important for you to start doing it now especially if you have children. If you are stressed or depressed, your children will definitely be affected.

Journaling helps you gain control of your emotions. It improves your mental health. Today, we are going to discuss how to journal for mental health. But first, let’s understand effective journaling and its benefits.

1. Effective Journaling Defined

Effective journaling is a practice that helps you achieve your goals or improve the quality of your life. Every person has different perspectives and expectations when it comes to journaling. However, the effects are always positive.

 Journaling helps in clearing the mind and making crucial connections between thoughts, emotions and behaviors. Mental illness is also reduced drastically. You might be asking yourself how a piece of paper and a pen can impact your mental health. It is surprising that such a simple practice does work. Especially for those people struggling with mental illness.

Journaling uses both the left brain and the right brain. It requires an individual to use the logical left side of the brain. While the lefts side is occupied, the right side which is normally the creative and emotional side is given the freedom to play and wonder. Journaling enhances and expands your creativity which makes a huge difference in your life.

2. Benefits of Journaling

Journaling or writing in an expressive way boosts the mood of individuals, enhances a sense of well-being, reduces the symptoms of depression before a crucial event such as an exam or job interview, reduces avoidance and intrusion symptoms and improves memory.

Journaling is really beneficial to those with a history of trauma or PTSD. Creative writing enhances mental health by guiding a person to face his or her inhibited feelings. It helps him or her analyze difficult or painful events and compose a clear narrative about his or her experience.

For those without traumatic experiences, writing is still beneficial to their mental health. Writing can make you aware of sneaky unhealthy thought patterns and behaviors before they take control of you. It helps in putting things in proper perspective. In fact, writing helps in shifting from a negative mindset to a positive one thus improving your self-esteem.

For journaling to impact your mental health positively, you need to have an appropriate method in place. Simply writing words on a page may feel wonderful at the moment but there is little proof that it will enhance your well-being and decrease your depression symptoms.

3. Journaling Effectively for Mental Health

The following tips will ensure your journaling or expressive writing is comprehensive and constructive thus beneficial to your mental health:

  • Write in a personalized space that has no distractions
  • Write at least three times in a day
  • After writing, give yourself enough time to reflect
  • If you are journaling to overcome trauma, you do not have to write about the traumatic event. Write what you are feeling at the moment.
  • Structure your writing the way you want.
  • Your journal is private. It belongs to you – not your therapist, spouse, family or friends. You can always discuss your experience with your therapist.

The Center of Journal Therapy has an effective journaling guideline that can help you improve your mental health. When you are journaling, keep in mind this simple acronym: WRITE

  • W – What are you writing about? Think of your thoughts and feelings and what is going on in your life right now. Think of your goals and what you are trying to avoid. Write it down on paper.
  • R – Reflect or review. Take a moment and be still. Breath calmly and focus. In this step, mindfulness or meditation is important. When writing, focus on the present moment with sentences such as “Today…”, “In this moment…” Start your sentences with “I” statements such as “I think…”, “I feel…”
  • I – Investigate your thoughts and emotions through writing. Just keep writing. If you feel you have written everything or your mind starts wandering, take a moment and reflect. Meditate. Or read what you have written and keep on writing.
  • T – Time yourself. Write for at least five minutes or whatever time your therapist has advised you. Write your start time and the projected end time at the top of your page. Set an alarm or timer.
  • E – Exit in a strategic way with introspection. Go through what you have written and take a moment to review and reflect. Sum up everything in one or two sentences. Start with statements like, “As I read this, I feel…”, “I am aware of…” If you have an action plan or a series of steps to follow, write them down.

4. The Science Behind Journaling or Expressive Writing

The outcomes of journal writing are evident across the world. Journaling is very effective in helping people identify and accept their thoughts and emotions, manage stress and reduce or eliminate the symptoms of mental illness.

It has been revealed that journaling affects physical well-being. Michael Grothaus, an avid writer and journalist notes that journaling strengthens the immune system, lowers blood pressure, improves the quality of your sleep and keeps you healthier in general.

There are other benefits for people struggling with mental issues.

5. Journaling Can Help You Manage Depression

Journaling is an effective tool in helping a person manage his or her depressive symptoms. Keep in mind that journaling is not a substitute for professional help especially when depression is severe. However, it can be used together with various forms of therapy treatment.

Journal writing has proved to manage depression in the following ways:

  • Journal writing reduces depression symptoms in women who are struggling with the effects of intimate partner violence.
  • Writing a journal is as effective as cognitive behavioral therapy when it comes to reducing depression symptoms in adolescents.
  • In some cases, expressive writing may not decrease the frequency of intrusive thoughts in depressed people but it can moderate depressive symptoms hence reduce the symptoms.
  • Journaling can reduce brooding and rumination among college students. Brooding and rumination are the biggest factors of depressive symptoms.
  • Individuals diagnosed with Major Depressive Disorder reported lower depression scores after only 3 days of journal writing, twenty minutes every day.

Journal writing gives them an avenue to release negative thoughts and emotions and create a positive state of mind which ultimately leads to a sense of well-being.

