How to Convert Your Writing Hobby into a Successful Business

Nowadays, the marketplace is quickly shifting and changing as the winds blow. The modern technology is continually improving, and therefore the customer’s needs and problems are satisfied through the use of revolutionary ways. As the technology is progressing, so is the digital environment. We live in a digital world where Read more…

This Week’s Positive Word is KINDNESS: Being Kind Is Love

This week’s positive word is KINDNESS Kindness is a characteristic that should be integrated into your life without a second thought. Kindness leads directly to gratitude, appreciation, happiness, and love. Being kind to someone can benefit you just as much as it benefits them. There is actually scientific research that Read more…

Top 15 Positive Feelings Words and Positive Emotions

Find below a list of the top 15 positive feelings words. The list is made based on the research and accumulated knowledge of Positive Words Research. Top 15 Positive Feelings Words and Positive Emotions  1. Grateful In this category, are include positive feelings such as appreciation (being appreciative and appreciated), thankfulness (being Read more…

Positive Words Can Change Your Brain And Restructure It

The words you choose to use can literally transform your brain because positive words can change your brain. While researching about positive words this article came up: “Speak with kindness: How your words literally restructure your brain“. From this article you can understand the followings: Dr. Andrew Newberg, a neuroscientist at Read more…

Discover the Most Beloved Positive Words and Phrases

Explore a curated collection of people’s most cherished positive words and phrases. Dive into the world of uplifting language to boost your mood and communication skills. Find inspiration today! Positive Words Research is conducting research about people’s favorite positive words and phrases. In a world filled with stressors and uncertainties, Read more…

BEAUTEOUS: Dictionary Definition, Meaning, Synonyms, Antonyms, Books

Explore the dictionary definition, meaning, synonyms, antonyms, and recommended books related to ‘Beauteous.’ Dive into the world of beauty and aesthetics with insights from authoritative sources and insightful literature. The English language is a treasure trove of words that convey rich meanings and evoke vivid imagery. One such word is Read more…