Top 5 Signs You Are Giving Up On Your Dreams And Hopes

Some people are just so lucky.
They seem to know what they want in life since they were kids. They work their ways to do things that make them happy. Also, receive support from their families and friends.

These people become extraordinary in their fields. They love their works and people love them, give them so much attention.

It sucks right? Because life seems so unfair.

While they know exactly who they want to become, you cannot even imagine how you will be in 5 years. Yes, you still remember the childish dream when you were a kid, but come on, who can make a living out of it?

Plus, even if you want to pursue it, it’s too late now. You are already settled down. You don’t like your job but at least it pays you. You have a family to support, you cannot be reckless and risk it all.

Yes, one day you will be working on your dream. It’s just not today. You are way too busy and occupied right now.

When is that “one day”? You don’t know yet. But “one day” you will do it.

What do those successful people know that you don’t?

Not all successful people were born blessed and lucky like you imagined. Many of them struggled in the past, many of them had their own sad stories. Some of them thought of giving up more than one time.

But they have something in common.

They don’t give up on their dream and do everything they can to pursue it.

Do you have that?

Yes, you have a dream. You are passionate about it. Yes, you decided to pursue it. But you decided to work on it “one day”. They are working on their dreams now.

Instead of making excuses to delay it, they decided to work right away.

Do you want to know if you still have the mindset of “almost successful” people? Here are 5 signs that you are giving up on your dream. Tell me, how many of them are you guilty of?

1. Your “should do” list becomes more important than your “want to do”

You know that working and achieving your dream takes time. A very long time indeed. You don’t know if it will be 5 years, 10 years or even 20 years.

Since it is so far away in the future, it can wait a little longer. Because you are busy right now.

You have a long list of things you should do. And you have to do them right away because they are urgent. So “now” is just not a good time.

The more you delay it, the less important your dream become. Your daily chores and errands can even come before your dream.

2. The “I am fine” syndrome

How are you feeling exactly? Frustrated, depressed because of your reality or you are feeling okay and “not too bad”?

Let me tell you about the frog boiling experiment.

If you put a frog into the hot boiled water, it will jump immediately. But if you put it into cold water and cook the water slowly, the frog will stay put until it dies.

The more you get comfortable with the situation you are in, the less chance you have to step out of your comfort zone to get what you really want. Before you know it, your dream is dead without any jumping!

3. You compare yourself with less fortunate people

You often compare yourself with other people. You get jealous and anxious when you see how perfectly talented and happy people are. You become frustrated and think of yourself as a victim.

To get over this feeling, you then decide to compare yourself with less fortunate people. But it’s not because you appreciate your life the way it is. It’s because it makes you feel better about yourself and the situation you are in.

It’s easy to compare yourself with your peers, realizing they are doing worse than you and stop trying to achieve your goals because what you have today is enough.

4. You are not willing to give up other things in your life

Following your dreams is a hard work. It requires commitment and sacrifices. And you are just not ready for it yet.

Do you love watching movies? You can watch series after series for hours. However, you are not ready to stop yet.

Do you love going out to relax at night after work? You are not ready to go home and start studying yet.

Maybe you love traveling. You are not ready to bring your work with you when you travel, and you are not ready to give up traveling yet.

There are many things you love to do, and suddenly they become so important that you feel regretful giving them up. So instead, you put a hold on your dreams, because they are so far away after all.

5. You doubt your dreams

The more you spend the time to think about your dreams, the more unrealistic it becomes. The more you plan it, the more uncertain it becomes. As a consequence, the more you talk about it, the sillier it becomes.

The truth is, it might not have any problem with your dreams and your plan. But in fact, you are doubting yourself.

What you are doing is not planning, it is making excuses and convincing yourself to give up.

Don’t spend your life thinking “what if”

You are ambitious and talented. You might not believe it but you have what it takes to succeed.

Only if you stay with it.

Yes, it is hard, it is painful when you follow your dreams. You will have to sacrifice many hobbies, many chances to have a good time. You will feel vulnerable, scared and excited at the same time.

Only if you stay with it.

Life is short. Don’t spend your life thinking “what if” and regret later.

Your dream is your baby. Your dream is still inside you, screaming and trying to get out and see the light. Give it a chance. Give yourself a chance and go for it.

So stop making excuses, and let’s do it. Together. Right now.

Author’s Bio

Mai Pham believes we can create our own happiness. She helps overwhelmed and frustrated people to ditch their stress and enjoy their lives again. Grab her free actionable cheatsheet: 5 Simple Tips to Release Stress and Bring You Calm in Under 5 Minutes and join her free 7 Joyful Days Challenge email course. Find her on Facebook and Twitter.

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One thought on “Top 5 Signs You Are Giving Up On Your Dreams And Hopes

  1. Great points. People need to think about these and consider what they’re missing out on by putting off their dreams.

    My wife and I questioned our assumptions about what we were “supposed” to be and what we “shouldn’t” do and found a whole lot of baggage and social conditioning that seemed to be holding us in place rather than following our dreams.

    The more we questioned our assumptions, the more we realized that the only thing stopping us from following our dreams was us. A lot of our decisions were made to keep other people happy, while we were putting off our happiness.

    It’s hard to be happy when so many people expect you to do what they need you to do so they can be happy. But just because other people aren’t willing to pursue their happiness, that doesn’t mean you should do what makes them happy and not follow your happiness.

    By the way, I’m writing this from Thailand where my wife and I have been living for nearly a year and a half (we’re from America). Just like boiling a frog, it took a while to prepare everyone for us following our dreams starting with selling our house and most of our posessions. But I can tell you that nothing is better than feeling the pure joy that comes with making your dreams your number one priority.

    Go be happy, people. Make it happen. 🙂

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