6. Journaling and Anxiety

Journaling is well-suited to help you deal with anxiety. It always has positive outcomes. Barbara Markway, a popular psychologist says that there is no better way to understand your thoughts and emotions than to write them down. To address any problem, you have to know what it is first. Journaling is tool that helps in identifying the problem and getting it out.

Expressive writing positively affects your anxiety through:

  • Clearing and calming the mind.
  • Releasing negative feelings and stress.
  • Releasing negative thoughts.
  • Enabling you to explore your experiences with anxiety.
  • Helping you understand your successes and struggles.
  • Enhancing self-awareness and understanding about your triggers.
  • Tracking the progress of your treatment.

Journaling has helped students suffering from anxiety by improving their engagement and enhancing meaning in the classroom.     

7. Journaling and Stress Management

Journaling is great tool for anyone who wants to manage his or her stress to prevent it from pushing him or her to anxiety and depression. Keeping a journal will help you understand your emotions, connect thoughts and experiences and release tension. Additionally, it can help you do away with sources of stress to reach your goals.

Journaling can help you manage stress through:

  • Improving the functions of your mind.
  • Decreasing or eliminating several health conditions.
  • Strengthening the immune system.
  • Proper planning through considering several possible outcomes of a situation.  
  • Decreasing rumination while enhancing action.

8. Journaling and Recovery

Journaling can help you heal fast regardless of the event, disorder or habit you are struggling with.

If you are struggling with the effects of trauma, expressive writing will enable you to see the good side of life. It can change your perspective and help you discover the advantages of the trauma you are experiencing which ultimately reduces severe symptoms that come with trauma.

If you are struggling with an eating disorder, journal writing can be a source of your healing and recovery. Keeping a journal will help you stop avoiding issues and instead confront them head on.

If you are grappling with a psychiatric condition, expressive writing can help you understand your thoughts and stop worrying over them. This will ultimately free up your mind to cope with stress and manage your feelings.

One of the most traumatic events is the death of a loved one. Journaling can help you deal with this as well. Expressive writing will give you a chance to think about the loss and reduce severe symptoms that come with grief. This works even for children dealing with the loss of a loved one.

To fully recover, journaling is an important exercise because it allows you to write your thoughts, emotions and emotions. Doing this maintains and solidifies your identity. It gives you a chance to reflect on your experiences and rediscover yourself.

9. When You Have No Idea What to Write About

Some days, you will simply have no idea what to write about. You should not put your journal away if this is the case. Here are a few suggestions:

  • Describe an experience – Sometimes, all you can do to start writing is describing what you worked on today or what you thought about. You will definitely have more to say than you thought.
  • Affirmation – When you have run out of ideas and your self-esteem is low, write affirmations such as, “I like myself” or “I am a great writer.” After this exercise, you will find something to write about and at the same time, boost your confidence and enhance your well-being.
  • Gratitude – Writing with gratitude works like magic. Write about the people and everything in your life that you are grateful for. Gratitude will help you get ideas to write on and enhance your well-being.
  • Self-Analysis – Ask yourself deep questions such as “Who am I?”, “What did I do right today?” and “What will I do differently next time?” Once you answer these questions, ideas will start flowing in your mind.


Journaling has many positive outcomes for everyone. However, it has its negative side such as dragging up memories that you forgot, overwhelming emotions and pushing you into introspectiveness. The good news is that its benefits far outweigh the disadvantages.

Journaling can help you manage stress, anxiety and depression. It is a tool that can improve your mental health. And you do not need to be a terrific writer to write down your thoughts and emotions. If you need help to process all your thoughts and emotions that can arise from journaling, try speaking to a licensed therapist.

Remember, your journal is private. Keep it somewhere safe after use. And write every single day.    

About the Author

Tiffany Harper is an experienced writer from New York (USA) and an extremely active woman. She began her career as a journalist, now she works as a consultant with professional essay writers, essay writing service uk, UK Assignment Holic, makes researches for rush essay, Essay Mama writing service, and UK Assignment Holic. Also, Tiffany works as a special mentor with RushMyEssay, BestEssay, boom essays reviews, AustralianWritings, mostly in wellness and healthy lifestyle area. She gets inspiration for writing from travels and meeting new people, feel free to contact her on Twitter.

Positive Words Research – How to Use Journaling for Mental Health

How to Use Journaling for Mental Health

7 Tips To Choose Best Essay Writers Online For Best Content

Hiring a custom paper writing services is not an easy way to get your assignment professionally in writing. It is important which helps to overcome problems. In making the right paper writing service, you need to spend some time to get the best professionals in writing to complete your task. Here are some tips and ideas in choosing the right and best professional writer online.

Tips in choosing the best custom writing service online:

  • Make sure to study every website of the writing companies or agencies online. This will make you to choose the right one so that you can even compare the best.
  • Always compare the websites and read a little about their company. This will make you in getting an idea of the skills, styles, grammar of the writers and their vocabulary strength.
  • After selecting some of the websites, make some research on their companies and find presence in the internet by taking the help of some reviews.
  • Read the company’s website and review some of the sample writings which will be present in every website. Take the reviews of the writers which can be visible in the website. Ensure that their articles are plagiarism free and unique content.
  • Then compare the rates with the other chosen companies. And check the styles, services, dependability of meeting deadlines in submitting the essays or assignments. You even need to make sure about the money back guarantee option, revision policies, time factors, proof reading facility, after work assistance, giving ideas to expanding the work improvement.
  • Most important thing to look is the address. Check out to know if they are local or foreign. Most of the native companies are better as hard copies can be easily sent to you or can submit the assignments freely and quickly.
  • Check out the open line of communication with the company. You need to have the direct communication with the writer for your professionally writing. This will develop your strategy content which can improve the quality of the content writing.

