Positive Words Research has more ongoing projects. Pick one, contact us and become a volunteer for spreading positive words into the world.

Give 5 Positive Words

We have a project called Give 5 Positive Words. To participate in this project you need to make a picture with 5 positive words and share it with your friends.

Tags: #give5positivewords

Think Good About Myself

We have a project called Think Good About Myself. To participate in this project you need to write a good thought about yourself. You can also begin a challenge to write 100 good thought about yourself. For example, you can write one thought every day or you can spread the project on one year period. Share the good thought you have about yourself with your friends.

Tags: #ThinkGoodAboutMyself #100GoodThoughtsAboutMe #Affirmation1 #Affirmation2 …..

Write for Us

We have a project called Write for Us. To participate in this project you need to write an article.

Random Activities

Help us with random activities that we need for Positive Words Research.

Elena D. Calin
Positive Words Research
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