Amazon AWS Certified Solutions Architect: Associate Certification Exam

Opt for Training Courses, Take Practice Tests, and You Are Good to Go for Amazon AWS Certified Solutions Architect – Associate Certification Exam

The IT industry is one of the most competitive fields in the world now that only needs people who possess the required skills. This means that if you want to find your place in the IT sector, you need to make sure that you learn all the right skills. There are a lot of paths that you can choose but one of the most popular technologies today is none other than AWS. If you want to become an expert in this realm, then there are many certifications that you can go for. One of the main badges to pursue is known as Amazon AWS Certified Solutions Architect – Associate. There is so much that you may not know about this credential, so in this article, we will try to talk about the main highlights to lead you to the right path.

A closer look at the exam for Amazon AWS Certified Solutions Architect – Associate

To obtain the Amazon AWS Certified Solutions Architect – Associate certificate, the candidates will need to prepare for the SAA-C02 exam. It is the only test required for this badge, so make sure that you perform well. The applicants will have 130 minutes to complete about 65 questions. The exact number of questions is not disclosed but if you have studied properly, their number should not be a bother. There are a few topics included in Amazon SAA-C02 and they are as follows:

The minimum passing score is 720 points out of 1000 and you will need to get more to ensure that you obtain the credential.

Anyone who is taking the SAA-C02 certification test needs to know a few basic things. For starters, if you want to perform well, you should make sure that you study properly. This means that you will have to start early to have an adequate amount of time and cover all the topics. Exam dumps, practice tests, guides, video tutorials, and training courses can help you with that.

The Amazon SAA-C02 exam is not designed for absolute beginners, so if you want to pass it on the first try, you will need to ensure that you have a bit of experience with AWS. Even if you lack the experience but mastered all the objectives carefully, you may have trouble answering some of the questions.


AWS has become quite popular in recent years, so many organizations are heavily reliant on this infrastructure. Therefore, they need experts who know what they are doing when it comes to working with AWS. If you want to become a true AWS professional, you should become a certified solutions architect. Having the associate-level credential in your hand will mean for the others that you have a strong grasp of all the concepts.

These were some of the main things that you need to know about the AWS Certified Solutions Architect – Associate credential. The Amazon certifications have started to become even more popular and earning one of them will open up a lot of career opportunities. And this is just the tip of the iceberg.

Positive Words Research – Amazon AWS Certified Solutions Architect – Associate Certification Exam

Amazon AWS Certified Solutions Architect – Associate Certification Exam

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