Plus points for students in taking help of paper writing services:

Students can hire writing companies to complete their tasks. They can help students to become stress-free. They have creative and expert in writing. There are some more plus points for students in taking the help of services. They are:

Practical knowledge: students can get practical knowledge about their work. Professionals will increase the understanding because they will make the topics and concepts clearly so that the student can understand. By this, even students can get the technical knowledge with the practical knowledge.

Way of writing: if the student is making an effort with writing, then he/she don’t have certain writing skills. For perfect writing skills, you need know the format of essay and you need to know the proper way of writing.

Thinking skills: paper writing skills improves the thinking capacity. They will give a paper and time to think. You can improve your writing skills and can get newer ideas in writing.

Self- creator: you can become your own creator of your topic or assignment through the essay writing services. Even you can learn something new from the services online and their given assignments.  All you need to consider genuine company that will able to provide custom papers writing service.

Positive Words Research – Tips To Choose Best Essay Writers Online

Tips To Choose Best Essay Writers Online

5 Tips On How Can Writing Reduce Your Level of Stress

Humans face stress as a result of different aspects of life such as work, relationships or finances. School going teenagers also face stress as a result of difficult subjects, bullying in school, examinations, peer pressure and much more. That’s why people would rather hire an essay editing service than deal with that. This is why dealing with stress remains one of the most common essay topics.

While stress in life may be unavoidable, one of the best things we should learn is on how to deal with stress. According to recent research, maintaining a daily journal can be great of clearing your mind of stress and fighting anxiety. Writing down a journal of emotion before taking a test has been noted to boost performance in exams. This is on top of the fact that recording your thought can be a great way of solving the problem.

What studies say

When you keep a diary or journal, this will help you to document your experiences and thoughts. According to the studies, journaling is not only effective in relieving stress anxiety, but it can help those who write to increase their lifespan. In one of the studies that were published in the Psychotherapy Research, it was noted that psychotherapy patients who released their emotions by expressive writing enjoyed better reductions in their anxiety, but this also helped to reduce their symptoms of depression.

This means that by recording how you feel, you can reduce the amount of worrying that you experience. In another study that was published in Behavior Modifications, it was noted that expressive writing was able to reduce symptoms of generalized anxiety disorders such as depression and worry. This means that essay writing is not always hard. It has its own benefits.

How writing reduces stress and anxiety

It is not clear why keeping a stress relief journal is beneficial. However, there are some reasons that are believed to be the reasons why writing a thought journal is beneficial. These include:

  • Making it possible for you to sort out and also clarify your emotions and thoughts
  • Allowing you to reflect upon the journeys of your life as you look at your past journal entries
  • Giving you time to reflect on your emotions and feelings to help you understand them better
  • Offering you an outlet to express the difficult emotions like frustration and anger without hurting your loved one
  • Enabling you to get rid of those negative thoughts and helping you move to a happier state of mind.

How to start a stress release diary

Recording your thoughts is different from writing an essay as there are no rules to follow. In case you have an interest in recording your thoughts, getting started is easy. You will only need a pen, paper and a computer. There are people who find that experience of writing using a pen to be quite therapeutic. But there are those who love typing their thoughts. The good thing is that there are certain websites such as LiveJournal that make it possible for people to journal their thoughts privately.

Take time in a quiet and comfortable place where there are no interruptions. Depending on the kind of person you are, choose a particular time each week and day set aside for journaling. Or you may need just to write when you feel like. Ensure that your journal has a date and begin writing. While there are no journaling rules, make sure your notes are as short as possible. Since nobody will be reading the journal, it doesn’t have to be perfect. You may not need an editing service as you do not have to worry about the grammar and punctuations. All you need to do is to keep writing your thoughts as they flow in your mind. According to EssayReviewExpert, one of the essay topics you can choose for your psychology paper is on how writing can help reduce stress.

Effective journaling method

On top of helping you to reduce stress, keeping a journal will help you to keep a record of events. If you don’t know how to do it, try these effective methods:

  • Write down everything, small or big that you would like to achieve in your life
  • Imagine your favourite fictional character is going through a dilemma and write how they would deal with the issue
  • Do an exercise associated with words and use the word stress

Other stress relieving method

It is worth noting that writing a journal is not an end and a fix for many patients suffering from mental issues as well as PTSD. There are some people who will not love writing. If you are finding it difficult to keep a diary, there are other methods you can use to relieve your stress like:

  • Sharing your thoughts with a close friend, relative or teacher
  • Getting an online support group
  • Singing it out
  • Painting or drawing
  • Speaking with mental health professionals, like the ones at BetterHelp

The most important thing is to reduce your stress by finding a creative way of expressing your happy thoughts and emotions.


People respond to stress differently. There are those who prefer to drink alcohol, cut themselves or even eat junk food. Instead of engaging in such destructive behaviours, why don’t you try writing as a stress reliever?

