DREAM: Dictionary Definition, Meaning, Synonyms, Antonyms, Books

DREAM~ the meaning of the positive word dream ~ A dream is a succession of images, ideas, emotions, and sensations that usually occurs involuntarily in the mind during certain stages of sleep. ~ Wikipedia To have a deep aspiration or hope. To conceive as possible; imagine. Imaginative thoughts indulged in while Read more…

SERENITY: Dictionary Definition, Meaning, Synonyms, Antonyms, Books

Serenity se·ren·i·ty səˈrenədē/ [suh–ren-i-tee] noun The state of being calm, peaceful, and untroubled. The artwork that this post represents was created by Serenity! Serenity also wrote an amazing blissful inspiring poem for this word intituled Serenity, Oh Serenity! Positive Words Research – SERENITY definition – meaning | Dictionary Positive Words

BLISSED OUT: Dictionary Definition, Meaning, Synonyms, Antonyms, Books

blissed-out adjective \ˈblist-ˈau̇t\ experiencing bliss, to be overwhelmed by bliss, ecstatic, completely and extremely happy and relaxed, blissful, blissfulness Definitions from various dictionaries The Free Dictionary   blissed-out Urban Dictionary   blissed-out Merriam-Webster   blissed-out Cambridge Dictionary   blissed-out Dictionary.com   blissed-out MacMillan Dictionary    blissed-out Your Dictionary    blissed-out Positive Words Research – BLISSED OUT Read more…

EQUANIMITY: Dictionary Definition, Meaning, Synonyms, Antonyms, Books

EQUANIMITY ~ the meaning of the positive word equanimity ~ Equanimity is a noun and stands for calmness and composure, especially in a difficult situation. Synonyms: composure, calmness, calm, level-headedness, self-possession, self-control, even-temperedness, coolness, cool-headedness, presence of mind. Antonyms: anxiety. Equanimity as explained in Wikipedia. Equanimity as explained in The Free Read more…

RASASVADA: Dictionary Definition, Meaning, Synonyms, Antonyms, Books

Rasasvada meaning Rasāsvāda means appreciation, sipping on juice, the perception of pleasure. in Indian philosophy, it refers to the taste of bliss in the absence of all thought which is an obstacle in the path leading to Nirvikalpa Samādhi. It is aesthetic consciousness. Source: Wikipedia.com Positive Words Research – RASASVADA Read more…

GREATFULL: Dictionary Definition, Meaning, Synonyms, Antonyms, Books

Discover the comprehensive definition, rich meaning, diverse synonyms, and contrasting antonyms of the word ‘GREATFULL’ with our curated dictionary. Explore a world of knowledge and delve into related books to enhance your understanding. Language is a beautiful tapestry of words, each with its unique meaning and nuance. One such word Read more…

GEMUTLICHKEIT: Dictionary Definition, Meaning, Synonyms, Antonyms, Books

Unlock the essence of ‘GEMUTLICHKEIT’ with our comprehensive dictionary. Discover its definition, delve into its rich meaning, explore synonyms and antonyms, and find recommended books to deepen your understanding. Language is a mirror to the culture and emotions of a society. Some words carry a unique charm, encapsulating complex feelings Read more…

ALACRITY: Dictionary Definition, Meaning, Synonyms, Antonyms, Books

Discover the essence of ‘ALACRITY’ with our dictionary definition. Explore its profound meaning, synonyms, antonyms, and recommended books to gain a deeper understanding of this dynamic word. In the realm of language, certain words have a unique ability to capture the spirit of a concept in a single breath. ‘ALACRITY’ Read more…

KINDNESS: Dictionary Definition, Meaning, Synonyms, Antonyms, Books

Dive into the world of kindness with our comprehensive guide. Discover the dictionary definition, delve into the profound meaning, explore synonyms and antonyms, and find recommended books to inspire a more compassionate and empathetic life. In a world often marked by challenges and complexities, the simple act of kindness stands Read more…

EARTHING: Dictionary Definition, Meaning, Synonyms, Antonyms, Books

Discover the comprehensive dictionary definition, meaning, synonyms, antonyms, and recommended books on Earthing. Explore the fascinating world of grounding and its benefits. In an era where technology and modern lifestyles often disconnect us from the natural world, the concept of “Earthing” is gaining attention. Also known as grounding, Earthing involves Read more…

BEAUTEOUS: Dictionary Definition, Meaning, Synonyms, Antonyms, Books

Explore the dictionary definition, meaning, synonyms, antonyms, and recommended books related to ‘Beauteous.’ Dive into the world of beauty and aesthetics with insights from authoritative sources and insightful literature. The English language is a treasure trove of words that convey rich meanings and evoke vivid imagery. One such word is Read more…

Discover Positive Words: Definitions, Meanings, and Free Dictionary A to Z

Explore a comprehensive list of 1350 positive words in alphabetical order, complete with definitions and meanings. Access this free dictionary of positivity to uplift your vocabulary and inspire positivity in your life from A to Z. In a world where words hold immense power to shape our thoughts and emotions, Read more…

PRONOIA: Dictionary Definition, Meaning, Synonyms, Antonyms, Books

Dive into the world of Pronoia with a comprehensive dictionary definition, meaning, synonyms, antonyms, and a list of recommended books. Explore the concept of positive paranoia and its intriguing literary connections. In a world often dominated by paranoia, the concept of “Pronoia” offers a refreshing perspective. Pronoia is the belief Read more…

NOVATURIENT: Dictionary Definition, Meaning, Synonyms, Antonyms, Books

Discover the complete definition, meaning, synonyms, antonyms, and recommended books related to NOVATURIENT. Unlock the depth of this intriguing word and explore its rich linguistic landscape with our comprehensive resources. Welcome to the world of NOVATURIENT, a word that encapsulates a realm of curiosity and exploration. In this introduction, we Read more…

SELF-CONFIDENCE: Dictionary Definition, Meaning, Synonyms, Antonyms, Books

Unlock the essence of self-confidence with our comprehensive guide. Explore the dictionary definition, delve into its profound meaning, discover synonyms and antonyms, and dive into recommended books to boost your self-assurance. Self-confidence is having confidence in oneself. Confidence is generally described as a state of being certain either that a hypothesis Read more…