Positive Words Research – How Can Writing Reduce Your Level of Stress?

How Can Writing Reduce Your Level of Stress 2

Best 30 Tips On How To Inspire Yourself By Writing Today

Let’s face it; all writers struggle with motivation, and even the most disciplined ones can hit a dead end. A lot of things can affect your ability to write. Sometimes we are pressured by a deadline, or we don’t like the topic, or we just feel lost, and our mind is blank.

The sad thing is we can’t force our brain to jump back into writing, no matter how much we try. This happens to be quite a frustrating situation for many writers.

However, it all comes to challenging yourself and how big is your desire to get back on tracks. To help you find inspiration, I’ve made a list of 30 easy tasks, which should do the trick.

1. Imagine yourself writing

I know how silly this may sound, but while imagining your fingers going over the keyboard can trick your mind like you are actually writing something.

2. Remind yourself the REASON why you’re writing

Don’t write because someone made you do it! Write because you want to state something, or because you want to share your experience. You may check out this page for additional info on how to find your “reason”

Money can be a powerful motivation as well!

3. Commit to a daily goal

For instance: 500 words, five paragraphs, one hour!

Once you commit to it, there is no postponing, excuses, or whining!

4. Let yourself write horribly, just get that 1st draft out!

When we want to impress readers, we tend to use complicated words. However, this takes too much time!

Don’t try to be perfect! It’s easier to correct a rough draft than to write something from the beginning.

5. Find a quiet, clean, well-lit place to write

Environment plays a crucial role in this creative process. Find a place that will bring you positive energy, and block all loud noises.

 6. Switch up your environment to kickstart your creativity

To be in work more, you need to have a decided workplace. However, this can sometimes burden your mind. Try changing scenery, go to a park or a bookstore.

7. Look at your old comments

Take a look at past comments and try to draw a conclusion. They can serve you as insight and boost your inspiration.

 8. Slash your to-do list in ½

Get rid of all the things that burned your mind. This involves all the extra tasks on your to-do list! In this case, you will be more focused on the writing.

9. Ask a good friend to critique your topic

Your friend can often give you a new idea you and inspire you to write better.

10. Take breaks

Writing is all about finding a balance. If you are burnt out, then you won’t achieve anything. Give yourself 30 minutes, two hours, a couple of days. Your brain will tell when it’s ready to continue.

11. Listen to music that fits your writing

Music improves our mood and can affect our creative process. Choose a song on foreign language, so you aren’t distracted by the lyrics.

12. Hang out with successful or self-driven people

Surround yourself with accomplished individuals. He or she will serve you like an essay helper, and you will be more eager to continue with writing.

13. Exercise

As much as we hate exercising, it’s quite beneficial for our mind. It gets the oxygen flowing, giving you the rush of adrenaline, and make your brain active again.

14. Drink coffee, tea, chocolate, anything that has caffeine!

Caffeine will get you focused and make you feel like you are on top of the game.

15. Challenge yourself on your next post

Keep in mind the previous results, views, and comments. Put 120% effort to overcome the previous numbers.

16. Be physically comfortable

Wear baggy clothes, find a comfortable chair, get nice and cosy. You would be surprised how these small things can affect your writing.

17. Use tools to help you write better

There are a lot of online tools you can explore nowadays. They have time and speed up this entire process. My go-to tools are Grammarly and Copyscape.

18. Talk to other writers

Join a group of writers where you can share your ideas, but also issues. You are not the only one stuck in this situation.

19. Write something that’s been on your mind recently

Strat with recent events, things that have been bugging you for a long time. You would be surprised how easy it is to write about your thoughts.

20. Write something you can teach

Every person has a special talent, but not everyone is ready to share it with the rest of the world. In this case, tell people about your experiences and make them learn something from you.

21. Announce online that you’ll write every day.

Public pressure will motivate you to write more. Telling the entire world about your intentions will be enough to get you started.

22. Turn off your monitor and just start typing

This is a common trick many writers use. It will promote your habit of writing.

23. Read a story

Think of this as a brain exercise. Every time you take something to read, it will relax you additionally.

24. Reward yourself for writing

Your brain thrives on rewards. Think about your paycheck or bonus, once you complete the task. Imagine all the things you can do with that money.

25. Mix your day up

Live can be pretty dull if you are doing the same things. Try mixing your schedule. For instance, instead of writing in the morning, become a night owl.

26. Read inspirational quotes

Inspirational quotes are instant mood boosters. You can use them if you want to highlight a particular part of your story.

27. Get emotional

If you want your readers to feel the emotions, then you need to be able to transfer all your thoughts into writing. Think about difficult or happy situations in your life and draw inspiration from there.

28. Do something fun

Watch a funny movie, check YouTube video, hit the social networks, do anything that will entertain your mind.

29. Buy smiley stickers + calendar

Visit the local store and purchase these two items. So, every time you are writing put a sticker to mark the day.

30. Write yourself a little note for the next day

Writing is a challenging and mind-draining task. However, it feels nice to receive a short letter from yourself, telling you how great you are!


Once you review all these tasks, you will see how writing can be comfortable and relaxed. You may even add a couple of more steps, to boost your motivation.

Humans are individual creatures and what works for one, doesn’t mean it will work for another. That’s why you have to find the things that will inspire you and keep you going.

But for now, try exploring these steps. Many writers found them to be beneficial, so they should have the same effect on you.

Positive Words Research – How To Inspire Yourself By Writing

15 Positive Movies That Will Help You Beat a Creative Slump

Certainly, you are quite aware that various movies meet various needs for viewers. Some movies are exclusively horror-like, others are comic, while some others are romantic. There are also some movies meant for motivating and enhancing the creativity of their viewers. These movies would help you get a positive mood and we would briefly discuss fifteen of them here. Relax!

1. Goal!

Are you able to dream? Even if you can, Goal will still challenge you to dream more. How Santiago Munez, gardener-turned-footballer, achieved his dreams is sure to show you can maximize every stuff you are made of.

2. Jiro Dreams of Sushi

The film features Jiro Ono who stars as a restaurant proprietor and sushi chef well-known for his dexterity and expensive dinners. The movie tells us how Jiro follows his manager about, manages his workers and attends to vendors just to ensure he lives a better life. The movie teaches viewers on how lasting dedication and passion for value can be rewarding.

3. Enron: The Smartest Guys in the Room

This is one of those movies that cautions you to look out for the red flags in business. The storyline is a thorough look into the escapades of a one-time energy company, Enron, which was valued at about $70billion but liquidated in 2001. The movie helps you see into the most likely causal psychology and collapse of great business outfits.

4. TED Talks: Life Hacks

The collection consists of ten reputable TED lectures which provide hints and directions for making it in life, career and business. These collection of success stories from TED organizers drawing bigwigs from the field of psychology, technology, research, finance and more would make you tap from their great stream of knowledge! Even professional assignment writing experts also tap from TED lectures to produce best results.

5. Freakonomics

Based on the works of Stephen Dubner and Steven Levitt, this 2010 film gives you an effective exploration of the economic and scientific concepts behind why humans behave the way they do. It is highly motivational! Be you a customer, coworker or employee you’ll love to see it. This is another movie in the bag for you. Sure!

6. Wimbledon

A hitherto, not-so-successful Peter desiring to play for the last time at the Wimbledon tournament, meets Lizzie. After a number of weeks as the games proceed, they became so intimate and fell in love. The love between them rather improved them.

7. American Experience: Henry Ford

This is a film that gives you an eyes-on experience of that great manufacturer of automobiles called Ford. The film depicts to you how much you can assume any height of greatness from whatever level you may seem to be. Can you really tell about how little Henry, a farm house boy, turned a mogul in little time? If you cannot you need to watch this movie!

8. Love and Basketball

Life sets Quincy and Monica apart when, over the years their friendship had become a genuine feeling. Quincy becomes a sport pro and forgets his girlfriend. However, they met again. The story line shows us a real and strong bond of love between two folks.

9. Steve Jobs: One Last Thing

The filmmakers, through that great guy, Steve Jobs, show you how an inspiring job, long-last legacy in technology and its marketing and the heroic presentations of the product goes a long way in determining anyone’s chances of becoming a wannabe entrepreneur in today’s economy.

10. Something Ventured

This chronicles the adventures of successful and productive venture capitalists. They either through good luck or sheer ingenuity built and developed one of the early-bird technology companies like Atari, Apple, Intel, and Google. The film gives you a front-row account on how the power of investment and technology can help change the face of modern businesses. Enjoy!

11. Burt Buzz

Just like you could hire a writer for your paper needs, this movie relays to us how Shavitz started as a hire – a young photojournalist in NY City. Shavitz however made the business a multi-billionaire brand. You can also see how the complicated relationship with co-founder Roxanne Quimby made the enterprise of Shavitz to fizzle out and its eventual acquisition by Clorox company.

12. Print the Legend

This movie takes you into viewing experience of the emerging 3-D printing enterprise. It shows you how Formlabs and MakerBot both vie to be the subsequent tech companies producing everything – be it footwear, handguns or human organs.

13. Wal-Mart: The High Cost of Low Price

This is a movie that shows you the great cost behind running great businesses in America. It reveals to us how Wal-Mart began with negative trends like under-employing their staff. However, since the debut of the movie, it shows again how the American tech company recorded drastic changes. The story line has a controversial side to it though.

14. Somm

This is a warm motivational movie that challenges you to chase your dreams and follow your passion, no matter tower-like they maybe. The film features four men who prepare for some master sommelier paper. Even if they seek some assistance with Brill Assignment Help, their passion at preparing for the papers overtakes them and consumes those around them.

15. Food, Inc.

Many researchers like those from Proessaywriting can say much about issues relating to striking a balance between the desires of corporations to maximize profits and the need to guarantee the health of their consumers and the well-being of their environment. This movie captures everything fully.


If you desire to spur yourself towards creativity and motivation you may relax with these movies. Though some movies are not entirely positive, they yet enhance you. You can also order movie reviews papers to write some positive contents and shoot them as movies with videographers.

Tiffany Harper is an experienced freelance writer working with Essay Writing Lab, essay writers, Brill Assignment Help, Proessaywriting, Term Paper Service Australia and College-Paper. She found herself in writing very early and still improves her skills. Tiffany likes to write during traveling and meeting new people. You can find her on Twitter.

Positive Words Research – 15 Positive Movies That Will Help You to Beat a Creative Slump

15 Positive Movies That Will Help You to Beat a Creativity Slump

How Can You Become A Professional In The Writing Industry

Writing was merely a hobby and passion in the previous times but now it has become a profession and a career. People who were good at words started to explore things that could make this hobby to be turned into their earning source and a number of things were found out. These things included article writing services, Wikipedia writing services, book writing, and such other things. Out of all Wikipedia, writing services were one of the innovative writing services that are opted in recent times. Well, the actual point here is what you have to get to become a professional in the industry of writing, and here are a few points of how you can become a professional in the writing industry.

1. You must be a writing artist

Everything that requires creativity and innovation makes you an artist and the ultimate form of creativity is to express your thoughts and emotions through words. To become a professional in the writing industry you must be good with words and writing them according to the requirements that are posed in front of you. Your writing must be so creative and attractive that your target audience must get inspired from what you are writing. This is the most important thing that you need to have in terms of becoming a professional writer.

2. You need to read a lot

Reading and writing go hand in hand and people who have the urge are often the ones who love to read as well. Reading becomes a hobby when you are in love with words. You can become a writer even without reading but to get something impressive off your writing you need to read as well. Reading will get you to increase your word bank and the vocabulary will be improved.

3. Get experiences

Writing is not only about lining the words up perfectly but it is also about communicating the ideas and thoughts as well as expressing the experiences. Until you don’t experience things you might not be able to bring a masterpiece out of it. Words are merely words until they have emotions, feelings, and experiences and including these things in words makes them become an art.

4. Don’t be afraid of showing emotions

People have often thought that writers are the sad souls due to the choice of their words but the actual case is that a good writer is never afraid to show his emotions. They don’t make alterations in their words and let the emotions be a source of inspiration for their words. If you want to become a writer you must get hang of the thing that you must not be afraid to show your emotions because emotions do add value to your writing.

5. Adjust to the requirements

Well, this might look a bit different from all the things that have been mentioned above, however, this is important for writers. When it comes to professionalism people need to know that in the professional field there are some requirements that make the work of an expert to be constrained the same is the case with writing. Writers must be able to adjust their writing according to the requirements and needs such as while blogging they can do whatever they want but while working for a Wikipedia writing service they need to that their writing must formal and non-promotional as well as they should write according to the guidelines of Wikipedia. The writer is not able to adjust to the requirements they might face rejections in their writing.

6. Learn everything by yourself

Have you ever heard of a degree in the field of writing? Have you heard of any course that makes you learn the writing skills? This is the hardest part of becoming a writer that you have to learn everything by yourself. Nobody in this world has learned to write from anyone but their own selves. Thus, if you want to get into the industry of writing you need to know that everything you want to learn will always be learned by your own self and by your own effort. It is more like saying that practice and experience will make you a professional in this field.

These 6 things are something that you might have already heard about but possibly you wouldn’t have heard that these things might make you become a professional writer. The ability of writing might be said to be the thing that is an inner talent or a gift of God but working on these things will surely enhance your ability to write.

Positive Words Research – How Can You Become A Professional In The Writing Industry?

Writing Industry Professional

Best 9 Productivity Hacks For Procrastinators To Act Now

Procrastination is a habit of postponing your obligations without an apparent reason. This type of behavior includes everything from getting up from the bed to meeting a job deadline. Once a person sinks deep into procrastinating they may experience difficulties with getting back on the track. Although procrastination has some upsides like not rushing into decisions and actions, it’s important to learn how to avoid getting into trouble.

There is a common misconception that procrastination leads directly to lower productivity. This sort of claim, however, is not entirely true. Although it’s not advisable to postpone your work and leave for tomorrow what you can finish today, people don’t just stare at the wall, doing nothing. While work is on hold, one might do some online shopping, pay the bills, clean up the house a bit, etc. When you put everything on paper, this could count like fairly productive time.  Additionally, writers often take time before they start working on a project. While the deadline keeps closing in, a writer’s mind keeps working on ways to finish the project. When that “last minute” hits, the writer would sit down and become more efficient.

Case study service editor Miranda Black states: “I always prepare for work by cleaning up around my desk because it keeps my mind free and more creative. When the time comes, my mind is already prepared to execute the task.” This actually means that procrastination is not the opposite of productivity, to say the least, it helps a person become more productive if you follow some simple rules.

 1. Don’t snooze

We already mentioned waking up as one of the issues that procrastinators really have trouble dealing with. In most cases, they would hit the snooze button endlessly until the last minute, and not too seldom until they’re already late. There is an easy trick that might help you cope with this kind of problem.

  • Set the most annoying alarm sound you can think of. This could be a song you don’t like or a high-pitch sound that’s difficult to listen for longer than ten seconds.
  • Don’t put your phone or alarm clock near to you. This way you will have to get out of the bed in order to stop the alarm ringing. Once you get up from your bed it’s unlikely that you’ll go back.

In addition, you can set more alarms so if you manage to ignore the first one, the others will make you jump out and seize the day.

2. Create a schedule

Break your day into actionable segments. Make every moment of your time count by setting up deadlines for each part of the day. However, don’t forget to add some free time, it will help you to juice up and continue with your work. Pauses are excellent productivity boosters.

3. Move your deadline ahead

This practice allows you to start earlier with your work, even if you wait for that last minute bell. The fact that you know you still have the time to finish the project will simply keep you relaxed, therefore you won’t rush or do something wrong because you were too hasty.

4. Keep your phone as far as possible

Although there are hundreds of productivity apps and time trackers, phones are the easiest way to lose track of time. What starts with answering a simple message could result in hours lost on social networks, funny videos, etc. Leave the phone aside and answer only to important phone calls.

5. Carrot and a stick

We all like gifts, no matter who is presenting us with the prize. Therefore, rewarding yourself for a job well done is a great way to motivate yourself to work. For example, you can set up different awards for various milestones.

6. Get out of the house

It’s easy to stagnate when you’re inside. Getting comfy on your sofa while watching your favorite show is the easiest way to forget you have work to do. If you feel bad about delaying your work but you just can’t get enough focus to start working, it’s best to get out and take a walk. The fresh air will do you good, oxygen will pump up your brain and give you the energy to start working.

7. Use notes

Write down your obligations and put them in places where you spend the most of your time. If you go to the fridge and you see a large note saying “Clean up the pool” it should make you go out and finish this daunting task momentarily.

8. Wake up earlier

If you feel that you need more time to finish all your work, consider waking up earlier. It will give you a few extra hours that you might need in order to finish your tasks and have enough time to procrastinate as well.

9. Cut corners where you can

Most procrastinators are perfectionists. They don’t start working until they’re absolutely sure they will put out the best results and finish everything perfect up to a fault. Try and become just a bit looser when it comes to working. Work until it’s done, not until it’s perfect.


As we can see, procrastination is not the end of the world. However, it makes you waste a whole lot of time. We human beings can get back most of the things that we lose, time is not one of them. Once lost time is forever lost. Use your time wisely.

Author’s Bio

Mary Whitman

Mary Whitman is a freelance writer and blogger based in Adelaide, South Australia. In her spare time, she enjoys talking about Sustainable Development and writing essays.
Here at Positive Words Research, we are looking to share with our readers original content that hasn’t been published on other sites so if you are comfortable with Positive Words Research being your sole publisher, we are more than happy to share with our readers your inspiring and empowering story.

Positive Words Research – 9 Productivity Hacks For Procrastinators

Best 6 Tips On Teaching Kids How to Write a Paragraph

Being a parent is probably one of the most difficult tasks, so you need to be ready to accept every challenge. Especially, when your child is entering school and needs to write his first paragraphs and essays.

Especially, when your child is entering school and needs to write his first paragraphs and essays. And when your child asks you to help to “write my paper“.

Not all children are born to be writers and find it difficult to put their thoughts onto paper. That is why parents do whatever it takes to help their children and try to complete homework together. You should always consider such assignments as a chance to spend time together, without putting too much pressure on your child and his abilities.

This article contains useful tips and advice, which will surely help your child to write paragraphs without any difficulties. Remember, the best way to write well is to write about something that you are interested in. Spend some time to choose a topic, determine parts of the text and build a sort of a ‘hamburger’. Proofread and edit the paragraphs you have and you will surely create a text, worth the highest grades!

1. Select an Interesting Topic

Usually, the teacher gives quite a limited number of topics to choose from or offers only one. However, if you have a chance to select the topic, make sure it is familiar and interesting. In such a way, your child will find it much easier to write and complete the assignment properly.

Such topics may include hobbies, like sports or music, book reviews, favorite cartoons or descriptions of places and events. Most children also find it quite easy to write about members of the family or describe the scenery.

2. Identify the parts of a paragraph

Knowing the approximate structure of the paragraph may greatly simplify the whole task, so you need to help your child to make an outline or a brief plan of the future work:

  • Thematic sentence. It opens the essay and conveys the main thought;
  • Details, which give additional information on the subject;
  • A conclusion that tells about data, presented in the paragraph.

Remember that your paragraph should be simple and straight to the point, without heavy constructions and too many details. They may be confusing and your child will find it difficult to follow the topic.

3. The hamburger paragraph

Sometimes children may find it difficult to understand the structure above, so you can use the example of the ‘hamburger’ to explain everything clearly.

Try to show your child that any paragraph should consist of certain layers, as explained above. These layers resemble a hamburger, which also consists of ingredients that have a certain structure.

4. Using Real Examples

The best way to explain the structure of an essay or a paragraph is to use examples. Show your child different books or magazines and try to explain how the paragraph is built.

Try to choose the books or articles he likes, which describe simple things and have a clear structure, without too many details and elements.

5. Make a paragraph puzzle

Once you have explained everything about the parts of the paragraph, offer your child to play a game of puzzles. Choose a simple paragraph and divide it into pieces, like a puzzle.

Offer your child to connect these pieces together and you will see how easily your child will understand and remember the structure of any paragraph.  You can complete this task multiple times until your child will master the technique and will be able to divide the paragraph and gather it together without anyone’s help.

6. Write and edit the paragraphs

The first thing you need to do is to create a draft of your paragraph, as described above. It shouldn’t be flawless and contain only the main ideas you are going to include in the text.

Then you need to proofread your paragraph multiple times and edit the parts, which don’t seem to fit.

Not all these tools and methods may help your child to complete a good and thoughtful paragraph but you should avoid scolding him!  You need to remember that not all children are born to be writers and your child may have better skills in music, math, or dancing.

The educational system has made a step forward, neglecting the rules of compulsory studies, so there is always a chance to contact a professional writing service, like Ohmyessay, which will always be ready to help.

Author’s Bio

Sasha Capable is a creative freelance writer from Chicago. She gained a degree at the University of Chicago and started a career at EssaysArea writing company, who are dealing with all sorts of high school and college tasks. Now she writes for the Studiscover blog, where she shares her experience, and works as a part-time editor. Sasha improves her skills all time and spends hours, gaining online education and completing various courses.

Here at Positive Words Research, we are looking to share with our readers original content that hasn’t been published on other sites so if you are comfortable with Positive Words Research being your sole publisher, we are more than happy to share with our readers your inspiring and empowering story.

Positive Words Research – Teaching Kids How to Write a Paragraph


Top 5 Skills I Wish My College Would Have Taught Me

A person spends the most important time of his life earning the jewel of education and knowledge. It requires decades to obtain a Master’s Degree so you can spend the next decade of your life getting a reputed job to pay your bills.
Unfortunately, college students are still searching for new ways and sources to learn those skills which are important to succeed in practical life.

Colleges are designed to equip students with a professional education which is imperative for the future of a student. However, the ground realities are much different than it supposed to be.
These colleges now are only providing the wealth of information limited to classrooms and college. In the outside world, this is not as required as it used to be. This is due to outdated course material and useless exercises.

The college which is supposed to teach us skills for the future like speaking and communication led us down, and students are searching for custom dissertation services from outside to keep their education in the right flow.
That is why I and other people like me had to make efforts on our own to learn those skills which were the responsibility of colleges to teach us.

We know how much effort we put in to learn these skills. That is why I don’t want others to suffer the same struggle and I wrote this post for their assistance. I am going to list down some major skills that every college should teach their students so they would not have to face embarrassment in practical life.

1. Research

Researching is one of those skills which are really hard to acquire. It requires only one thing, and that is patience. Nowadays researching has become much easier due to the ever-growing intelligence of Google.
We have specific queries through which finding things have become much easier than ever. Though it is important for the query generator to know what he is searching for and which relevant keyword can take him to that desired search result.

Albeit, these queries and all other internet researching hacks are not enough to fulfill the needs of researching required in practical life. It is the routine job of professionals to collect data and information. Not just from the internet but by digging libraries or interviewing people too. Due to different academic services, students have become dependent on these companies and colleges have failed to develop their research skills in them. Which is critical as I mentioned before.

2. Critical Thinking

Without having the skills to find a pin within the bag of sand, you cannot analyze the pin. Without having research skills, it is almost impossible for a person especially a fresh graduate to develop the skill of critical thinking.
Research teaches a person numerous outside things which ultimately connect at some point of research. This becomes the core point of critical thinking.

Critical thinking is one of the most demanded traits in the corporate world. This skill allows a person to view another side of things that most people without critical thinking are unable to see.
If any student develops this skill in his college days, he or she would not only capable of gathering information but can also analyze the collected data from a different perspective.
Through this, students can solve their problems through creative and much more effective ways. Is a plus point which employers always want to see in their employees.

3. Time Management

Most of the problems that students of this era are facing are due to a lack of time management. A billionaire and a homeless both have an equal number of hours in a day. It entirely depends on how a person utilizes these 24 hours and manages them. Once again, college is supposed to be an ideal place to teach you this skill.

Time management is a code that helps you maintaining balance in everything personally and professionally. This is another skill that is hard to acquire but one must-have.
Students can learn this skill on their own too just by bringing discipline into their life. Allotting time for each act of the day and then sticking to this routine can help a student in achieving this skill.

4. Public Speaking

Public speaking is the trait of leaders.
Every leader in the world is a public speaker first and then something else. Colleges try to develop these skills in students by arranging different events and conducting presentation sessions. Students can take out the fear of speaking in front of an audience. However, these efforts can only make you brave enough to speak in public but not capable of speaking the right words.

Public speaking is not only about having a loud voice and being resounding to everyone in the audience. It is more about organizing your thoughts, choosing the right words and the tone that touch the heart of the masses.
This skill is imperative especially when it comes to leadership positions in companies. A person who is a manager or in an authoritative position in the company is responsible for speaking up for his team and to his team to keep their motivations high.

5. Teamwork Skills

Being a professional, one has to be a team player and adaptable to every group. This skill has now become imperative to have since the advent of technology in almost every field of life that requires a team to manage.

Conversely, colleges are working against this trait. Most of the colleges prefer their students to work individually. That is why the grads colleges and universities are producing, are unable to adjust and to cope with all the ups and downs a team faces while working on any project. This skill determines either you are a positive inclusion in any company and a horse of a long race.

Author’s Bio

Joe Pirest is an Entrepreneur and a student of Business Management who likes to work on everything related to media including production, design, and media ethics. He also works with a writing company and gives dissertation help to students in need.
